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Examining Traditional Korean, Chinese, and Japanese embroidery through Bourdieu’s cultural theory - Focusing on field and habitus - KCI 등재

부르디외 문화이론을 바탕으로 본 한, 중, 일 전통자수 - 장과 아비투스 개념을 중심으로 -

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/436608
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,700원
복식문화연구 (The Research Journal of the Costume Culture)
복식문화학회 (The Costume Culture Association)

This study aims to analyze the traditional embroidery in Korea, China and Japan based on Pierre Bourdieu’s cultural theory, habitus and field. We conducted literature and case studies examining the late Joseon Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, and Edo Period, respectively. Based on previous studies, we reviewed three fields: social systems, goods and economy, and environmental and regional. We also explored art, culture, and national tastes as habitus. We then examined each country’s embroidery practices through these lenses, and the practice of habitus is as follows. We determined that traditional Korean court embroidery in the late Joseon Dynasty was characterized as controlled elegance, while private embroidery reflected earnest simplicity. During the Qing Dynasty, traditional Chinese court embroidery depicted sumptuous power, while private embroidery portrayed harmonious splendor. Finally, traditional Japanese embroidery in the Edo period reflected symbolic natural beauty and exaggerated comic beauty. As a result, Korea, China, and Japan have had a relatively close geographical location and a similar climate environment zone, and since ancient times, many cultures have been exchanged with each other. However, it seems that the characteristics of traditional embroidery have developed slightly differently due to the practice of habitus, which was caused by of the conspiracy of field and habitus of the three countries. The significance of this study is expected to explain the relationship between the birth and extinction of costumes and embroidery by establishing a systematic and objective framework for aesthetics research.

I.􀀃 Introduction􀀃
Ⅱ.􀀃 Review􀀃 of􀀃 Literature
    1.􀀎 History􀀎 of􀀎 traditional􀀎 embroidery􀀎 in􀀎 Korea,􀀎China􀀎 and􀀎 Japan
    2.􀀎 Pierre􀀎 Bourdieu’s􀀎 cultural􀀎 theory
Ⅲ.􀀃 Research􀀃 Method
Ⅳ.􀀃 Traditional􀀃 Embroidery􀀃 of􀀃 Korea,􀀃China,􀀃 and􀀃 Japan􀀃 Based􀀃 on􀀃 Bourdieu's􀀃Cultural􀀃 Theory
    1.􀀎 Traditional􀀎 embroidery􀀎 of􀀎 Korea􀀎 based􀀎 on􀀎Bourdieu’s􀀎 cultural􀀎 theory
    2.􀀎 Traditional􀀎 embroidery􀀎 of􀀎 China􀀎 based􀀎 on􀀎Bourdieu’􀀎 cultural􀀎 theory
    3.􀀎 Traditional􀀎 embroidery􀀎 of􀀎 Japan􀀎 based􀀎 on􀀎Bourdieu’s􀀎 cultural􀀎 theory
Ⅴ.􀀃 Discussion􀀃 &􀀃 Conclusion
  • Yi Rang Kim(Adjunct Assistant Professor, Dept. Fashion Design, Silla University, Korea) | 김이랑 (신라대학교 패션디자인학과 겸임조교수)
  • Mi Jeong Kwon(Professor, Dept. of Clothing & Textile, Pusan National University, Korea) | 권미정 (부산대학교 의류학과 교수) Corresponding author