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세계유산해석 교육체계 구축방안 연구 KCI 등재

A Study on the Establishment of the World Heritage Interpretation Education System

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/421770
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,800원
건축역사연구 (Journal of Architectural History)
한국건축역사학회 (Korean Association of Architectural History)

The purpose of this study is to develop a method for establishing an educational system for World Heritage interpretation applicable to World Heritage sites and to design an education program for World Heritage interpretation by applying the developed education system in this study. This study first identified the definition of interpretation and the relationship between interpretation and education through previous research and analyzed the role and significance of heritage interpretation due to the paradigm transition in the capacity building of World Heritage sites. Next, the educational status of World Heritage interpretation was analyzed through educational institutions, educational subjects, and curriculum examples. Finally, this study argues that a method for establishing a World Heritage interpretation education system should be presented according to the composition of the curriculum, and the interpretation curriculum planning by interpreters should be proposed focusing on the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of World Heritage sites.

1. 서 론
2. 이론적 고찰
    2-1. 유산해석의 정의 및 개념
    2-2. 교육의 기본요소와 해석적 삼각형
    2-3. 선행 연구 검토
    2-4. 세계유산해석 교육의 역할과 필요성
3. 유산해석 교육사례 현황분석
    3-1. 유산해석 교육기관의 커리큘럼
    3-2. 유산해석 훈련 커리큘럼
    3-3. 세계유산해석 역량 강화 커리큘럼
    3-4. 소결
4. 교육과정의 구성에 따른 세계유산해석 교육체계 구축방안과 교육방안 제안
    4-1. 교육과정의 구성에 따른 세계유산해석 교육체계 구축방안
    4-2. 세계유산현장 해설사54)를 위한 역량 강화 프로그램 제안
5. 결 론
  • 노경민(로원건축사사무소 소장, 공학박사) | Lho Kyung-Min
  • 김영재(한국전통문화대학교 문화재수리기술학과 부교수) | Kim Young-Jae Corresponding author