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Coup in International Law: Between Theory and Reality KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/433827
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 6,400원
이준국제법연구원 (YIJUN Institute of International Law)

Specifically, the matter of coups against governments – particularly those resulting from legitimate democratic elections – requires a more resolute approach. This entails criminalizing such actions and imposing substantial penalties on the individuals responsible. By doing so, the goal is to dissuade potential revolutionaries from attempting this act, given the clear stance and condemnation it would receive from the international community. Furthermore, it is imperative to highlight the international community’s inconsistent response to coups. This inconsistency becomes evident in the varying levels of support for different coups, seemingly influenced by the international community’s relationship with the affected state and, notably, its ousted president. This underscores the necessity for well-defined and unambiguous regulations governing coups themselves. The article aims to address this issue comprehensively and impartially, avoiding selective treatment. The significance of this issue lies in the need to address a legislative gap in international law.

I. Introduction
II. Coups against the Legitimate Government: Theoriesof International Law and Relations
    A. The Concept of Military or Political Coup
    B. The Responsibility of the International Community to Coup d’etat
III. Legislative Deficiency in International Law on theCases of Coup
    A. Cases of Coup against the Government
    B. Filling the Legislative Deficiency of Coups under International Law
IV. Conclusion and Recommendations
  • Deymah Alweqyan(Professor of International Law at Kuwait University Law School; Legal Advisor of Kuwait Oil Minister. LL.B./LL.M. (Kuwait U.), Ph.D. (Penn State U.))