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미수(眉叟) 허목(許穆)의 미전체(眉篆體) 형성과정에 관한 고찰 KCI 등재

A Study on the Process of Formation of MiSoo HeoMok’s proper typeface(미전체)

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/423292
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 8,900원
문화와예술연구 (문화와예술연구 (문화예술연구))

미수(眉叟) 허목(許穆, 1595∼1682)은 예(禮)에 있어서는 엣 경전에 따른 고례(古禮)를 중시하였으며, 학문에 있어서는 하, 은, 주 삼대(三代)의 육경(六經)을 깊이 연구하였으며, 글씨 또 한 삼대(三代)의 고문을 추구한 상고주의자(尙古主義者)였다. 시대적으로는 양난(임진왜란, 병자호란)의 혼란과 사색 당쟁 의 격변 속에서, 요순시대를 정치현실에 재현하고자 하는 유토 피아적 인물이었다. 사상적으로도 유학의 해석에 있어서 정주 (程朱)의 해석으로 해결하기 어려운 점을 삼대의 문물과 제도 에서 해결점을 찾고자 하여, 경세치용학파(經世致用學派)라는 남인실학파의 초석을 마련한 인물이다. 서예사적으로 볼 때 그의 정치적 이상과 사상적 학문 연구의 결과가 미전체라는 창신적 서체개발의 형성과정을 연유한다고 볼 수 있다. 전서를 통해 그가 끝내 이루고자 했던 삼대시대의 치도(治道)를, 문자, 서법을 통한 재현이었다. . 1660년 그가 삼척부사(三陟府使)로 좌천 부임(1660)되었을 때 세운 <척주동해비(陟州東海碑)>는 미전체의 대표적 묵적이다. 한편 미전체 형성에 많은 영향을 준 낭선군 이우를 통해 접한 청(淸)의 묵적「형산신우비」가 위작의 논란을 겪음으로, 허목 의 미전체에 관한 평가도 엇갈리는 점이 있는 것은 사실이나, 이러한 문제는 후학들이 계속 연구할 과제라고 생각한다. 그러나 서체의 창신은 높이 평가받아야 할 점이다. 그런 의 미에서 논문 말미에 발표한 심일종 연구가의 소장 자료「과두 전(蝌蚪篆)」이 삼척지방에서 발견된 것은 매우 의미 있는 성 과이다. 미전체가 허목 한 사람에 그치는 것이 아니라 지엽적 인 한계를 넘어 시대와 공간을 초월하는 서체(미전체)의 학습 과 계승으로 이어지기를 바라는 바이다.

This paper examines the life and scholarly achievements of Misu Heo Mok (1595-1682), a unique process of formation that represents the world of Dharma and Divine Art based on his Buddhist ideas. Heo Mok was a literary scholar who was active in the early years of Sukjong in Hyeonjong of the Joseon Dynasty, and was a political representative of the South, and a calligrapher created a unique calligraphy called Mijeon. Heo Mok was an appellate who valued the ancient scriptures according to the Et scriptures in his studies, and in his learning, he studied deeply the Six Sutras of the Three Generations(하·은· 주) of the Lower Zhou, and he was also an Sanggoist. Heo Mok entered public office at the age of 60, his time in politics was only a short time, and he spent most of his time wandering around the famous mountain, admiring the ruins and famous writings, awakening his creative artistic spirit. Through Heo Mok's representative poetry collection "Kieon(기언)", one can understand his calligraphy, His study style, and his classical studies, the study of letters, and the course of writing. Through his laborious writings such as "Torture Unbu(고문운부)", "Torture Rhyme(고문 운률)", and "Geumseok Unbu(금석운부)", we can not only examine his academic passion, but also contribute greatly to the study of paleographics. Through his ancient literature, he endeavored to reproduce in reality the Three Generations of govern well, which was the ideal era of China, and he also tried to find solutions in the three generations of cultures and institutions that were difficult to solve with the interpretation of Zhengzhou(정주) in the interpretation of study abroad ideologically. ught to torture the three generations of writing. The study of letters was the same, and Heo Mok tried to express the most undistorted nature's logic based on a pure and idealistic spirit through classical texts based on ancient texts. This was a method of reproducing the discipline of the three eras, which Heo Mok wanted to achieve, through letters and calligraphy. This passionate process of researching ancient literature based on Heo Mok's archaic thinking and exploring the calligraphy of the ancestors is the process of formation that creates Heo Mok's unique aesthetic whole that no one can touch. This implied a critical view of the trending style of calligraphy returning to Wang Xizhi, such as Songseol(송설) and Seokbong(석봉) in the Joseon Dynasty at the time. On the other hand, <Cheokjudonghaebi(척주동해비)>, which was created when Heo Mok was relegated to Samcheok prefecture (1660) due to a factional fight, is his representative silent book. It was also called a tombstone because it was a mysterious tombstone with the ability to ward off tides. Heo Mok's unique and creative aesthetic whole can understand the spirit of the times and the natural disasters of the time that appeared in <Cheokjudonghaebi>, the crystallization of research and innovation of Hau (夏禹) style, When looking at how academic aspirations have reached the stage of touching heaven and earth, not only the external form of letters is important. It can be seen that the importance of the spirit contained in the sentence is emphasized once again. I think the discovery of oligarchic wars is very meaningful. This is the reason why it was regarded as a signal of hope that Mijeon will spread throughout the country, centering on the Samcheok region, rather than just being an empty person. It is also hoped that it will lead to the succession of typefaces that transcend the local limits and transcend the times.

Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 미전체 형성과정
Ⅲ. 상고주의적 미전체의 특징
Ⅳ. 결론
  • 이인용((사)국제여성한문서법학회 이사장) | Lee Inyong (President of international Woman’s Chinese Server Society)