본 연구는 농약 허용물질목록관리제도(PLS) 도입이 농산물 중 잔류농약 부적합에 어떠한 영향을 미쳤는지 확인 하기 위해 2018년부터 2020년까지 서울 강서지역에서 유통되는 농산물을 대상으로 잔류농약을 검사하였다. 농산물 8,081건을 대상으로 340종의 동시분석 농약에 대해 GCMS/ MS, GC-MSD, HPLC-MS/MS를 이용하여 분석하였고, 부적합 농산물은 2018년 67건(2.5%), 2019년 49건(1.9%), 2020년 39건(1.4%)으로 나타났다. PLS제도 도입 전과 도입 후의 잔류농약 부적합 증감효과를 알아보기 위해 카이 제곱 검정을 통한 교차분석 결과에서 χ2=8.383, P=0.015 (95% 신뢰수준)를 나타내어 PLS 제도 도입 후에 부적합률이 유의하게 감소함을 알 수 있었다.
This study was conducted to investigate concentrations of pesticide residues in commercial agricultural products collected in the Gangseo area of Seoul from 2018 to 2020. We evaluated the effectiveness of introducing the positive list system (PLS) to monitor pesticide residues exceeding the maximum residue limit (MRL). due to the introduction of the PLS (positive list system). The total number of samples was 8,081 for agricultural products and these were analyzed by multi-residue methods for 340 pesticides using GC-MS/MS, GC-MSD and HPLC-MS/ MS. The violation rates of the samples over the MRLs of pesticide residues established by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in the surveys from 2018, 2019 and 2020 were 2.5%, 1.9% and 1.4%, respectively. Chi-square test analysis was performed to determine the relationship between the introduction of the PLS and the status of violation by year. The analysis result was χ2=8.383, P=0.015. As the P level of P<0.05 was statistically significant, it was found that the violation rates decreased with the introduction of PLS.