Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis ATCC l1454의 유산균 배양액을 3.96 log units, 4.10 log units 및 4.23log units의 농도로 처리한 돼지고기 등심은 4℃ 저장 9일 동안 호기성 부패세균의 증식억제와 저장 안정성 증진 가능성을 나타내었다. 유산균 배양액 처리구는 4℃ 저장 3일 동안 대조구 보다 유의적으로 낮은 pH 가를 나타내었다 유산균 배양액으로 처리한 돼지고기 등심의 외관과 냄새에 대한 관능평가 결과는 4℃ 저장 9일 동안 신선한 대조구와 유사하거나 보다 낮게 좋은 것으로 등급되었다.
Microbiological, pH and sensory evaluations of pork loins treated with lactic acid cultures (Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis ATCC 11454 grown in 10% milk solids) during storage at 4℃ were assessed. Pork loins were immersed in solutions containing 3.96 log units, 4.10 log units, or 4.23 log units of individual lactic acid cultures for 2 min. Pork loins treated with lactic acid cultures had a inhibitory effect (P<0.05) on the growth of aerobic plate counts during storage of 3 days at 4℃. Pork loins treated with lactic acid cultures during storage of 3 days at 4℃ significantly (P<0.05) decreased pH values compared to those of controls. Sensory evaluations for odor and appearance of pork loins treated with lactic acid cultures during storage of 9 days at 4℃ were a "liked less" to "typical" category compared to those of controls.