The spent filters used to purify radioactive materials and remove impurities from primary systems at nuclear power plants (NPPs) have been stored for long periods in filter storage rooms at NPPs due to concerns about the unproven safety of the treatment method, absence of disposal facilities, and risk of high radiation exposure. In the storage room at Kori Unit 1, there are approximately 227 spent filters of 9 different types. The radiation dose rates of filters range from 0.01 to 500 mSv/hr. Recently, a comprehensive plan has been established for the treatment and disposal of radioactive waste that has not yet been treated to facilitate decommissioning of NPPs. As a follow-up measure, compression and packaging optimization processes are being developed to treat the spent filters. KHNP plans to dispose of the spent filters after compressing, packaging, and immobilizing them. However, the spent filters are currently stored without being sorted by type or radiation intensity. If the removal and packing of the filters are done randomly without a plan for the order of withdrawal and subsequent processes, issues may arise such as a decrease in drum loading efficiency and exceeding the dose limit of the package. In this study, the number of drums needed to pack the spent filters was calculated, considering the filter size, weight, quantity, dose rate, shielding thickness of drum, and loadable quantity in a shielding drum (SD). Then, the spent filters that can be loaded on each drum were classified into one group. In addition, the withdrawal order for each group was set so that the filter withdrawal, compression, and packaging processes could be performed efficiently. The spent filter groups are as follows: (1) compression/12 cm SD (17 groups), (2) compression/16 cm SD (6 groups), (3) non-compression/ intermediate storage container (17 groups, additional radiation attenuation required due to high dose rate), and (4) unclassified (5 groups, determined after measurement due to lack of filter information). The withdrawal order of the groups was determined based on several factors, including visual identification of the filter, ease of distribution after withdrawal, work convenience, and safety. Due to the decay of radioactivity over time, the current dose rate of the spent filters is expected to be much lower than at the time of waste generation. Therefore, in the future, sample filters will be taken from the storage room to measure their radioactivity and radiation dose rate. Based on these measurements, a database of radiological characteristics for the 227 filters will be created and used to revise the filter grouping.