Experimental study on cooling performance of variable capacity A/C system with long pipes
In the present study, a calorimeter was used to experimentally investigate the cooling capacity and COP changes according to the pipe length of a variable capacity A/C system with long pipes. Cooling capacity, COP, and compressor discharge temperature were obtained by changing pipe length and loading duty. And the operation status and cycle change process of the A/C system were investigated using some experimental data and P-h diagrams. In long pipes, the pressure drop increases and the operating load on the compressor increases. Additionally, at the same loading duty, cooling capacity and COP decrease and the compressor discharge temperature increases. As loading duty increases, cooling capacity and compressor power consumption increase. Since the temperature deviation between the experimental value and the correlation equation for the discharge temperature of the long-pipe compressor shows a maximum of 10.5℃(50m, L/D : 20/0), the existing correlation equation needs to be modified.