본 조사는 일본의 쌀 검사 제도와 품위 등급 규격에 대한 동향을 살펴보고 그에 따른 내용을 파악하여 국내 쌀 산업 발 전 방향에 도움이 될 수 있는 방안을 모색하고자 수행하였다. 1. 농업 경쟁력 강화 프로그램으로 2016년부터는 농산물 규격 검사의 간소화로 최근에는 곡물 검사장에 곡물 판별기를 활용하여 뉘, 맥류, 뉘 이외 곡물 등을 이종 곡립으로 통합하여 5% 이내로 개정하였다. 2. 쌀에 대한 손실 방지를 위해 정미의 포장 표시를 년·월· 일 표시에서 상·중·하순으로 개정하였다. 3. 일본은 매년 생산된 현미 품위 생산량과 등급 비율을 공개 하고 있으며, 1등급 쌀을 대상으로 식미 랭킹을 선정하고 있다.
The objective of the present study was to explore trends of Japanese rice inspection system and quality test and to find out ways to help developing the domestic rice industry. The rice quality grade in Japan is implemented for brown rice. Its production amount and ratio by quality grade are made public. Since 2016, the agricultural competitiveness strengthening program has simplified the inspection of agricultural products. As a result, percentage of different kinds of grains and impurity which were separately classified have been integrated to within 5%. Packaging labeling for rice brand has been revised from exact date such as 1st Jan. to rough date such as early Jan., The palatability of rice was surveyed to determine the best first-class rice brand with a taste test in Japan. In general, rice protein content is low when rice tastes good. In other words, the higher the protein content, the less sticky, harder, and less tasty. It is also important to determine a certain range of protein content for in order to provide information on delicious rice to consumers. However, protein content varied widely depending on cultivars, the weather of the cultivation area, the soil environment, and the cultivation management by the farmer. These results suggest that it be not easy to set the rice purchase grade based on protein content in the current agriculture system.