양파 구의 부위 및 크기에 따른 pyruvic acid 함량과 양파 식물체의 구, 엽초, 엽 및 엽서에 따른 부위별 pyruvic acid와 당 함량을 분석하여 변화양상을 관찰하였다. 그 결과 양파구의 하부에서 pyruvic acid 함량이 가장 높았고, 다음이 상부였으며 중간부분의 함량이 가장 낮았다. 인편에 따라서는 외피로부터 2번째 인편에서 가장 낮았으며 3번째 인편부터는 구의 내부로 갈수록 pyruvic acid 함량이 증가하였다. 생육기
By analysis of pyruvic acid and sugar levels in bulbs, leaf sheaths, and leaves, and with regard to phyllotaxis, it was shown that the lower portion of each plant component had the greatest pyruvic acid content, the upper portion less, and the middle portion the lowest. When bulb scales were examined, pyruvic acid content was lowest in the second bulb scale from the papery scale. Pyruvic acid level increased toward the inner portion of the bulb. Pyruvic acid levels in leaf sheaths and leaves were greater than those in the bulb during the early stages of bulb growth. However, at harvest, the pyruvic acid content of bulbs increased slightly, whereas those of leaf sheaths and leaves decreased markedly. Tissue sugar contents were similar at the beginning of bulb growth. However, bulb sugar content increased greatly as the bulb grew, and sugar contents of leaf sheaths and leaves decreased. With respect to phyllotaxis, outer older leaves had the lowest total sugar and pyruvic acid contents. Young leaves showed a tendency to have less pyruvic acid and sugar compared with mature leaves.