‘Roko 20’ is high-yielding, medium-maturity japonica rice variety adaptable to Romania and Turkey. It was developed and registered (Registration Nr. 6578 in ISTIS, Romania) from a cross between ‘Haedamssal’ and the salt resistant Romanian cultivar ‘Polizesti 28’ in 2021. The vegetation period of ‘Roko 20’ was 121 days in Turkey and 136 days in Romania. The culm length of ‘Roko 20’ was 80 cm, and the 1,000-grain weight of paddy rice was 31.0 g. The ripening ratio was similar to that of the control cultivar ‘Polizesti 28’ at 81%, and the proportion of amylose content of brown rice was 18.5%, which was slightly lower than that of the control cultivar ‘Polizesti 28’ (20.2%). The paddy rice yield was 18% higher than that of the control cultivar with 8,535 kg/ha. The proportion of brown rice and milled rice recovery was 81.6% and 65%, respectively. However, the head rice was slightly lower (44% in Turkey and 49% in Romania) than that in ‘Polizesti 28’ (52%).
Over the last few decades, the atmospheric carbon dioxide emission has been amplified to a great extent in Turkey. This amplification may cause global warming, climate change and environmental degradation in Turkey. Consequently, ecological condition and human life may suffer in the near future from these indicated threats. Therefore, an attempt was made to test the relationship among a number of expected factors and carbon dioxide emissions in the case of Turkey. The study covers the time series data over the period of 1970–2017. We employed the modern econometric techniques such as Johansen co-integration, ARDL bound testing approach and the block exogeneity. The results of the Johansen co-integration test show that there is a significant long-run relationship between carbon dioxide emissions and expected factors. The long-run elasticities of the ARDL model show that a 1% increase in the GDP per capita, electric consumption, fiscal development and trade openness will increase carbon dioxide emissions by 0.14, 0.52, 0.09 and 0.20% respectively. Further, our findings reveal that the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis and inverted U-shaped relationship between carbon dioxide emission and economic growth prevails. Therefore, the EKC hypothesis is valid and prevailing in the Turkish economy. The diagnostic test results show that the parameters of the ARDL model are credible, sTable and reliable in the current form. Finally, Block exogeneity analysis displays that all the expected factors are contributing significantly to carbon dioxide emissions in the Turkish economy.
This study was conducted to provide consultative informations on Turkish rice under the Korean-Turkey Free Trade Agreement and ‘Golden Seed Project’. Rice was introduced in Turkey around 16th Century. However, commercial rice growing began only 30~40 years ago. Rice has become crucially important in Turkish diet as consumption of wheat per capita has been gradually decreasing. Since 1982, Fifty-two rice varieties were developed with coordination of National Rice research project in Trakya Agricultural Research Institute. The most popular rice variety, Osmancik-97, covers 70% of national rice growing area. Main problems of rice cultivation in Turkey is insufficient water for irrigation, continuing occurrence of red rice and small farm size with high input cost. Turkey also has potential socio-economic problems in rice farming such as lack of confidence between the rice producers and governmental institutions or personalities. Turkish farmers also desires do not succeed rice farming at least for their children. Rice production of Turkey increases every year however, it still does not reach to meets national demands. The volume of rice imports in Turkey reached to 493 thousand tons in 2014 with value of 277 million USD and this import trend is expected to continue.
Consumer arrogance is conceptualized and defined by Ruvio & Shoham (2016) as people's proclivity for demonstrating their social superiority through the acquisition, utilization, or display of consumer goods. This new notion rooted from the symbolic meaning of consumption that suggesting consumers use products as symbols to create self-identity, to maintain their self-concept, to express their self, to convey personal and social achievements and to reflect their social status to others (Holman, 1981; Belk, 1988; Hirschman & LaBarbera, 1990). This research examines the cross-cultural validity of the Ruvio & Shoham‘s (2016) consumer arrogance scale in Turkey and Romania. Data were collected from 192 Turkish and 176 Romanian students. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the four-factor solution. The scale demonstrates internal consistency and validity within the two countries and across countries. The cross-cultural validation tested via configural, metric and covariance methods. The results indicated that the consumer arrogance scale is consistent across countries and it can be established as a second order construct. The nomological validity with structural equation modelling results support that consumer arrogance is predicted by materialism in both countries. This cross-national study extended consumer arrogance scale in a collectivist cultural setting and contributes to enriching cross-cultural validation research as well as consumer behavior understanding.
지구온난화에 따른 벼 재배지역의 재배치에 대한 기초자료를 얻고자 국내육성 벼 품종을 대상으로 한국, 터키 및 루마니아에 재배하여 개화시기의 변화와 일장과의 관계를 분석하였다.
1. 루마니아의 경우 하지일장은 15.5시간이었고 터키는 15.1시간, 한국은 14.5시간이었다.
2. 한국에서 조생종의 평균 출수기는 7월 28일이었고 터키는 8월 8일, 루마니아는 9월 7일로 평균 출수일수는 각각 89일, 98일, 116일이었으며 한국과 루마니아간의 평균 출수일수의 차이는 27일이었다.
3. ‘고운’의 경우는 터키와의 출수기 차이가 각각 8월6일과 8월7일로 가장 적었으며 ‘한아름’은 루마니아에서 출수기가 8월 21일과 10월 15일로 가장 크게 나타났다.
4. 출수기는 품종간에 다소 차이는 있었지만 영양생장기에서 생식생장기로 전환된 시기의 일장은 출수생태형과는 관계없이 14시간 30분~15시10분의 범위를 보였다.
5. 삼강벼의 경우 위도와 관계없이 출수일수가 5일정도 차이가 나서 출수생태적인 측면에서 광지역 적응성이 있는 것으로 판단된다.
1. 터키의 연구체계 농업식품축산부(Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock) 산하에 국가농업연구기관, 교육부 산하의 고등교육위원회, 총리직속의 과학기술연구협회 등 3개로 구성되어있다. 농업연구기관은 10개 중앙연구소, 10개의 지역연구소, 21개의 작목/훈련시험장, 3개의 작물보호시험장 그리고, 3개의 축산시험장이 있다.
2. 터키의 지도기관 현황 및 지도체계는 국가지도기관과 민간지도기관이 있다. 국가지도기관은 농촌지도는 81개 지방, 803개 지역, 수천개의 마을주재 지역지도관이 있다.
3. 지방 농업부서는 지역 농업지도기관을 지도하고, 지역 농업지도기관은 지역지도관을 지도한다. 지역지도관은 전문지도사, 지도업무, 마을 단위 농업기술자들을 위한 직무연수를 실시하고 지원한다.
4. 민간지도기관은 농업인협회, 협동업체, 자선업체, 수익지향 민간 마케팅회사, 수출업자, 개인컨설턴트, 대중매체, 대학들 있다.
5. 민간 지도기관은 전문 자문가를 고용하여, 농업인은 영농 과정에 문제점이 발생하면 자문가에 비용을 지불하고 농업관련 서비스를 제공받아 영농 애로점을 해결한다.
Being one of the most important textile and apparel producers for years, Turkey began to become active in terms of retailing. Although retailing industry is in its growing phase, the social and economic influences caused the customers' tastes and demands to be more distinctive and segmented in parallel with the advancement of the retail industry. Therefore, the retail industry began to develop in more fragmented way where clear boundaries between different types of retailers were established. In this study, the apparel retail market is overviewed and analyzed within the context for determination of the current situation and future prospective. To this aim, the textile and apparel companies that are active in Turkey were classified into groups based on the type of distribution channels they used. Then, the performances of the groups were established using the secondary type of resources. Finally, the findings were summarized, by showing the similarities and differences between different channels.
터키는 유럽종 포도의 원산지로 유럽종 포도에서 유래된 다양한 품종들이 있으며, 현재 등록된 품종만도 1,200여종에 이른다. 또한 세계에서 6번째로 포도를 많이 생산하며, 포도 생산에 매우 적합한 토양과 기후 조건을 가지고 있다. 약 48만ha에서 360여 만 톤의 포도를 생산하여 주로 건포도(37%), 생과(30%), 그리고 주스 등의 가공용(30%)으로 소비되며, 포도주 생산에는 3% 정도만이 이용된다. 특히 포도는 터키에서 1인당 소비량이 연간 20 kg 이상을 소비할 정도로 인기가 많으며, 생과용으로 생산되는 주 품종은 ‘술타나’, ‘로자키’와 ‘알폰스라발레’ 등이다. 가장 인기가 좋은 녹황색의 무핵 품종인‘술타나’는 생식과 건포도용으로 모두 이용되고 있다. 주요 포도 재배 지역은 에게해 지역(42%)과 지중해 연안 지역(19%)이나 전국에서 재배되고 있다. 생과 및 양조용 품종의 주요 포도 수형은 VSP식, 울타리식, 덕식 등이 주로 사용되고 있다.
This study focused on the conflict and missional contextualization in Turkey, between Islamism and secularism. This article aims to analyze and relate to the religion of Turkey and Islam, defined what do they cause by conflict and struggle between Islamism and secularism. This study also attempt to apply missional contextualization between Islamism and secularism. Contextualization can be defined as the set of process that yields missional situation in Turkey. It is the process by which Turkey culture become interdependent in aspects of their values, social, economics, and political. It is easy to connect interdependent conflicts through Islamism and secularism in Turkey. The Islamism in Turkey begun by political, social, and cultural motivation with the 19st. This Islamism movement appeals strongly nationalism, liberalism, and modernism in Turkey. This Islamism reveals itself society and community. They are important faith with religion solidarity in their community. The secularism includes Turkey’s constitution, political tradition, social policy, cultural point of view, and religious education. They were complicated the conflict and struggle between Islamism and secularism from a long time in Turkey. The missionary should be consider mission ministry and activity in this Turkey situation. They also careful apply to contextual mission in Turkey. I think that we can be pray to get the Holy Spirit’s support and guide for Turkey’s mission and evangelization.
This research was concluded under dryland condition in Thrace region in 1994-1995 growing season. This experiment was arranged in randomised block design with three replications. Yield and some important yield components (plant height, number of pods per
This research was carried out to determine the sowing rate and row distance in Edirne province of Thrace Region in 1993 season. According to the results of some important characteristics of sorghum and their interactions were statistically significant. In
The aim of this paper is to predict the Borsa Istanbul (BIST) 30 index movements to determine the most accurate buy and sell decisions using the methods of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Genetic Algorithm (GA). We combined these two methods to obtain a hybrid intelligence method, which we apply. In the financial markets, over 100 technical indicators can be used. However, several of them are preferred by analysts. In this study, we employed nine of these technical indicators. They are moving average convergence divergence (MACD), relative strength index (RSI), commodity channel index (CCI), momentum, directional movement index (DMI), stochastic oscillator, on-balance volume (OBV), average directional movement index (ADX), and simple moving averages (3-day moving average, 5-day moving average, 10-day moving average, 14-day moving average, 20-day moving average, 22-day moving average, 50-day moving average, 100-day moving average, 200-day moving average). In this regard, we combined these two techniques and obtained a hybrid intelligence method. By applying this hybrid model to each of these indicators, we forecast the movements of the Borsa Istanbul (BIST) 30 index. The experimental result indicates that our best proposed hybrid model has a successful forecast rate of 75%, which is higher than the single ANN or GA forecasting models.
The study seeks to understand the effects of boredom proneness on impulse purchasing and smartphone addiction of young consumers. Moreover, the possible mediating role of smartphone addiction is tested for the effect of boredom proneness on impulse purchasing. Nowadays, the effect of emotions on human behavior is generally accepted, and boredom is one of the important and common problematic feelings or moods at various levels of life due to factors like unemployment, not being able to work in a suitable job, not getting appropriate education matching individual abilities, monotony of tasks, and feeling life is meaningless. Investigating the effect of boredom on specific consumer behavior would increase our knowledge about consumer behavior. For the research, a survey was conducted 313 students from Kirikkale University, Keskin Vocational High School; the data were collected by convenience sampling method. The data were processed through statistical tools like exploratory factor analysis, coefficient alphas, and regression analysis. The results of the study reveal that boredom proneness affects impulse purchasing and smartphone addiction. In addition, it is understood that smartphone addiction plays a mediating role in the effect of boredom proneness on impulse purchasing. These results indicate that boredom can be an important factor affecting certain negative consumer behaviors.
신제3기 마이오세(Miocene)의 플라야호(playa lake) 환경에서 형성된 증발형 붕소 광상인 터키 의 비가디치(Bigadiç) 광상과 크르카(Kırka) 광상에서 산출되는 점토에서 각각 LiO2가 0.02-0.21%, 0.16-0.30% 함유되어 있다. 이는 점토에 리튬을 함유한 헥토라이트(hectorite)가 함유되어 있기 때문으 로 확인되었으며 붕소 광석을 처리하고 남은 광미도 LiO2 0.04-0.26% 포함하고 있는 것으로 보고된 다. 약 0.18%의 리튬 함량을 보이는 비가디치 및 크르카 광상 점토 시료 각 1개에 대하여 추출 가능 한 리튬의 양을 알아보았다. 본 연구의 XRD 분석 결과 크르카 광상의 시료에는 25.7%, 비가디치 시 료에는 79.7%의 헥토라이트가 함유되어 있었다. 이들 점토가 리튬 광석으로 활용될 수 있는지 알아보 기 위해 (1) 산 처리 용출 및 (2) 열처리 침출 방법으로 리튬을 추출하였다. 두 광상 시료 모두 0.25 M 염산과의 반응시간에 따라 용출되는 리튬의 양이 증가하였으나 10시간 이상 반응시켰을 때는 용출되 는 리튬의 양이 더 이상 증가하지 않았다. 10시간 이상 반응시켰을 때, 크르카 광상 점토 시료에서 89%의 리튬이 용출되었으며 비가디치 광상 점토 시료에서 71%의 리튬이 용출되었다. CaCO3 및 CaSO4와 함께 1,100°C에서 2시간 열처리하여 크르카 광상 시료에서 87%, 비가디치 광상 시료에서 82%의 리튬을 추출하였다. 크르카 광상의 점토 시료는 산 처리로 더 많은 양의 리튬을 추출할 수 있 었으며 비가디치 광상의 시료는 열처리 방법으로 리튬을 더 많이 추출할 수 있었다.
신제3기 마이오세(Miocene)의 플라야호(playa lake) 환경에서 형성된 증발형 붕소 광상인 터키 의 비가디치(Bigadiç) 광상과 크르카(Kırka) 광상에서 산출되는 점토에서 각각 LiO2가 0.02-0.21%, 0.16-0.30% 함유되어 있다. 이는 점토에 리튬을 함유한 헥토라이트(hectorite)가 함유되어 있기 때문으 로 확인되었으며 붕소 광석을 처리하고 남은 광미도 LiO2 0.04-0.26% 포함하고 있는 것으로 보고된 다. 약 0.18%의 리튬 함량을 보이는 비가디치 및 크르카 광상 점토 시료 각 1개에 대하여 추출 가능 한 리튬의 양을 알아보았다. 본 연구의 XRD 분석 결과 크르카 광상의 시료에는 25.7%, 비가디치 시 료에는 79.7%의 헥토라이트가 함유되어 있었다. 이들 점토가 리튬 광석으로 활용될 수 있는지 알아보 기 위해 (1) 산 처리 용출 및 (2) 열처리 침출 방법으로 리튬을 추출하였다. 두 광상 시료 모두 0.25 M 염산과의 반응시간에 따라 용출되는 리튬의 양이 증가하였으나 10시간 이상 반응시켰을 때는 용출되 는 리튬의 양이 더 이상 증가하지 않았다. 10시간 이상 반응시켰을 때, 크르카 광상 점토 시료에서 89%의 리튬이 용출되었으며 비가디치 광상 점토 시료에서 71%의 리튬이 용출되었다. CaCO3 및 CaSO4와 함께 1,100°C에서 2시간 열처리하여 크르카 광상 시료에서 87%, 비가디치 광상 시료에서 82%의 리튬을 추출하였다. 크르카 광상의 점토 시료는 산 처리로 더 많은 양의 리튬을 추출할 수 있 었으며 비가디치 광상의 시료는 열처리 방법으로 리튬을 더 많이 추출할 수 있었다.
Li을 포함하는 삼팔면체 스멕타이트 계열의 헥토라이트가 터키 서부 퇴적 기원의 붕소광상에서 다량 존재하는 것이 확인되었으며, Li을 포함하는 헥토라이트는 리튬 자원으로서의 개발 가능성이 높 기 때문에 많은 관심의 대상이 되고 있다. 헥토라이트의 열적 변화와 산에 대한 특성은 산업적인 적용 을 위해서 매우 중요한 성질임에도 불구하고 아직 완전하게 이해된 것이 없다. 이번 연구에서는 터키 붕소광상 중 Li2O 함량이 가장 높은 비가디치 광상에서 채취된 점토광석을 이용하였다. 채취한 점토 광석 내에 존재하는 헥토라이트를 Stoke’s Law를 이용하여 분리한 후 열 및 산 처리 실험을 실시하여 특성 변화를 검토하였다. 헥토라이트는 84℃ 부근에서 흡착수 및 층간수의 탈수에 의한 강한 흡열반 응이 일어나며, 600℃ 이후 결정수의 탈수에 의한 흡열반응이 일어난다. 저온의 흡열반응은 약 6%의 많은 중량 감소를 동반한다. 762℃ 부근에서 헥토라이트가 완화휘석, 크리스토발라이트 및 비정질 산 화철 광물로 분해되는 발열반응이 일어난다. 0.1 M 농도의 무기산으로 1시간 헥토라이트를 반응시킨 결과 황산 ≥ 염산 > 질산 순으로 용해 정도가 높았다.
Since World War II nations have formed alliances for reasons of security and trade. Countries have seen international integration as an appropriate approach to resolving domestic and international political issues, improving their welfare by both transforming their infrastructures and increasing their foreign trade. While the majority of these relationships are straightforward d Turkey’s relationship with the European Union is more complex due to differences in religion and, at times, political ideology from other Union members. As a candidate country Turkey has made advances towards the full membership of the European Union with the customs union being the most significant. The impact of customs union membership is discussed and the effects of the customs union on Turkey’s trade and economy are examined from a perspective of different economic theories.
High temperature is one of major environmental stress. Heat tolerance managing is difficult through the phenotypic selection, so marker assistant selection (MAS) using molecular markers like as RAPD, SSR etc. was tried to select useful traits for heat tolerance. Fourteen SSR markers reported by previous research were selected for this research. We tried to evaluate 14 SSR markers for MAS using 31 useful wheat resources including 24 crossing line from Turkey, six Korean wheat cultivars and Chinese spring. The average of the number of alleles and PIC values in this study were 6.14 and 0.64, respectively. Two major clades and four sub clades were grouped by phylogenetic tree using UPGMA. Four Korean wheat cultivars were distinct from other Turkey resources in the phylogenetic dendrogram. From the results, we expected that these markers were able to adapt to screening wheat genotyping for heat tolerance.