식물성 천연항균제인 자몽종자추출제재(Boatanical antimicrohiagent-grapefruit seed extract mixture : BAAG)의 항균특성을 구명하고, 과채류의 선도유지제로서의 기능과 효능을 입증하기 위하여 BAAG를 조제하여 과채류의 저장, 유통중 발생하는 변패균주, Fuarium solani, Botrytis cinerea Pencilliumcrutosua Ewinia carotovora Phoma destruct
Botanical antimicrobial agent-grapefruit seed extract mixture(BAAG), which could be applied to the preparation of antimicrobial packaging paper, was investigated in order to prove the preservative function of fruits and vegetables. HAAG showed remarkable antimicrobial effects against Fusarium solani Botrytis cinerea, Pencillium crustosum, Erwinia carotovora, Phoma destructiva and Alternaria radicina causing the postharvest decay of fruits and vegetables. We have examined that HAAG could inhibit the growth of microorganims when treated with more than 500 g/mL concentration. The activities of HAAG were stable in the wide spectrum of pH and temperature. Direct visualization of microbial cells by using scanning electron microscope showed the loss of microbial cell membrane function, which was destroyed by treating with the dilute solutions of HAAG. We could confirm that HAAG be an antimicrobial agent for the preparation of antimicrobial packaging paper.