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느타리버섯 ‘황금산타리(Pleurotus pulmonarius)’의 시장성 평가와 시장 진입 전략 KCI 등재

Market evaluation and entry strategies for oyster mushroom 'Hwanggeumsantari(Pleurotus pulmonarius)'

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/436768
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국버섯학회지 (Journal of Mushrooms (J. Mushrooms))
한국버섯학회 (The Korean Society of Mushroom Science)

This study was conducted to evaluate the market potential of 'Hwanggeumsantari', a new oyster mushroom variety developed in Gyeonggi Province in 2019, and to derive effective market entry strategies. To objectively assess the marketability of 'Hwanggeumsantari’ from various perspectives, a panel of 50 consumers was formed, and surveys and interviews were conducted. Additionally, two Focus Group Interviews were held with distributors in the agri-food sector. The results showed that potential consumers were positive about the color and texture of ‘Hwanggeumsantari', but expressed relatively less satisfaction with its shelf life and aroma. Distributors, through tow Focus Group Interviews, evaluated that the product had sufficient market competitiveness, but called for efforts to improve cultivation techniques and enhance price competitiveness. Based on the results of market evaluations by consumers and distributors, a SWOT analysis was conducted. The main strengths identified were its outstanding color and texture, while the main weakness was its freshness issue. Meanwhile, the growing demand for healthy foods and various online sales channels could provide market entry opportunities for ‘Hwanggeumsantari', but high sensitivity to price in the case of premium pricing could pose a threat. Consequently, a market entry strategy for ‘Hwanggeumsantari’ was proposed using a 4P mix approach based on the SWOT analysis results. The product strategy emphasized premium positioning, small packaging, and the development of packaging technology to maintain freshness. The price strategy proposed premium pricing and the operation of incentive programs. The distribution strategy suggested channel diversification, direct stores, or direct sales, while the promotion strategy emphasized storytelling and collaboration with influencers.

서 론
재료 및 방법
    데이터 수집
    데이터 분석
결과 및 고찰
    소비자 시장성 평가
    유통인 시장성 평가
    SWOT 분석
    제품 전략 (Product Strategy)
    가격 전략 (Price Strategy)
    유통 전략 (Place Strategy)
    프로모션 전략 (Promotion Strategy)
적 요
감사의 글
  • 박남원(경기도농업기술원 친환경미생물연구소) | Nam-Won Park (Organic Microorganism Research Center, Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services, Gyeonggi Gwangju, 12805, Republic of Korea) Corresponding author
  • 김연진(경기도농업기술원) | Yeon-Jin Kim (Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services, Hwaseong-si, 18388, Republic of Korea)
  • 이채영(경기도농업기술원 친환경미생물연구소) | Chae-Young Lee (Organic Microorganism Research Center, Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services, Gyeonggi Gwangju, 12805, Republic of Korea)
  • 김정한(경기도농업기술원 친환경미생물연구소) | Jeong-Han Kim (Organic Microorganism Research Center, Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services, Gyeonggi Gwangju, 12805, Republic of Korea)
  • 최종인(경기도농업기술원 친환경미생물연구소) | Jong-In Choi (Organic Microorganism Research Center, Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services, Gyeonggi Gwangju, 12805, Republic of Korea)
  • 이윤혜(경기도농업기술원 친환경미생물연구소) | Yun-Hae Lee (Organic Microorganism Research Center, Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services, Gyeonggi Gwangju, 12805, Republic of Korea)