치커리의 종근으로 치콘을 재배하여 엽색이 노란색과 붉은색인 다섯 가지 종류의 치콘 추출물에 대한 항산화효과 및 혈당강하효과와 단백분해능을 측정하였다. DPPH free radical 소거능으로 항산화활성을 측정한 결과, 실험에 사용한 모든 시료가 우수한 항산화 활성을 가지고 있었으며 특히, 엽색이 노란색인 네 종류 (Kibora, Metafora, Vintor, Halifax)의 치콘보다 엽색이 붉은색인 Redoria종이 1 mg/mL의 농도에서
We investigated the biological activities of ethanol extracts obtained from five endive cultivars. Free radical-scavenging activities of extracts from Redoria, Halifax, Vintor, Kibora, and Metafora cultivars were 94.2%, 60.8%, 66.6%, 70.0% and 67.4%, respectively. The extract from Redoria showed the highest activity among all the tested samples including BHT (Butylated hydroxyanisole) and vitamine C, known as antioxidant. Endive extracts slightly (17.5 - 38.6%) inhibited -glucosidase activity. However, there is no inhibitory activity against -amylase. In terms of proteolytic activity, all endive extracts showed strong activity than pancreatin (used as a positive control), and the extract of Redoria also exhibited stronger activity than other extracts as well as free radical scavenging activity. These results indicate that endive, especially the Redoria cultivar, can be used as a natural resource for development of antioxidants or materials aiding digestion.