Microbiological Safety During Delivering of Food Ingredients Supplied to Elementary School Food Services in Daegu and Gyeongbuk Provinces -Seafood, Meat and Frozen Processing Food-
이 연구의 목적은 대구 경북지역 초등학교에 공급되는 냉장, 냉동유통 제품인 어육류와 냉동가공제품의 유통단계를 분석하고, 유통과정에서의 미생물 변화와 학교급식에 이용되는 식재료의 미생물 품질 평가를 위하여 실시되었다. 쇠고기와 돼지고기는 가공업체에서 학교로 냉동차량을 이용하여 직배송 되었으나 다른 어육류와 냉동가공제품들은 농산물과 함께 직납업체를 거쳐 냉장()으로 혼재 배송되고 있었다. 학교 도착 후 일반세균과 대장균군의 수는 각각 절단생선 ,
This study evaluated the microbiological quality and safety of food items(seafood, meat, eggs, and frozen food) supplied to elementary school food services, during delivery, and analyzed the distribution/delivery system. To this end, 10 food items supplied by 13 factories in Daegu and Gyeongbuk were chosen for study. Beef and pork were delivered directly to schools in freezer vans. Seafood, chicken, and frozen food were delivered to schools by refrigerated vans() that made other delivery stops before arriving at schools. After food was delivered to schools, total bacterial counts and coliforms(respectively) were as follows: mackerel(, ), common squid(, ), shellfish(, ), boiled fish paste(, , ), pork(, ), chicken(, ), egg(, , , ) and E. coli() were detected on shellfish, and Staphylococcus aureuswas detected on pork() and chicken(). Most food items were double-wrapped in vinyl and placed in corrugated cardboard boxes prior to delivery, and the boxes weremixed with other food items when they were put in the vans. There was no cross-contamination during distribution. However, total shellfish bacterial counts increased slightly. These results indicate that foods need to be completely pasteurized during processing. Frozen food items should not be mixed and should be delivered by freezer vans(). The number of stops made during distribution/delivery should be reduced.