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印度的民族主义和中国-巴基斯坦关系 : 以莫迪政府执政期为中心 KCI 등재

India's Nationalism and China-Pakistan Relationship : Centered on the Modi Government

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/420199
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,400원
한국과 세계 (Korea and World Review)
한국국회학회 (Korea Society of Assembly Studies)

Modi took office as India’s Prime Minister in 2014, and started second term in 2019. In order to safeguard the party interests of the Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) and the Hindu ethnic groups, Modi administration adopted radical policies to promote Hindu nationalism. These policies led to strong Hindu nationalism, rapidly intensified conflicts with other ethnic groups, and eventually filled India with the sentiment of all ethnic groups. In order to divert the national attention and the energy of nationalism, the Modi administration took aggressive diplomatic measures against the neighboring countries. The Modi administration realized the transformation of domestic religious nationalism into the aggressive diplomacy in China, Pakistan and other countries, but it brought a great impact on India's surrounding diplomatic environment, especially led to significant influence to the relations between China and Pakistan. The Modi administration reversed relations of India-China and India-Pakistan respectively, increased opposition and exclusion between India and these two countries; Indian nationalism broke the fragile balance of the geopolitical situation and posed a danger to peace and development in South Asia, meanwhile China and Pakistan developed a closer partnership.

莫迪于2014年就任印度总理,并在2019年成功连任。莫迪政府为了维护印 度人民党的利益和印度教族群的民族利益,采取了一系列推动印度教民族 主义思潮的激进政策。这些政策导致印度教民族主义思潮旺盛,同时也导 致与其它族群的矛盾迅速激化,并最终使得印度境内充斥着各民族的民族 主义情绪。莫迪政府为了转移国民视线并分流民族主义的能量,对周边国 家采取了攻击性的外交举措。这些攻击性外交包括两次以中国为攻击目标 ,分别在洞朗和加勒万河谷地区挑起边境冲突;而对巴基斯坦,则有关闭 两国对话渠道,越过印巴控制线进行空袭,并取消印控克什米尔的自治地 位等等。莫迪政府实现了把国内宗教民族主义思潮向中巴等国的攻击性外 交的转化,但是也给印度的周边外交环境带来了巨大的影响,尤其是与中 国和巴基斯坦的关系产生了显著变化。莫迪政府使得印度分别和中国、巴 基斯坦这两个国家的关系倒退,印度和两国的对立和排斥情绪上升;印度 民族主义打破了地缘政治局势的脆弱平衡,给南亚地区的和平和发展埋下 了隐患;同时,中巴两国在对印反制的过程中加深合作,形成了更为紧密 的伙伴关系。

I. 前言
II. 有关民族主义的学界综述
III. 莫迪政府是如何把民族主义的矛头引向中巴两国的?
    1. 印度宗教民族主义思潮的泛滥
    2. 莫迪政府针对中巴两国的具体攻击性外交举措
IV. 莫迪政府民族主义性质举措对中巴两国关系的影响
V. 结论
  • 涂波(新罗大学) | Bo Tu (Silla University)