수입 참깨가루로 제조한 참기름의 품질과 위생적 안정성에 대한 기초자료를 얻고자 통참깨와 참깨가루를 원료로한 참기름의 일반성분, 화학적 특성, 지방산, sesamol, sesamolin, sesamin 함량 및 AOM에 의한 유도기간 등을 비교 조사하였다. 일반성분 중 수분은 통참깨에 비해 참깨가루가 월등히 낮게 나타났으며, 단백질은 거의 차이가 없었다. 참기름의 화학적 특성으로 산가와 검화가는 참깨가루가 통참깨에 비해 높게 나타났으며, 요오드가는
In order to obtain the basal data far quality and sanitary stability of sesame oil extracted from imported sesame flours oil of whole sesame and flour sesame were investigated the proximate composition, chemical properties, fatty acid composition, sesamol, sesamolin, sesamin contents and oxidation induction period by AOM test. Moisture contents of sesame flours were less remarkably than whole sesame. There were no differences in proteins. Acid value and saponiflcation value were higher sesame flour oil than whole sesame oil. iodine value of sesame flour oil were lower than whole sesame oils. In fatty acid composition of sesame oil, contents of linolenic acid and linoleic acid were 222.44 ∼144.14 and 2713.00 ∼ 1776.46 mg/mL, respectively. And the contents of linoleic acid and γ-linoleic acid were lower sesame flour oil than whole sesame oil. The sesamol contents of sesame oil were higher whole sesame oil than sesame flour oil, sesamol content of India whole sesame oil was highest of them. The sesaminl sesamolin contents of Korean whole sesame oil were the Highest Oxidation induction periods of sesame oil by AOM were 6.76 and 13.35 In on north Korea and Chinese sesame flour oil, respectively. Therefore, it appears that oxidative stability was lower in north Korea and China sesame flour oil than in whole sesame oil group.