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전통 벽체 기법 변화에 관한 연구 KCI 등재

A Study on Changes of Traditional Wall Technique

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/424891
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
건축역사연구 (Journal of Architectural History)
한국건축역사학회 (Korean Association of Architectural History)

Traditional wall is ground coat, twice plater, last plaster by such a process has made a wide variety of used materials and techniques are accordingly diverse. These traditional techniques handed down the traditional walls of the techniques, rather than coming to the lowered cut off at any moment from now when the technique is used, not knowing whether to be used. Repair and restore cultural property maintenance work, it is not only the outward form hiding inside it is a technique to keep the preservation of cultural assets can be called true. When viewed from the side walls of these conventional techniques to reveal changes in the traditional process by looking at the changes in technology with traditional techniques for cause shall be made in stock. This paper is from the late Joseon Japanese occupation of techniques ranging from traditional wall to reveal the change process to its current significance of cultural property repair method to be helped.

1. 서 론
2. 조선후기 벽체 기법
    2-1. 벽체의 명칭
    2-2. 벽체 사용재료
3. 20c 초중반 문화재 벽체 공사
    3.1 부석사 무량수전, 조사당 벽체
    3.2 수덕사 대웅전 벽체
    3.3 청평사 극락전과 회전문 벽체
    3.4 성불사 응진전 벽체
4. 20c 초중반 일본 벽체 기법
5. 의궤 및 일본 벽체 기법의 비교
6. 맺음말
  • 조영민(명지대학교 건축학과 박사) | Cho Young-Min Corresponding Author