땅콩나물을 기능성 식품 소재로 사용하기 위한 기초자료를 제공하기 위하여 발아율, 레스베라트롤 함량 및 영양성분을 분석하였다. 원산지별 땅콩 종자의 발아율은 다른 원산지 땅콩 보다 경북산 땅콩의 발아율이 가장 높았다. 레스베라트롤 함량은 땅콩보다 땅콩나물이 높았으며, 특히 경북산 땅콩나물에서 그 함량이 으로 가장 높았다. 한편 경북산 땅콩나물의 부위(잎, 뿌리 및 줄기)별 레스베라트롤 함량을 측정한 결과 잎에서 그 함량이 으로 가장 높았고, 다
To assess the potential of peanut sprouts as a functional food material, the germination rate, resveratrol content, and nutritional components of sprouts were analyzed. Of all samples tested, Gyeong-buk peanuts had the highest germination rate. The resveratrol content was higher in peanuts than in peanut sprouts. The resveratrol level in Gyeong-buk peanut sprout () was the greatest of all tested samples. The cotyledon of Gyeong-buk peanut sprout had the highest resveratrol content (), followed by the roots (), but resveratrol was not detected in the stems. The levels of moisture, crude protein, crude fat, ash, and carbohydrate in Gyeong-buk peanut sprout were 6.69%, 35.58%, 33.08%, 2.96%, and 21.96% (all w/w), respectively, in dried material. Compared with peanuts, peanut sprouts contained higher protein levels, and a lower content of crude fat, but showed a minimal difference in mineral content. The amino acid content of peanut sprouts (2,551.8 mg/100 g) was higher than that of peanuts (87.89 mg/100 g). Specifically, the asparagine content of peanut sprouts (834.54 mg/100 g) was the highest of all amino acids. Saturated fatty acids, including myristic and palmitic acids, were detected in peanuts, and the levels of unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic (31.19 g/100 g) and linoleic acids (39.24 g/100 g) in peanut sprouts were higher than those of other fatty acids.