The primary purpose of high temperature process of radioactive waste is to satisfy the waste acceptance criteria and volume reduction. The WAC offers the guideline of waste form fabrication process. The WAC is defined as quantitative or qualitative criteria specified by the regulatory body, or specified by and operator and approved by the regulatory body, for radioactive waste to be accepted by the operator of a repository for disposal, or by the operator of a storage facility for storage. The main objective of WAC is to protect staff and general public and environment by the containment of radioactive material, limit external radiation level, and prevent criticality. The WAC also offers systematic management of radioactive waste by standardization of waste management operations, facilitation waste tracking, ensure safe and effective operation of operating facilities, etc. Since the high temperature process for radioactive waste is considered in many countries, lots of codes and standards are considered. In many WACs, compressive strength, thermal cycle stability, radiation exposure stability, free liquid, and leachability are evaluation to understand the effect of solidified form to the disposal facility. In this paper, systematical review on waste form will be discussed. In addition, brief result of characterization of waste form will be compared.