
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 27

        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국 사회에서 출가한 자라면 누구나 한 번쯤 목탁을 들고 소리 내어 염불 한 경험이 있을 것이다. 출가한 스님들에게 있어 염불은 자의든 타의든 당연 히 거쳐야 하는 수행의 과정으로 받아들여져 누구나 배우고 익히는 추세다. 현재의 염불 교육은 스승의 소리를 듣고 따라하기를 반복하며 익히는 것에 중심을 두고 성별을 떠나 같은 음높이에 같은 음색을 내도록 유도하는 게 핵심이다. 하지만 스승의 소리를 무작정 따라하기엔 많은 어려움이 따른다. 스승의 소리와 음높이가 차이 나거나 성별이 다를 경우, 이를 극복하는 과정 이 쉽지 않다. 어느덧 염불을 배우고자 했던 초심은 사라지고 중도에 포기하 려는 마음이 일어나기 마련이다. 100명이 입문해 1~2명이 성취한다는 염불 은 그 자체가 어렵게만 느껴진다. 그러나 염불을 배우고자 했던 신심 어린 입문자는 불교 염불을 전승하는 소중한 인재가 분명하다. 그들이 중도에 포 기하는 건 본인의 의지에 따른 게 맞지만, 전승 과정의 교육체계에도 보완할 점이 분명히 있다고 여긴다. 스스로 만족할만한 성과를 이루지 못해 포기하 는 경우가 대다수임을 고려할 때 초심을 유지하며 더 쉽게 염불을 익힐 수 있도록 하는 방편을 제시할 시점에 이르렀다. 이에 본 연구에선 염불에 입문 한 자에게 있어 꼭 기억해야 할 호흡과 발성을 30여 년 경험치를 담아 전하고 자 한다.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        한국에서 산업유산은 주로 광산이나 공장 등 대규모의 광업, 제조시설 혹은 상수도나 교량, 철도 등 토목관련 시설, 즉 협의의 산업유산 개념을 중심으로 인식되어 왔다. 그러나 산업의 발전에 있어 노동의 중요성은 간과할 수 없는 것이며, 특 히 대규모 산업생산이 가능할 수 있었던 데에는 사택단지와 같은 대규모 노동자 주택 단지의 건설이 기반이 되었다. 최근 산업유산이 보존과 활용의 대상으로 주목을 받고 있는 데에도 불구하고, 많은 노동자주택들은 관심의 대상조차 되지 못한 채 사라져가고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 1930년대 후반 일제의 군수공업도시로 형성된 부평의 대표적인 사택인 미쓰비시 중공업의 사택과 1960년대 경제개발기 공업도시로 발전한 울산의 현존하는 사택인 한국화학공업사택을 대상으로 살펴보면 서 산업유산의 개념을 노동자주택과 도시경관을 포함하는 산업도시경관으로 확장하는 것을 제안하고자 한다.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, a comparative dissolution experiment was conducted between an immediate-release and a controlled-release vitamin C tablet applied with a technology to control the dissolution of vitamin C to maintain the vitamin C level in the human body. In order to confirm the dissolution rate (%) of vitamin C tablets, HPLC determination was conducted based on the dissolution test methods in the ‘Korean Pharmacopoeia (No. 2020-88),’ ‘Guidelines on Specifications of Dissolution Tests for Oral dosage Forms,’ and ‘Standard and Specifications for Health Functional Foods (No. 2020-63)’ from Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS). In addition, the dissolution pattern between the immediate-release tablet and the controlled-release tablet was comparatively analyzed. The analysis result confirmed that the immediate-release vitamin C tablet was 100% dissolved after 45 minutes, while the controlled- release vitamin C tablet was 100% dissolved after 480 minutes (8 hours). Furthermore, the dissolution rate (%) at 60 minutes was slower than that of the immediate-release vitamin C tablet. Based on these results, this study confirmed that the dissolution rate (%) test and development of controlled-release tablets containing vitamin C as the main component a re possible.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since 1939, Bupeyong was rapidly urbanized and industrialized for the purpose of constructing military logistics base of the empire of Japan. Based on Kyungin urban planning of 1940 and industrial land development plan of Kyeonggido, many military factories and arsenal were constructed, and great amount of housing were also built for their workers from 1939 to 1944. Although the initial urban planning was unfinished, urban change from rural area to military industrial city in the late Japanese colonial era, made identity of city of Bupyeong. Workers houses which built during five years vary in different size and type, and somewhat reflects discussions about housing attempts to solve the housing shortage. This study aims to analyze architectural characteristics of workers housing related with discussions of housing, and to evaluate its value as an industrial heritage which constitute the urban landscape of the industrial city of Bupyeong. Workers houses in Bupyeong were constructed by military factories, construction company, and Chosun housing administration, with land readjustment planning. As the war became serious, workers housing became smaller and simpler. Construction of workers housing was essential part of modern military industrial city, bupyeong, and many of workers housing are still remained whereas most of factories were demolished, thus workers housing of bupyeong has significant meaning as industrial heritage of Bupyeong.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        현행하는 사십구일재는 대부분 오전 10시에 시작해 약 2시간 남짓 행하는데 시련(侍輦)을 시작으로 대령(對靈)과 관욕(灌浴) 그리고 상단 권공(上壇勸供)과 중단퇴공(中壇退供), 관음시식(觀音施食)과 봉송(奉 送)의 순으로 정례화된 지 오래다. 그러나 현재의 절차가 무엇에 근거 하여 정립되어 이르렀는지에 관한 구체적인 사실관계는 확인할 수 없 다. 조선 시대로부터 전해진 수많은 재의식 관련 문헌이 있지만, “사십 구일재”ㆍ“사십구재(四十九齋)”란 명칭은 확인되지 않는다. 심지어 근대 활동하는 범패승들이 저본(底本)으로 삼고 있는 『석문의범』(釋門儀範) 에서 조차 사십구일재란 독립된 재의식은 발견되지 않는다. 본고는 불교의 사상과 신앙적 믿음에 기초해 유명(幽冥)을 달리한 망자(亡者)를 위로하고 극락왕생을 발원하기 위해 설행하는 보편적인 사십구일재의 절차와 구조가 현재처럼 전승하는 게 과연 올바른 것인지 를 자문(自問)하고 문제의식을 제시하는 데 초점을 둔다. 지난 30여 년 동안 불교계의 대표적인 어산(魚山) 스님들과 함께해 온 경험을 토대로 각 절차의 전개와 구성 그리고 내용 전반을 누구나 공감할 수 있도록 개선방안을 제시하고자 한다. 어쩌면 우리가 알고 행하는 사십구일재는 근대에 이르러 스승의 구전을 바탕으로 재정립된 의식일 수도 있기 때 문이다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ganggyeong, a city which is located at riverside of Geum River, played a role to connect the inland cities and the coastal cities through the Geum river waterway. In Chosun dynasty, Ganggyeong was one of the three major markets in Korea, and at the same time, it was one of the two river docks in Korea. However, after the railway was installed in Korea, railroad was more important than waterway in transporting logistics and in 1911 Honam railroad and Ganggyeong railway station was installed. Thus it was necessary to reorganize urban structure of Ganggyeong city from the traditional river-dock city to modern railroad city. In addition, urban infrastructure to prevent flood damage was needed because Ganggyeong suffered from floods and water shortages every year. Therefore, between 1910s and 1930s large-scale social infrastructures including road, water and sewage system, river bank, floodgate was constructed not only to revitalize the declining city but also to prevent flood damage and water shortages that hinder urban development. The installation of urban infrastructure has enabled the urban expansion and development of Ganggyeong city, and it is still served as a basic urban structure.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pinson Hall is a dormitory building of Chosen Christian College, built in 1922, and it still remains comparatively well preserved as original form. This building is worthy in that it shows the living space of western style college in Korea, as well as characteristics of collegiate gothic style and building technology, designed by western architect in 1920s. At first, based on literate review and field survey, this study aims to trace the construction background and process of Pinson Hall, and find out its architectural characteristics with the original form when it is used as dormitory. Additionally, it deals with historic meaning and value of Pinson Hall as a modern western style college dormitory, through comparison with other dormitories in the same era. In conclusion, Pinson Hall is a Western style dormitory which allows students to accustom themselves to Western life style, using bed and desk, as well as it shows the new building technology in the early 1920s which has mixture of masonry and reinforced concrete structure.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to find efficient and customized tools for delivering the benefit of health functional foods (HFFs). Delivery tools which could influence the impact of advertising were images, explanations of ingredients, diagrams of health benefit, patents, and comments from authority. Six advertisements were developed using these tools: “A”: relevant image + explanation of ingredients + scientific diagram of efficacy; “B”: relevant image + explanation of ingredients; “C”: relevant image; “D”: irrelevant image; “E”: irrelevant image + explanation of ingredient + patent; “F”: irrelevant image + explanation of ingredient + comments from authority. To analyze the consumer perceptions on HFFs and advertisement effects, 300 respondents were requested to answer a questionnaire comprising of the following questions: 5 questions of attitudes (necessity of HFFs, trust in HFFs, gathering information, watching advertisements and trust in advertisement claims) and 6 questions on the 6 developed advertisements (attention, understanding, sufficiency of information, sympathy, trust, and purchase). Scoring was done as per the 5 Likert scale. There was a higher proportion of females and the elderly, as compared to males and youngsters. The overall consumer attitudes were positive. Explanation of ingredients, scientific diagram of health benefit, patents and expert comments were helpful factors in increasing the advertisement evaluation by consumer, but the images were not. Advertisement evaluation of consumer did not differ with gender and age. However, differences were observed between some of the consumer attitudes (necessity of HFFs, trust in HFFs, gathering information and trust in advertisements claim) and advertisement evaluations (attention, understanding, sympathy and purchase). Our results indicate that for consumers utilizing the HFFs, advertisements with concrete tools such as diagrams, patent, and expert comments are more helpful. However, for consumers who do not have interest in HFFs, the scientific information was irrelevant. We believe that to maximize the effect of health information in advertisements, consumers should be segmented, and customized tools for each segment needs to be developed.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Total aflatoxin (B₁+ B₂+ G₁+ G₂) maximum levels of 15 μg/kg (B₁= 10 μg/kg) were set for grain,beans, peanut, nuts & their processed food (grinding, cutting etc.), processed cereal product & processed bean product,confectionaries (peanut or nut-containing food), soybean paste, red pepper paste, dried red pepper, processed corn products for popcorn and steamed rice. The maximum levels for aflatoxin M₁ are 0.5 μg/kg for raw milk and milks before manufacturing processing. The patulin maximum level is 50 μg/kg in apple juice and apple juice concentrate (including concentrate to use as raw material and converted by concentration multiple). The ochratoxin A is managed at the maximum levels of 5 μg/kg in wheat, barley, rye, coffee beans and roasted coffee, 10 μg/kg in instant coffee and raisin,2 μg/kg in Grape juice, concentrated grape juice as reconstituted and wine. The fumonisins (B₁+ B₂) maximum levels are 4000 μg/kg in corn, 2000 μg/kg in corn processed food (grinding, cutting etc.) and corn powder, 1000 μg/kg in processed corn products. Standards for mycotoxins in food have been established and the mycotoxin risk in food is managed reasonably and scientifically, based on risk assessment and exposure analysis.
        2005.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to develop and evaluate food safety training program for employees in foodservice operations. The developed CD-ROM was consisted of 5 parts: foodbome illness, personal hygiene, food handling in food production steps, HACCP system, and sanitary facilities. It has made slides for all contents, the animation and movie to raise interests and concentrations, and illustrations and pictures to understand. The evaluation checklists were developed 15 questionnaires including understanding(5), information(3), concentration(4), recommendation(2), and the most important factor(1) and measured by Likert 5-point scale. Fifty-four dietitians in Daegu and Gyeongbuk schools, hospitals, and industries foodservice operations responded to the surveys. The results are as follows; The most important part in the CD-ROM was personal hygiene(33.3%). The total mean was 3.95±0.41, 3.91±0.46 on understanding, 3.89±0.50 on information, 3.87±0.55 on concentration and 4.29±0.49 on recommendation. The score was significantly higher in the recommendation part than others. Overall, as the developed CD-ROM has achieved fine score, a study on the effect of education needs to be followed. Moreover, consistent and organized education by developing a variety of sanitation education methods should be conducted.
        2005.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to develop and evaluate food menus after investigating eating behaviors and food preferences of preschool children. Parents of the preschool children In 2 Gumi City day-care centers completed questionnaires in July 2003, which were used to assess eating behaviors and food preferences of their preschool children. Analysis of the questionnaires led to the development of the menus. Menus (n=10) were developed for five different categories (two menus were developed for each category) including general menu, unbalanced menu, anemia menu, obese menu, and traditional menu. The preschool children(n=656) evaluated the menus as they were provided with each them throughout October 2003. The five score scale method was used to evaluate taste, smell, looks, texture and general preference of each menu. Results in eating behaviors showed that 70.7% of preschool children had unbalanced eating behaviors. No gender based differences in eating behaviors were found, but in regard to food preferences boys tended to prefer carbonated drinks more than girls. Results indicated that among all menus, fruit ranked highest (3.97±0.65) for food preference, and vegetables ranked lowest for food preference (2.46±0.68). Food preference in regard to cooking process indicated the highest preference was for fried foods (3.80±0.68) and the lowest preference was for raw vegetables (2.61±1.27) and namul (2.85±1.13). Preference for taste ranked the highest (4.30±0.91) but preference for looks recorded the lowest (3.95±0.89). Of all the foods in the menus, steamed tofu rated the highest for individual food item preference, while tuna sesame leaf rice rated the lowest preference. Statistical analysis of interrelationships among food taste, smell, looks, texture and general preference were significant (p〈0.0l). Results from this study suggest that various factors including food taste, smell, looks, and texture influence the food preferences of preschool children. Therefore, it is concluded that by developing a variety of appetizing menus for use at home and in day-care centers, containing varied food items and cooking methods, preschool children will be encouraged to increase their food preferences and to establish appropriate eating behaviors.
        2003.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of personal and job characteristics on the organizational commitment and job satisfaction of dietitians employed in different foodservice settings. The subjects were dietitians(n=830) employed by schools, hospitals, and industries in Daegu Gyeongbuk area. A questionnaire was used to determine personal and job characteristics, commitment and satisfaction. Organizational commitment scores were the highest for hospital dietitians, and the lowest for industry dietitians (p<0.05). Industry dietitians felt significantly less loyal to their organizations than did the other dietitians(p<0.05). School and hospital dietitians were significantly more likely to say they cared about the fate of their organizations and thought their organizations were the best to work for. Age, education, length of employment, and wages were positively associated with hospital dietitians' commitment(p<0.05). For all dietitians, the fewer the work hours, the higher the commitment(p<0.05). When asked to rate their satisfaction with various aspects of their jobs, dietitians expressed the most satisfaction with co-workers, and the least satisfaction with promotion opportunities. School dietitians were significantly less satisfied with pay and promotion than were the other dietitians. Organizational commitment was associated with wages(0.05), autonomy(0.08), feedback(0.16), dealings with others(0.07), and task identity(0.09). Job satisfaction was affected by educational level(-0.13), wages(0.10), autonomy(0.18), friendship opportunities(0.14), feedback(0.16), task identity(-0.11) and organizational commitment(0.40) (Lisrel program).
        2002.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to analyze staff satisfaction with staff foodservice in hospitals. The study compared the hospital staff's expectations and perceptions of foodservice. The quality satisfaction values were indicated as the differences between their expectations and perceptions. The subjects were 643 hospital staff in 11 Daegu . Kyungpook hospitals. Written questionnaires were used to collect the data. The completion rate was 76.9%. There were 17 attributes for foodservice quality, which were divided by factor analysis into four main quality factors; sensory, nutrition, sanitation and service. The high expectation and low perception items on the expectation and perception grid were: seasoning of the meals, taste of the meals, variety of the menu, nutritional considerations, cleanliness of the dishes, and prompt handling of meal complaints. On all the attributes measured, expectations were higher than perceptions. The quality satisfaction values were all negative. There were highly significant(p<0.001) correlations between quality satisfaction and variety of the menu(r=0.783), nutritional considerations(r=0.770), prompt dealing with meal complaints(r=0.762), cleanliness of meals(r=0.689), and courtesy of employees (r=0.653). There is a need to improve taste, menu variety, nutrition, sanitation, speed of handling meal complaints, and courtesy.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 환경 친화적인 새싹채소류의 고품질화를 위한 경제적이고 효율적인 살균기술을 개발할 목적으로 국내산 적무 종자의 다양한 열처리 방법에 따른 발아율과 미생물 저감효과를 조사하였다. 열수처리는 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 90℃에서 각각 30, 60초간 실시하였고, 건열처리는 70, 80, 90, 100℃에서 5분간 실시하였다. 열수 처리에 따른 미생물의 제어효과는 시간에 따른 유의적인 차이는 보이지 않았으나, 온도변화에 따른 유의적인 차이를 나타내었다 (p<0.001). 70℃ 이상의 온도에서 총세균수는 3 logs 이상의 감소를 보였으며, L. monocytogenes는 검출되지 않았다. 건열처리는 온도변화에 따른 유의적인 차이를 나타내었다 (p<0.001). 100℃에서 5분간 처리한 후 총세균과 L.monocytogenes 수는 3 logs 이하 감소하였다. 열수처리에 따른 발아율의 변화는 처리 전과 후 모두 시간에 따른 유의적인 차이는 보이지 않았으나, 75℃ 이상의 온도에서 온도증가에 따라 유의적으로 감소하였다(p<0.001). 한편, 열수처리 후 침지시킨 종자에서 발아가 더 촉진되는 것으로 나타났다. 건열처리에 따른 발아율은 80℃ 이상의 온도에서 온도 증가에 따라 유의적으로 감소하였다(p<0.001). 건열처리한 후 증류수에 3시간 침지시킨 종자의 발아율은 90℃ 이상의 온도에서 유의적으로 감소하였다(p<0.05). 결론적으로 적절한 열처리는 75℃, 30분 이상의 열수처리하는 방법으로, 적무 새싹채소의 종자의 미생물학적 안전성을증가시킴과동시에발아율을증가시키는것으로판단된다.
        2012.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to investigate the perception of the management of food service in schools. The subjects consisted of 271 school dietitians in the Daegu and Gyeongbuk areas. The questionnaire included the food temperature management and the frequency of the food quality confirmation. The sanitation performance of the delivery workers was evaluated with a 5-point Likert scale. The food items for which the proper temperatures while they were being received were difficult to maintain were as follows: ready-to-use vegetables, 49.8%; frozen foods, 30.3%; and fish paste, 27.7%. The frequencies of the food quality confirmation whenever the foods were received were as follows: for beef, 87.5%; pork, 84.5%; chicken, 84.1%; eggs, 73.4%; seafood, 59.4%; and processed foods, 52.8%. The total mean score of the dietitian-perceived sanitation management performance of the delivery workers was 3.86/5.00. The school dietitians said the percentage of the mixed delivery of food items in vans was 80.4%. The percentage of the dietitians who thought this mixed delivery influenced food sanitation and quality was 92.3%. Therefore, safe foods should be supplied to schools with a thorough inspection process and hygiene education, and professional research is required on the appropriate inspection process.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to investigate the food purchasing management of school food services. The subjects consisted of 271 school dietitians in the Daegu and Gyeongbuk area. The percentages of ready-to-use vegetables actually being used were as follows: root of balloon flowers, 88.4%; garlic, 87.8%; blanched bracken, 80.1%; raw lotus root, 65.7%; burdock, 63.5%; small green onion, 63.5%; stem of taro, 57.6%; ginger, 35.1%; radish root, 30.6%; blanched asterscaber, 29.2%; large type welsh onion, 25.8%; carrot, 25.5%; onion, 21.4%; and potato, 8.9%. The percentages of HACCP-certified products being used were as follows: meat, 75.9%; eggs, 66.7%; soybean curds, 65.5%; ready-to-use seafood, 55.1%; starch jellies, 49.9%; spice, 44.9%; kimchi, 30.9%; ready-to-use vegetables, 22.7%; and fruits, 6.9%. The percentages of environment-friendly food items being used were as follows: eggs, 31.0%; meat, 28.7%; soybean curds, 22.1%; and fruits, 17.7%. Of these food items, meat and ready-to-use seafood were being used the most in the elementary schools. The percentages of imported food items being used were as follows: starch jelly, 29.2%; ready-to-use seafood, 24.7%; soybean curds, 20.5%; spice, 15.9%; and fruits, 10.1%. The food items requiring HACCP certification were as follows: beef and pork, 81.5%; chicken, 80.1%; ready-to-use seafood, 78.6%; frozen dumplings, 73.8%; soybean curds, 71.6%; peeled eggs, 70.8%; fish paste, 69.4%; starch jelly, 65.7%; milk, 63.1%; kimchi, 54.6%; spice, 50.6%; frozen noodle, 45.4%; ready-to-use vegetables, 44.3%; and bean sprouts, 29.5%. It was confirmed that 8.1% of the sanitation monitoring results were intentionally misreported. Therefore, to supply good and safe foods to schools, active management is needed in schools and food manufacturing and delivery companies.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 학교급식 식재료의 위생관리 실태를 파악하기 위하여 식재료 유통업체 38곳을 대상으로 위생관리 수행수준과 위생관리 현황을 조사하였다. 학교급식 식재료 공급과 관련된 업체 위생관리 수행수준은 5점 척도의 자가평가로 실시되었으며, 식재료관리와 배송직원 관리영역은 4.47/5(89.4/100)점, 배송차량 관리영역은 4.38/5(87.6/100)점이었고, 총 수행점수는 4.45/5(89/100)점이었다. 대리점형태의 유통업체의 위생관리 점수가
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