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김룡사(金龍寺) 산내암자(山內庵子)에 관한 연구 KCI 등재

A Study on the Hermitage of Gimuryon-sa

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/424882
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
건축역사연구 (Journal of Architectural History)
한국건축역사학회 (Korean Association of Architectural History)

This study aims to comprehend architectural peculiarity of the hermitage as the one of Buddhist architectural type in Korea. Although it has not defined properly, it has been demanded the architectural respondence according to the environment of times since the introduction from other countries. Gimryong-sa temple, founded in 1635, and the hermitages are the most appropriate objects for analysis because there are many documents still remained. It is possible to find out that there are some architectural peculiarity after review of the document and the field survey about Geumseon-am(金仙庵=金仙臺), Hwajang-am(華藏庵), Daeseong-am(大成庵), Yangjin-am(養 眞庵). In the late of Joseon Dynasty, the group of buddhist proceeded the economical development and the extension of authority based on the family culture. The hermitage functioned for the self-discipline, the meeting of family, the enshrinement of portraits, the memorial ceremony of family at this point. In response to that, the architectural space which had combined residence and rite became preferred such as Inbeopdang(因法堂). And a Large Ondol room called Daejungbang(大重房) was applied and Ru(樓)-Maru was added as the place for rest.

1. 서 론
    1-1. 연구 배경 및 목적
    1-2. 연구대상 및 방법
2. 암자의 유형과 용어 검토
3. 김룡사 산내암자 연혁과 현황
    3-1. 김룡사의 창건과 문헌 속의 소속암자
    3-2. 금선대
    3-3. 화장암
    3-4. 대성암
    3-5. 양진암
4. 김룡사 산내암자의 기능과 건축형태
    4-1. 수행처의 기능
    4-2. 진영봉안의 기능
    4-3. 접객 및 집회의 기능
5. 결 론
  • 도윤수(한양대학교 건축학과 박사과정) | Do Youn-soo Corresponding Author
  • 한동수(한양대학교 건축학부 교수) | Han Dong-soo