An Analysis of Rev. Du-Song Kang’s Discourses on the Extension of Women’s Rights in the Early 1920s: Focused on His “Women’s Issue”(1922)
이 연구는 강두송 목사의 글 “婦人問題”을 중심으로 1920년대 초 그의 여성인권 신장에 관한 관점을 고찰하고 현재적 함의와 교훈을 살펴보려는데 목적을 둔다. 그는 고린도전서 11장 2절부터 16절까지를 본문 말씀으로 설정하여 이 글을 작성했으며 1922년 일본강점기에 출판된 『宗敎界諸名 士講演集』에 게재되어 있다. 강두송의 글 “婦人問題”에 나타난 여성인권에 대한 성경적 관점들과 그 현재적 함의에 부각된 주요 논지들을 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 고린도전서 11장 2절부터 16절 말씀에 대한 그의 사적인 분석을 다루었다. 그는 이 본문에 기초하여 남녀의 인권과 인격의 동등성, 사도 바울의 고린도 여성 성도들을 향한 엄격한 훈계, 시대적 관례 순응과 온건한 개혁추진 등을 제시하고 있다. 둘째, 가정에서의 남편과 아내의 차별대우, 가혹한 오이코스(οἶκος)의 울 타리 철폐, 동등한 교육기회의 부여, 퇴폐문화 퇴치 등에 관한 담론을 살펴 보았다.
This paper aims to study Rev. Du-Song Kang’s discourses on the extension of women’s rights in the early 1920s and its present implications and lessons in his “Women’s Issue”. This text is based on 1Corinthians 11:2-16. Kang’s “Women’s Issue” was published in Jonggyogyeoi Jemyeongsa Gangyeonjip(1922) during Japanese ruling era of Korea. The prominent points of Du-Song Kang’s biblical views of women’s rights and its present implications in his “Women’s Issue” could be summarized as follows: First, I treated with Kang’s private analysis on 1Corinthians 11:2-16. On the basis of this text, he suggests equal rights and character between male and female, the apostle Paul’s strict disciplinary action to Corinthian female believers, and respect for the custom of the time and moderate reforms. Second, I attempted to study Kang’s discourses on the differential treatment between husband and wife at home, the abolition of severe fence of house(οἶκος), equal opportunity for education, anti-decadence drive, and so forth. Third, I concentrated on practical paradigms for God’s creation order and intrinsic identity of married couple, the vigilance against the theory of women’s superiority, and so on. In light of Rev. Du-Song Kang’s significant traces and contributions, I suggest future extensions of this discourse into his other various themes such as his life and ministry, view of ministry, spirituality and leadership, view of woman, revival movement, and other related areas.