감귤의 유망품종인 세토카의 저장 중 품질변화 양상을 구명하고자 관행인 무포장과 LDPE로 포장하여 상온()과 저온()에서 저장기간에 따른 품질요소를 분석하였다. 감모율은 상온+무포장 처리구에서 현저하게높았으나 LDPE포장 처리구는 중량감소 억제 효과가 뛰어나 상온저장도 외부적인 품질 유지에 효과적이었다. 부패율은 온도의 편차가 큰 상온에서, 그리고 습도가 항상 높게 유지된 LDPE포장 처리구에서 높았다. 호흡량은 다른 감귤류의 품종보다 다소
We investigated quality changes in Setoka ([Citrus unshiuCitrus sinensis]Citrus reticulate][Citrus reticulataCitrus sinensis]) wrapped in 30-m pore size low-density polyethylene film (LDPE) and stored at different temperatures. LDPE wrapping effectively inhibited weight loss, and fruits seemed fresh even after room temperature storage. The decay rate was higher at room temperature and with LDPE wrapping. The respiration rate of LDPE- wrapped fruits was somewhat higher than that of control samples. Thus, no modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) effect was observed when 'Setoka' citrus was studied. Acidity decreased at a constant but different rate with each storage method used, and these rates were correlated with respiration rates. Soluble solid content (SSC), however, increased during 45 days of storage a subsequent rapid decrease was then observed.