매실 품종별, 수확시 기별, 부위별 그리고 매실농축액과 매실차 등 매실가공식품의 저장기간에 따른 시안화합물의 변화를 측정하여 얻은 결과는 다음과 같다. 매실 품종별 숙성과정 중 amygdalin 함량의 변화는 과육의 경우 수분후 미숙과인 70일경에는 3개품종이 비슷하였으나 앵숙이 20.2 mg%로 가장 높은 함량을 보였으며, 핵인의 경우는 재래종에서 562 mg%로 나타나 다른 품종에 비하여 1.5∼2.4배 더 높았으며, 부위별로 보면 핵인이 과
Variations of cyanogenic glucoside was investigated on varieties, picking date, each part and processed flood of Ume. First, variation of amygdalin contents was determined by HPLC during ripening. As a result in case of peels, Oshuku showed most highest content(20.2 mg%) in all varieties. In case of seeds, Native species showed most highest content(562 mg%), and seeds contented more than peels. And then, variation of prunasin contents was determined by HPLC. As a results in case of peels, native species contented most lowest prunasin in all varieties, and its contents slightly decreased with increased storage periods. Other hand, in case of seeds, native species contented most highest prunasin(177 mg%). Contents of amygdalin and prunasin of extracts was determined by HPLC during six month ripening. As a result, in case of freezing storages contents of those not changed hardly during ripening. But, in case of native storage, contents of amygdalin was decreased and prunasin was increased with increased aging periods. Profile of Ume tea was similar to extracts of it.