
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 18

        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A field trial was conducted for two consecutive seasons (2013/14 and 2014/15), at the Gezira Research Station, Wad Medani, Sudan, to evaluate the agronomic performance of fourteen early maturing soybean germplasm introduced from USA, South Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, and Croatia, under irrigated cropping environment. Highly significant differences (P ≤ 0.0001) were detected among the fourteen varieties for the eight agronomic traits in 2013/14 and 2014/15. Over the two seasons, Vietnam coll. 1 had the high grain yield (945 kg/ha), followed by N04-9859 (828 kg/ha) and AGS 327 (798 kg/ ha). Days to maturity ranged from 71 to 86 days over the two seasons. In both seasons, Vietnam coll. 1 and AGS 327 had the high agronomic performance in fodder yield, plant height and height to first pod. The agronomic performance of Vietnam coll. 1 and AGS 327 provides a clear example of the adaptability of tropical soybean germplasm to irrigated environments in Sudan comparing to other temperate germplams. The relative high yield of Vietnam coll. 1 and AGS 327 can be maximized by increasing plant populations/unit area. The unique soybean germplasm from the southern US and South Korea is valuable genetics resource for soybean germplasms at Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC), Sudan to broaden the genetic base of the released soybean varieties through introgression of potentially useful genes for drought-related and nutritional quality traits.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        유기 축산을 위한 여름철 사료작물인 수수 수단그라스교잡종은 생산성이 높고, 잡초발생이 미미하며, 병충해에 의한 피해도 작아서 무농약 재배에 적합하다. 그러나 수수 수단그라스 교잡종은 당 함량이 부족하고, 수분 함량이 높아서 낙산발효로 인해 사일리지 품질에 문제가 있다. 최근 육성된 BMR (Brown Mid Rib) 품종은 줄기 내 당도가 높게 개발되었다. 따라서 본 시험은 기존의 수수 수단교잡종과 BMR 수수 수단교잡종을 재배하여 사일리지로 제조하고, 수분 조절 및 영양소 보충을 위해 파옥쇄를 첨가하여 사일리지의 품질변화를 관찰하였다. 수수 수단교잡종과 BMR 수수 수단교잡종 사이에 생육특성 및 생산성은 차이가 없었으나 줄기내 당 함량은 BMR 품종이 약 2B˚ 정도 높은 경향을 나타내었다(p<0.05). 유기산 중 lactic acid의 비율은 대조구(SX17품종)의 78.5%에 비해 BMR 품종은 82.8%로 유의적으로(p<0.05)에 높았고, butyric acid의 비율은 대조구(SX17품종)의 18.5%에 비해 BMR 품종은 9.8%로 유의적으로(p<0.05)에 낮아서 BMR 품종을 사용할 경우 품질이 크게 개선되었다. 파옥쇄 첨가시 첨가수준간에는 NDF 및 ADF 함량은 대조구(SX17) 품종과 BMR 품종(Diamond BMR) 모두 유의적으로 감소하였다(p<0.05). TDN 함량 역시 대조구(SX17) 품종의 56.2와 BMR 품종(Diamond BMR)의 57.1간에는 유의적 차이가 없었다. 그러나 파옥쇄 첨가시에는 대조구(SX17) 품종과 BMR 품종(Diamond BMR) 모두에서 파옥쇄의 첨가수준에 따라 TDN 함량이 유의적으로 증가하였다(p<0.05).
        2010.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Two new species of Tylenchorhynchus Cobb, 1913 from sugar cane fields in Sudan, T. sudanensis and T. elamini are described and illustrated. T. sudanensis is characterized by rather medium body size female, L= 0.692 ㎜ long with rather medium stylet length of 20 – 23 ㎛. While T. elamini is characterized by medium body size female, L = 0.61 – 0.78 ㎜ long, medium stylet length of 16 –19 ㎛. Different characters of two new species are discussed. In addition, vital measurements and brief descriptions of two species are presented.
        2009.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Sorghum-Sudan grass which is an annual forage grass in Gramineae have been bred for biomass promotion. The recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations were derived from the F2:3 genetic mapping population of Sorghum 314A×zongke Sudan grass. The breeding selection based on agronomic characters and DNA molecular marker statistical analysis was carried among the progenies of the RIL populations, and 9 recombinant breeding progenies were determined as heterobeltiosis with high yield. According to DNA diversity analysis of simple sequence of repeats(SSR) marker, the genetic varieties were abundant among the families, and the recombinant breeds of high yield were distributed among the different RIL populations.2 family lines, which have similar agronomic characters and yield, and whose genetic distance nearly equal to zero, showed difference on arid tolerance. 4 breeding lines were selected on agronomic characters and resistance in the field trials, and 2 breed lines were qualified for the regional testing.
        2009.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was carried out to investigate the properties of soil and water under Double-cropping SSH followed by whole crop barley (SSFWB) or by Hairy vetch (SSFHV) in paddy land. A field study was conducted at Baeksan-myeon, Kimje, Jeonbuk province in Korea on clay loam soil for 3 years. All plots were arranged in completely randomized design with three replicates. The pH and the contents of T-N and organic matter (OM) in soil samples collected at the end of the experiment were remarkably higher t㏊n those at the beginning of the experiment in both SSFWB and SSFHV treatment (P<0.05). The contents of an exchangeable cations at the end of the experiment were remarkably higher t㏊n those at the beginning of the experiment in both SSFWB and SSFHV (P<0.05). And then, the concentration of NO₃-N, NH₃-N and PO₄-P in discharge and leaching water were not influenced by the cropping system
        2009.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was carried out to investigate the productivity and nutritive values of SSH under Double-cropping SSH followed by whole crop barley (SSFWB) or by Hairy vetch (SSFHV) in paddy land. A field study was conducted at Baeksan-myeon, Kimje, Jeonbuk province in Korea on clay loam soil for 3 years. All plots were arranged in completely randomized design with three replicates. The yield of SSH in SSFWB treatment was higher t㏊n t㏊t of SSFHV (P<0.05). All nutrients values of SSH were not influenced by the cropping system. However, all nutrients of SSH in SSFWB treatment were just a little increase, compared with those of SSFHV.
        1991.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1985.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본(本) 연구(硏究)는 Sorghum-Sudan hybrid를 생육시기별(生育時期別)로 절단(切斷)길이를 달리하여 silage를 제조하였을 때 이들이 silage의 품질(品質)에 미치는 영향을 구명(究明)하고저 실시되었다. 출수기(出穗期), 유숙기(乳熟期), 호숙기(糊熟期), 황숙기(黃熟期)에 예취(刈取)하여 각(各) 생육시기별(生育時期別)로 절단(切斷)길이를 1.0, 2.5 4.0cm로 하여 silage를 제조한 후 silage의 일반성분(一般成分),