When a rapid groundwater inflow is introduced from the adjacent rock mass in the early stage of disposal, hydraulic pressure build-up occurs, which may cause piping erosion at the buffer material itself and the interface of the gap-filling material. Such piping erosion in compacted bentonite buffer via interaction between the buffer and the adjacent rock mass may deteriorate the performance of the buffer material. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the conditions and scenarios in which the piping phenomenon around the buffer material occurs for the long-term health of the repository. In this study, laboratory-scale experimental tests of piping erosion in buffer and interfacial rock was introduced. ø 100 mm × 200 mm height compacted bentonite specimens were placed in a cylindrical acetal cell, and the distilled water was continuously injected at a flow rate of 0.068 L/min using a dual syringe pump. The inflow of water was generated from the bottom and side cell of buffer material. During water injection, injected water pressure and amount were measured with visual observation. The results showed that the external saturation of buffer firstly occurs followed by piping crack generation along the wetting front. The additional piping channels were generated and merged with others. As the injection stopped, the swelling and self-sealing behavior of buffer material were observed. Moreover, X-ray CT scanning of the cell was conducted after the piping simulation to analyze the piping channels and saturation depth. The results highlight the piping erosion phenomenon mainly occurs due to the presence of a gap outside the buffer material. Further experimental cases is need to comprehensively understand piping phenomena in buffer material for assessing the long-term stability of underground radioactive waste disposal systems.