참다래 술(발효주, 리큐르)을 요리용 맛술로 활용하고자 고등어조림과 쇠고기 연육에 처리하여 대한 관능효과를 조사하였다. 그 결과, 조효소 활성은 참다래 발효주와 참다래 리큐르 각각 91.02와 87.56%로 높게 나타났다. TMA함량은 무첨가구의 고등어조림에서 6.60 mg%로 나타났고, 발효주와 리큐르를 첨가하여 고등어조림을 조리하였을 때 각각 4.80과 5.79 mg%로 나타났다. 고등어조림의 관능검사에서는 참다래 발효주와 리큐르 첨가구간이
In order to evaluate the possibility as cooking alcohol (Mirim) and tendering materials, kiwi wine and kiwi liqueur were added into braising mackerel and beef. The result showed that the crude proteolytic enzyme activity was high in kiwi wine and liqueur at 91.02 and 87.56% respectively. The trimethylamine (TMA) content in braising mackerel was 6.60, 4.80 and 5.79 mg% in control group, kiwi wine group and kiwi liqueur group, respectively. Sensory test of boiled mackerel gained high score in kiwi wine and kiwi liqueur stoups compared with control group The tendering effect in beef was high in kiwi wine and kiwi liqueur groups compared with control group. Thus, kiwi wine and kiwi liqueur could be used as cooking alcohol.