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농촌 성인 남녀의 단백질 섭취 실태 및 급원과 식습관 , 기호품과의 관계 KCI 등재

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/42101
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,300원
한국식품영양학회지 (The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition)
한국식품영양학회 (The Korean Society of Food and Nutrition)

The purpose of this study is to provide useful information which will aid in the promotion of nutritional policy in the Korean rural area which are derived from a survey of intake and source of protein in some Korean rural adults and the correlations between their protein nutrition and various nutrients, the uses of tobacco, alcohol, coffee, etc. The survey was conducted from July, 24 through July, 28, 1989. The healthy subjects were 45 males (average age 42.3, average BMI 22.1㎏/㎡ ) and 55 females (44 years, 21.2㎏/㎡) residing in Sungjoo Kyun, Chulanam-Do, Korea. The subjects were examined for the anthropometric, food intake and food habits. Their daily diets were measured by 24-hr recall method. The results can be summarized as follows The daily mean protein intakes of male and female subjects were 95% of RDA(66.5g)( 16.7% of total food intake per day) and 102.3% of RDA(61g) (14.8% of total intake per day) respectively. The order of sources of animal protein in all subjects was fish(47.9%), meat(29.8%), milk (12%), and egg(10.3%). Among protein sources the intake frequencies of fork and chicken were higher than those of others. The protein nutrition of the subjects showed positive correlations with energy and fat, carbohydrate, fiber at the level of significance of 1%. The protein nutrition of the male subjects showed no correlation with age, BMI, uses of alcohol, coffee, medicine, but the plant protein nutrition showed a positive correlation with smoking and exercies(at 5%). And the protein nutrition of the male subjects showed no correlations with uses of tobacco, alcohol, coffee, medicine and their opinion of their present state of their health, but the age of the male subjects showed negative correlations with milk(at 1%) and egg(at 5%). In conclusion, the daily protein intake was good and the main sources of animal protein were fishes in rural adults. The protein nutrition of the subjects showed a correlation with energy, fat, carbohydrate and in the case of female, milk and egg intakes showed the negative correlation with age.

  • 이준열 | Jun Youl Lee
  • 주종찬 | Jong Chan Ju
  • 박혜진 | Hye Jin Park
  • 허은실 | Eun Shil Heu
  • 최선영 | Sun Young Choi
  • 신정혜 | Jung Hye Shin