땅콩의 새로운 소비형태인 풋땅콩의 적정 저장방법을 구명하고자 생협실 및 증자협 실을 상온 및 4에서 저장 중 품질변화를 조사한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 수분함량은 상온 및 4에서 저장기간이 경과할수록 감소되는 경향이었으며 생협실과 증자협실 모두 상온저장이 4저장보다 감소율이 높았으며, Ny/LDPE film 진공포장이 LDPE film 포 장보다 감소율이 낮았고 증자협실이 생협실보다 감소율이 높았다. 상온 및 4저장 증자땅콩의 협 색상은 저
This study was carried out to establish storage methods and to keep high quality of the raw and boiled vegetable peanut. After boiling at 100 for 20min at 7% saline water far 40min the pods were packaged with 80 Ny/LDPE film in vacuum, 80 LDPE film and Gauge-bag, and stored at room temperature and 4. The moisture content of pods in room temperature were decreased than pods at 4. After 21days storaging with Gauge-bag, texture of pods were toughen because moisture content of pods reduced severely. Colour of raw pods in packaging 80 Ny/LDPE film vacuum was severely browning but boiled pods was browning little after opening a seal. After 2days storage at room temperature and 21days storage at 4t, pods were deteriorated. The hardness was much lower in boiled kernels than raw kernels and decreased when the storage period elapsed.