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윤리풍토와 직장 내 괴롭힘이 간호사 이직의도에 미치는 영향: 우리나라 중ㆍ대형 종합병원에 근무하는 간호사를 중심으로 KCI 등재후보

Effects of Ethical Climate and Workplace Bullying on Nurses’ Turnover Intention: Focusing on Nurses Working in Medium to Large Sized General Hospitals in Korea

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/436346
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,300원
한국간호윤리학회지 (J Korean Soc Nurs Ethics)
한국간호윤리학회 (The Korean Society for Nursing Ethics)

This study was attempted to investigate effects of ethical climate and workplace bullying on nurses’ turnover intention of nurses working in medium to large sized general hospitals in Korea. This study was conducted on 187 full-time nurses working in the general hospitals with more than 400 beds. Data were collected from the online communities of nurses using Google Foam from April 22 to April 24, 2024. The average values were 3.64±0.64 (out of 5 points) for ethical climate, 2.43±0.75 (out of 4 points) for workplace bullying, and 3.33±0.95 (out of 5 points) for nurses’ turnover intention. While ethical climate had a non-significant relationship with nurses' turnover intention, workplace bullying had a significant relationship with nurses' turnover intention. Nurses’ turnover intention was influenced by verbal attack, inappropriate task, working department, and educational level. These four variables can explain 53.0% of nurses' turnover intention. To prevent the turnover of nurses working at medium to large sized general hospitals, nursing managers need to pay more attention to nurses with low educational level and working at comprehensive wards and special wards. In addition, nursing managers should provide communication training to nurses and assign nursing tasks and working departments according to the nurses' abilities and wishes.

Ⅰ. 서 론
    1. 연구의 필요성
    2. 연구의 목적
Ⅱ 연구방법
    1. 연구 설계
    2. 연구 대상
    3. 연구 도구
    4. 자료수집 방법
    5. 윤리적 고려
    6. 자료분석 방법
Ⅲ. 연구결과
    1. 대상자의 일반적 특성과 일반적 특성에 따른윤리풍토, 직장 내 괴롭힘, 이직의도 차이
    2. 연구대상자가 지각하는 윤리풍토, 직장 내괴롭힘, 이직의도 수준
    3. 윤리풍토, 직장 내 괴롭힘, 이직의도 간의 관계
    4. 간호사 이직의도의 영향 요인
Ⅳ 논 의
Ⅴ 결 론
  • 김봉화(위덕대학교 간호학과, 조교수) | Kim Bong Hwa (Department of Nursing, Uiduk University, Assistant professor)
  • 박현주(위덕대학교 간호학과, 부교수) | Park Hyun Ju (Department of Nursing, Uiduk University, Associate professor)
  • 이미애(동국대학교 간호대학 교수) | Lee Mi Aie (College of Nursing, Dongguk University, Professor)