산초유 전지질 분획에서 주요 구성지방산 조성은 eicosenoic acid 30.88%, linoleic acid 23.4%, oleic acid 19.94%, palmitic acid 10.52% 순으로 나타났으며, n-9계열 일가불포화지방산이 약 60% 이상을 차지하였다. 또한 산초유의 각 지질 분획의 구성지방산 조성에서는, triglyceride 분획에서 eicosenoic acid가 41.16%로 가장 높았고, 나머지 분획들에서는 olei
The major fatty acids in the Zanthoxylum schinifolium seed oil were eicosenoic acid 30.88%, oleic acid 29.94%, linoleic acid 23.55% and palmitic acid 10.52%. Fatty acid profiles in the each lipid fractions by TLC of the Z. schinifolium seed oil showed the highest composition of eicosenoic acid in triglyceride fraction and oleic acid in other fractions. Mice (ddY male strain) being starved for 24 hr were injected into gastric directly 500 mg of the Z. schinifolium seed oil, and then blood samples were obtained 0, 3 and 6 hr after dosing. In our results, eicosenoic acid appeared to be significantly increased in the serum obtained from 3 and 6 hr after injection of the Z. schinifolium seed oil. In the control mice, however, the serum samples did not exhibited any change of the Z. schinifolium seed oil. Interestingly, eicosenoic acid was significantly increased in the liver of 6 hr mice after injection. In conclusion, eicosenoic acid was the major fatty acid in the Z. schinifolium seed oil, and this fatty acid was significantly increased in the serum obtained 3 and 6 hr after injection in mice.