
한국간호윤리학회지 KCI 등재후보 J Korean Soc Nurs Ethics

이 간행물 논문 검색


제4권 2호 (2024년 8월) 4

2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study was attempted to investigate effects of ethical climate and workplace bullying on nurses’ turnover intention of nurses working in medium to large sized general hospitals in Korea. This study was conducted on 187 full-time nurses working in the general hospitals with more than 400 beds. Data were collected from the online communities of nurses using Google Foam from April 22 to April 24, 2024. The average values were 3.64±0.64 (out of 5 points) for ethical climate, 2.43±0.75 (out of 4 points) for workplace bullying, and 3.33±0.95 (out of 5 points) for nurses’ turnover intention. While ethical climate had a non-significant relationship with nurses' turnover intention, workplace bullying had a significant relationship with nurses' turnover intention. Nurses’ turnover intention was influenced by verbal attack, inappropriate task, working department, and educational level. These four variables can explain 53.0% of nurses' turnover intention. To prevent the turnover of nurses working at medium to large sized general hospitals, nursing managers need to pay more attention to nurses with low educational level and working at comprehensive wards and special wards. In addition, nursing managers should provide communication training to nurses and assign nursing tasks and working departments according to the nurses' abilities and wishes.
2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The rapid spread of novel infectious diseases, driven by globalization and transportation, has caused significant global damage. This study aimed to deeply explore the meaning of nursing experiences from nurses who performed holistic care for COVID-19 patients. Methods: Nurses from a tertiary hospital's COVID-19 isolation ward from January 1 to March 31, 2021, were included. Data were collected through 1:1 in-depth interviews with 17 nurses who understood the research purpose and agreed to participate. The transcribed interview data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Results: Five themes and 13 sub-themes were derived from 47 codes. The five themes included 'The beginning of new nursing,' 'New nursing while wearing personal protective equipment,' 'End-of-life care for patients,' 'Fruitfulness of nursing for COVID-19 patients,' and 'Demands for better nursing.' Conclusion: Nurses provided holistic and high-complexity nursing care to COVID-19 patients, experienced personal growth, and recognized the importance of colleagues. The unique context of 'isolation' for COVID-19 patients has resulted in profound end-of-life care experiences for nurses, highlighting the demand for support programs to address this issue. Furthermore, it shows the necessity for staffing support tailored to patient care.
2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this study was to introduce and evaluate a nursing ethics seminar course designed for senior nursing students at a university to address the ethical challenges they faced during clinical practice. The course was offered as an elective and 22 students who had completed various clinical practicums over four semesters participated. The participants led discussions on ethical issues they encountered during their clinical practice. To evaluate the effectiveness of the course, an open-ended survey was conducted at the end of the course. The findings were categorized into three main themes: Individual Growth, Collaborative Opportunities, Suggestions for Improvement. The first category is comprised of ‘Experienced emotional acceptance and relaxation’, ‘Felt comforted and encouraged’, ‘Gained clarity’, and ‘Experienced personal growth’. The second category consists of ‘Self-reflection within a group’, ‘Diverse learning opportunities’, ‘Pleasures of discussion-based learning.’ Third category is comprised of ‘Modifying the lesson structure’ and ‘Optimizing the learning space.’
2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The low participation of women in clinical trials of pharmaceuticals raises ethical issues that hinder accurate assessment of the safety and effectiveness of medicines by gender. Historically, clinical trials have been conducted primarily on men, and the thalidomide scandal further excluded women from participation. Despite policies to encourage women’s participation since 1986, women’s participation in clinical trials of pharmaceuticals remains low and needs to be improved. Given the lack of research on women’s physical characteristics and hormonal changes, increasing women’s participation in clinical trials of pharmaceuticals is essential to develop safe and effective medicines and improve public health, and improvements are needed to ensure equitable health outcomes by gender.