곡류, 두류, 어패류분말, 건조채소류 및 다류 등 5가지 식품유형에 대하여 전자선과 감마선 0-10 kGy 조사 후 광자극발광법(PSL)과 열발광법(TL) 분석을 통해 적용 가능성을 확인하고 두 선종의 결과를 비교·분석 하였다. PSL 분석 결과, 새우분말을 제외한 비조사 검체는 700 이하의 PCs, 음성검체로 나타났다. 전자선과 감마선 조사된 곡류, 두류 및 다류는 양성검체뿐만 아니라 중간검체, 음성검체로도 확인되어 적용 가능성이 낮았다. 특히, 두류는 감마선보다 전자선 조사된 검체가 더 명확한 판별이 가능하였 다. 전자선과 감마선 조사된 어패류분말과 건조채소류는 모두 양성검체로 나타나 조사선원에 관계없이 조사여부 확인이 가능하였다. TL 분석 결과 조사되지 않은 검체는 자연방사선에 의해 300oC 전후에서 낮은 peak를 가지는 글로우곡선이 나타났고, 대부분의 조사 검체에서는 150- 250oC의 부근에서 특유의 글로우곡선이 나타났다. 하지만, 쌀과 레몬홍차는 조사에 따른 특이적인 peak가 나타나지 않아 조사여부 확인이 어려웠다. 또한 TL 비를 산출해본 결과, 쌀과 레몬홍차를 제외한 대부분 비조사 검체는 0.0001- 0.0728, 전자선과 감마선 조사된 검체는 0.1004-4.6748로 나타나 조사여부를 확인할 수 있었다. 쌀과 레몬홍차의 TL 비는 0.1 이하로 나타나 글로우 1에서 확인한 것처럼 조사여부를 판단하기 어려웠다. 따라서 조사 선원에 따른 곡 류와 두류의 PSL 측정 결과는 전자선 조사된 검체가 더 명확한 판별이 가능하였고, TL 측정 결과는 쌀과 레몬홍차를 제외하고 모든 검체에서 조사 선원에 관계없이 조사 여부 판별이 가능하였다. 본 연구를 통해 전자선 조사에 따른 확인시험법 적용 가능성을 확인하고 선종에 따른 PSL 시험법에 대한 검지감도의 차이를 확인하였다. 연구결과는 전자선 추가 허용에 따른 데이터베이스 구축 및 조사 식품 관리체계 마련에 기초자료로 활용될 계획이다.
본 연구는 비허용 품목인 유지종실류 5종(달맞이꽃씨, 홍화씨, 유채씨, 해바라기씨 및 아마씨)을 선정하여 광자 극발광법(PSL), 열발광법(TL), 전자스핀공명법(ESR) 및 기체크로마토그래프/질량분석법(GC/MS)을 활용하여 검지 특성 연구를 수행하였다. PSL 및 TL 측정 결과, 5종 모두 적용 가능성이 높은 것으로 판단하였다. ESR 분석결과는 5종 모두 조사시료에서 조사유래의 특이 ESR signal이 관찰되지 않아 적용 가능성이 낮다고 판단하였다. GC/MS 분석 결과, 홍화씨, 유채씨, 해바라기씨 및 아마씨의 경우에는 조사 유래의 hydrocarbon류가 검출되어 적용 가능성이 높은 것으로 판단하였다. 특히, oleic acid에서 유도된 8-heptadecene (C17:1), 1,7-hexadecadiene (C16:2)이 조사 여부를 확인하는 화학적 마커로 활용 가능성이 높았다. 달맞이꽃씨 경우에는 oleic acid에서 유도된 hydrocarbon류가 검출되지 않아 적용 가능성이 낮다고 판단하였다. 또한, 달맞이꽃씨, 홍화씨 및 해바라기씨에서 감마리놀렌산의 주요 원료인 linoleic acid에서 유도된 1,7,10-hexadecatriene (C16:3)과 6,9-heptadecadiene (C17:2)이 검출되어 조사여부를 확인하는 화학적 검지 마커로 활용 가능성이 높다고 판단 하였다. 본 연구 결과를 통해 유지종실류 5종에 대한 적용 가능성 및 다중분석 체계(PSL-TL-GC/MS)를 확립하였다.
본 연구에서는 분자생물학적 방법을 통한 알레르기 유발 원재료 확인을 위해 PCR방법의 최적 조건을 구축하였 다. 가공식품에서 알레르기 원료성분 확인을 위하여 200bp 내외의 PCR 산물을 생성할 수 있는 종특이 프라이머를 설계하거나 선행연구사업 결과를 활용하였다. 대상 원료로는 국내 식품알레르기 표시대상인 난류, 우유, 메밀, 땅 콩, 대두, 밀, 고등어, 게, 새우, 돼지고기, 복숭아 및 토마 토와 제외국에서 알레르기 유발 성분으로 규정하고있는 아몬드, 참깨를 포함하여 총 14종을 대상으로 하였다. 특이 프라이머를 사용하여 PCR 한 결과 난류, 우유, 메밀, 땅콩, 대두, 밀, 고등어, 게, 새우, 돼지고기, 복숭아, 토마토, 아몬드 및 참깨로부터 각각 281, 131, 138, 120, 118, 127, 211, 174, 231, 138, 174, 132, 103 및 220bp의 특이 밴드를 확인하였으며 상호간의 비특이적 밴드는 검출되 지 않았다. 본 연구에서 확립한 알레르기 유발 원재료 검출법은 식품의 부정확한 표시나 가공식품의 제조과정 중 알레르기 유발물질의 비의도적 혼입 등으로부터 소비자를 보호하고 향후 수출 제품에 있어서 정확한 알레르기 유발 원재료 표기에 활용이 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
기름치를 참치회 또는 메로구이로 판매하는 사례가 있으며 국내에서는 2012년 6월1일부터 식품원료로 판매가 금 지되어 이를 판별하는 시험법 마련이 필요하다. 기름치는 농어목(Perciformes) 갈치꼬치과(Gempylidae)에 속하는 기 름갈치꼬치(R. pretiosus)와 흑갈치꼬치(L. flavobrunneum)가 있으며 이를 판별하기 위한 종 특이 프라이머를 개발하기 위하여 미토콘드리아에 존재하는 16S DNA 유전자부위를 선정하였다. 그리고 미국 국립보건원에서 운영하는 유전자 은행(www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)에 등록되어있는 기름갈치꼬치, 흑갈치꼬치. 참다랑어, 황다랑, 청새치 및 황새치의 염기서열을 대상으로 BioEdit ver. 프로그램을 사용하여 비교 및 분석을 실시하였다. 분석을 통하여 기름갈치 꼬치 및 흑갈치꼬치를 판별할 수 있는 각각 4종의 프라이 머를 설계하였다. 설계된 프라이머에 대하여 대조군으로 다랑어 3종(참다랑어, 황다랑어, 눈다랑어) 및 새치류 4종 (청새치, 황새치, 녹새치, 돛새치)에 대한 실험적 평가를 실 시하였다. 그 결과 기름갈치꼬치에 대하여는 R.P-16S-006- F/R.P-16S-008-R, 흑갈치꼬치는 L.F-16S-004-F/L.F-16S- 006-R 프라이머를 최종 선정하였으며, PCR 조건을 확립하였다. 확립된 조건에서는 각각 178bp 및 238bp의 PCR 산 물을 확인하였으며, 유사종간의 비특이적 밴드는 형성되 지 않았다. 따라서 본 연구에서 개발된 기름치를 판별할 수 있는 종 특이 프라이머는 인터넷쇼핑몰 또는 시중에 불법적으로 유통 가능성이 있는 제품을 신속하고 과학적으로 판별할 수 있어 식품안전관리에 활용도가 매우 클 것 으로 기대된다.
The purpose of this study was to develop measures for establishing and enforcing legal nutrition labeling for Takju based on results from consumer awareness surveys, statistical model development, and evaluation of nutrients. The statistical model developed with consumer survey results showed that consumers would like to know the nutrients they intake from drinking Takju, as their awareness about Takju was low. Specifically, consumers would like to see information regarding alcohol content, calories, carbohydrates, and saccharides on the label. Structural equations from the research model showed that consumers who had some knowledge of Takju also had positive thoughts of the nutrition fact labels for Takju. Evaluation of nutrients in Takju showed that the starch sources and other ingredients used in Takju fermentation did not influence nutrient facts, and nutrient concentrations also varied among the different Takju. In addition, this research suggests methods for consumers to make reasonable selections and to inform them of the nutrition fact labeling for Takju. Benners and pop-up were manufactured to promote voluntary participation of companies and to provide nutrition facts from Takju. Eventually, a measure was suggested to establish and enforce nutrition labeling, using results from consumer and nutrient surveys of Takju.
In this study, ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (rbcL), RNApolymeraseC (rpoC1), intergenic spacer (psbA-trnH), and second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) as identification markers for discrimination of P. mirifica in foods were selected. To be primer design, we obtained 719 bp, 520 bp, 348 bp, and 507 bp amplicon using universal primers from selected regions of P. mirifica. The regions of rbcL, rpoC1, and psbA-trnH were not proper for design primers because of high homology about P. mirifica, P. lobata, and B. superba. But, we had designed 4 pairs of oligonucleotide primers from ITS2 gene. Predicted amplicon from P. mirifica were obtained 137 bp and 216 bp using finally designed primers SFI12-miri-6F/SFI12-miri-7R and SFI12-miri-6F/SFI12-miri-8R, respectively. The species-specific primers distinguished P. mirifica from related species were able to apply food materials and processed foods. The developed PCR method would be applicable to food safety management for illegally distributed products in markets and internet shopping malls.
In order to determine an authenticity of food ingredient, we used DNA barcode method by universal primers. For identification of animal food ingredients, LCO1490/HCO2198 and VF2/FISH R2 designed for amplifying cytochrome c oxidase subunit1 (CO1) region and L14724/H15915 for cytochrome b (cyt b) region on mitochondrial DNA were used. Livestock (cow, pig, goat, sheep, a horse and deer) was amplified by LCO1490/HCO 2198, VF2/FISH R2 and L14724/H15915 primers. Poultry (chicken, duck, turkey and ostrich) was amplified by LCO1490/HCO 2198 and VF2/FISH R2 primers. But, Fishes (walleye pollack, herring, codfish, blue codfish, trout, tuna and rockfish) were only amplified by VF2/FISH R2 primers. For plant food ingredients, 3 types of primers (trnH/ psbA, rpoB 1F/4R and rbcL 1F/724R) have been used an intergenic spacer, a RNA polymerase beta subunit and a ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase region on plastid, respectively. Garlic, onion, radish, green tea and spinach were amplified by trnH/psbA, rpoB 1F/4R and rbcL 1F/724R. The PCR product sizes were same by rpoB 1F/4R and rbcL 1F/724R but, the PCR product size using trnH/psbA primer was different with others for plants each. We established PCR condition and universal primer selection for 17 item's raw materials for foods and determine base sequences aim to PCR products in this study. This study can apply to determine an authenticity of foods through making an comparison between databases and base sequences in gene bank. Therefore, DNA barcode method using universal primers can be a useful for species identification techniques not only raw materials but also processed foods that are difficult to analyze by chemical analysis.
In this study, we investigated the applicability of the photostimulated luminescence(PSL), thermoluminescence( TL) and electron spin resonance(ESR) methods for various foods which are not allowed to be irradiated in Korea. All 15 foods including sesame, almond, peanut, cocoa powder etc. were analyzed. Samples were irradiated at 1~10 kGy using a 60Co gamma-ray irradiator. In PSL study, the photon counts of all the unirradiated samples showed negative(lower than 700). The photon counts irradiated(1 kGy) dried shrimp, roasted peanut and seasoned peanut showed positive(higher than 5,000) and the other samples were negative or intermediate(> 700 and < 5,000). In TL analysis, results showed that it is possible to apply TL method to all foods containing minerals. In ESR measurements, the ESR signal(single-line) intensity of irradiated foods was higher than non-irradiated foods. In particular, the specific ESR signals of irradiation-induced crystalline sugar, cellulose and bone radical were detected in dried plum, raisin, dried cherry, mango(dried, frozen), rambutan, cocoa(powder), cinnamon, parsley, carrot, broccoli, dried arrow squid, dried pollack and dried shrimp. According to the results, PSL, TL and ESR methods were successfully applied to detect the irradiated foods because TL method is not able to detect the irradiated foods rarely composed of minerals. ESR is also a difficult method to detect the changes of ESR signal patterns of food. It is concluded that TL analysis or ESR assay is suitable for detection of irradiated samples and a combined method is recommendable for enhancing the reliability of detection results.
In this study, the experimental method has been investigated using molecular biological way to identify raw materials from seasoned red-pepper sauce which is one of the most popular spices in Korea. 6 kinds of seasoned red-pepper sauces were chosen as a sample containing chilli pepper, garlic, onion as a major ingredient and species specific primers were used for the identification of the raw material of processed food. Selected samples were pre-treated to remove salt (samples were washed with distilled water 3~4 times for desalting), after that, to amplify the extracted genes, whole genome amplification (WGA) kit was performed. Afterwards, PCR products were confirmed through the electrophoresis. As a result, 102, 180, 280 bp of specific PCR products were confirmed for each major ingredients such as chilli pepper, garlic, onion. From this study, the gene extraction method was validated for the identification of ingredients from the spices and it would be applied to distinction of low quality chilli pepper powder including seasoned red-pepper sauce illegally.
In this study, effective gene extraction methods were compared to identify raw materials of processed meat products through molecular biological methods. Species specific primers were used to identify ingredients of processed foods and, as a sample, 13 kinds of processed meat products including beef, pork and chicken. According to the type of sample, 13 kinds of samples were classified into liquid type, source type and powder type. The samples were pre-treated (centrifugation) and (or) performed Whole Gene Amplification (WGA) kit for amplification of the extracted DNA. As a result, it was possible to identify the raw material of products through the centrifugation of sample 1 ml for liquid type of processed meat products. For source type of products after gene extraction, it was required to perform WGA for the identification of ingredients. For powder type products did not required any further pre-treatment and WGA. In this study, it was an opportunity to confirm the possibility of identification of raw material from the gene extraction of processed meat products and this method could be used to examine the authenticity of raw material of products.
Total aflatoxin (B₁+ B₂+ G₁+ G₂) maximum levels of 15 μg/kg (B₁= 10 μg/kg) were set for grain,beans, peanut, nuts & their processed food (grinding, cutting etc.), processed cereal product & processed bean product,confectionaries (peanut or nut-containing food), soybean paste, red pepper paste, dried red pepper, processed corn products for popcorn and steamed rice. The maximum levels for aflatoxin M₁ are 0.5 μg/kg for raw milk and milks before manufacturing processing. The patulin maximum level is 50 μg/kg in apple juice and apple juice concentrate (including concentrate to use as raw material and converted by concentration multiple). The ochratoxin A is managed at the maximum levels of 5 μg/kg in wheat, barley, rye, coffee beans and roasted coffee, 10 μg/kg in instant coffee and raisin,2 μg/kg in Grape juice, concentrated grape juice as reconstituted and wine. The fumonisins (B₁+ B₂) maximum levels are 4000 μg/kg in corn, 2000 μg/kg in corn processed food (grinding, cutting etc.) and corn powder, 1000 μg/kg in processed corn products. Standards for mycotoxins in food have been established and the mycotoxin risk in food is managed reasonably and scientifically, based on risk assessment and exposure analysis.
Photostimulated luminescence (PSL)-Thermoluminescence (TL) combined analysis was applied to detect whether composite seasoning products and spices were irradiated or not. Samples were irradiated with 60Co at 0~7 kGy. A total of 12 different samples (6 of composite seasoning products and 6 of spices) was examined. Depending on the PSL results, TL analysis was performed. In case of both PSL positive ( ≥ 5,000 counts) and intermediate (700~5000 counts), TL analysis had to be performed to confirm the result of PSL. Using TL, the shape of the glow curve (Glow 1) made it possible to identify the irradiated samples. In addition, The TL glow ratio (Glow 1/Glow 2) obtained by normalization was less than 0.1 for the non-irradiated samples and ≥ 0.29 for irradiated ones, respectively.
This work was intended for the identification of markers that are found only in the spoiled red pepper powder. When analyzed by GC/MASS, the spoiled red pepper powder contains characteristic naphthalene derivatives, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8α-octahydro-1, 8α-dimethyl-7-(1-methylethenyl)-naphthalene and 2-isopropenyl-4α,8-dimethyl- 1, 2, 3, 4, 4α, 5, 6, 8α-octahydronaphthalene,which have not found in the normal red pepper powder. In addition, microscopic observation and microbial enumeration of the red pepper powder had been performed. Images by scanning electron microscopy showed that the surfaces of spoiled pepper powder were rough with many kinds of microbes, compared with those of normal red pepper powder. A good correlation between the bacterial and fungal counts in the same sample was observed and could be clearly classified into two groups, the normal and the spoiled group, by difference in the microbial counts. These results suggest that the spoiled red pepper powder can be identified by a combination of GC/MASS, microbial counts, and scanning electron microscopy.
In the present study, we have demonstrated that a novel synthetic chemical JSH-21 of N¹-Benzyl-4-methylbenzene-1,2-diamine could inhibit nitric oxide (NO) production in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-activated macrophages RAW 264.7. The JSH-21 showed an IC50 value of 9.2 uM on the LPS-induced NO production. Furthermore, JSH-21 attenuated LPS-induced mRNA and protein levels of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) in the cells, as well as inhibited LPS-induced iNOS promoter activity. These results indicates hat the compound could down-regulate iNOS expression at the transcription level. Since NF-kB activation is a key mechanism in the expression of LPS-inducible iNOS gene, we further examined whether JSH-21 could affect LPS-induced NF-kB activation. JSH-21 inhibited LPS-induced nuclear import of NF-kB p65 in macrophages RAW 264.7 and sequentially prevented NF-kB transcriptional activity. However, JSH-21 was not effective in a LPS-induced degradation of cytoplasmic IkB-alpha in the cells. These results suggest that JSH-21 could inhibit LPS-induced NF-kB activation targeting nuclear import of NF-kB, an event downstream IkB degradation. Taken together, this study may provide a pharmacological potential of JSH-21 in the NO- or NF-kB-associated inflammatory disorders.
본 실험에서는 GI활성이 높은 alkalophilic Streptomyces sp.를 사용하여 2% k-carrageenan에 균체를 고정화한 후 고정화 균체의 효소학적 특성을 살펴보았다. pH stability는 pH가 7.5∼8.5에서 GI활성이 가장 높았으며, reaction temperature는 70℃, Co^2+는 10 exp (-3)M, Mg^2+는 10 exp (-3)M일 때 GI 활성이 가장 높은 것으로 나타났다.