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소방용 모바일 로봇의 발전출력 분석 KCI 등재

Analysis of Power Generation Characteristics in a Mobile Firefighting Robot

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/437761
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국기계기술학회지 (Journal of the Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

In this study, power generation characteristics based on water flow dynamics in a pipe system with a mobile firefighting robot were analyzed using 3D CAD modeling and computational fluid dynamics(CFD) simulations. The water flow field which is significantly affected by applied pressure, generates mechanical torque at the turbine blades, enabling power generation. The inlet pressure of the flow field was set to approximately 6 to 12 bar, and the flow characteristics such as velocity, pressure, and mass flow rate, along with power generation characteristics, were analyzed under various turbine rotational velocities. It was observed that higher inlet pressures resulted in increased torque and mechanical power output at the turbine blades. This research is expected to serve as a fundamental design and data reference to improve the performance of firefighting robots at fire sites.

1. 서 론
2. 전산해석
    2.1 지배방정식
    2.2 해석모 델 및 격자 시스템
    2.3 경계조건
3. 결과 및 토론
    3.1절 소방용 모 바일 로봇 내 유동분포
4. 결 론
후 기
  • 변상호(Master course, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Wonkwang University) | Sang-Ho Byoun
  • 박다인(Ph.D Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Wonkwang University) | Da-In Bak
  • 김영렬(Jinwoo SMC CO., R & D Institute) | Young-Ryul Kim
  • 이상호(Department of Mechanical Engineering, Wonkwang University) | Sang Ho Lee Corresponding author