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碳中和治理政策对中国可持续发展战略的影响 KCI 등재

The Impact of Carbon Neutral Governance Policies on China's Sustainable Development Strategy

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/437904
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 6,100원
한국과 세계 (Korea and World Review)
한국국회학회 (Korea Society of Assembly Studies)

As global climate change worsens, carbon neutrality has beco me a key goal for the international community, accelerated by t he 2015 Paris Agreement. Currently, 151 countries participate in carbon neutrality governance, signaling growing global awarenes s. With the end of the traditional industrial era, a new era of gr een sustainable development is emerging. In September 2020, C hina, the world's largest carbon emitter, announced its goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, a significant move for global climate governance. This study, using literature research, exami nes the development and implementation of China’s carbon neut rality policies and their role in advancing the country’s sustaina ble development strategy. Firstly, China’s sustainable developme nt strategy has been evolving and adjusting under the influence of carbonneutralitygovernance policies. Secondly,the implementat ion of carbon neutrality governance policies has made the goal of China’s sustainable development strategy gradually concrete. Finally, the carbon neutrality governance policies has been esta blished as an important strategic goal of China’s sustainable de velopment strategy gradually.

随着全球气候变化问题日益严峻,碳中和逐渐成为国际社会共同追求的 目标。2015年《巴黎协定》的颁布进一步推动了碳中和概念的发展和应 用。目前全球已经有151个国家参与到了碳中和的治理,全世界范围内的碳 中和意识不断增强。传统的工业时代开始落幕,而一个新型和绿色的可持 续发展时代已经开启。中国作为全球二氧化碳排放量最大的国家,在2020 年9月颁布的碳中和目标里明确了要在2060年之前实现碳中和,这个目标对 中国乃至全球气候治理具有重要意义。本研究以探讨碳中和治理政策对中 国可持续发展战略的影响为主线,采用了文献研究的方法,在对中国碳中 和治理政策的发展进程和实施现状进行分析后,通过分析碳中和政策的颁 布和实施,提炼其在推动中国可持续发展战略中的作用。本研究发现,首 先,中国可持续发展战略在碳中和治理政策的影响下持续演化和调整;其 次,碳中和治理政策的实施让中国可持续发展战略的目标逐渐具体化;最 后,碳中和治理政策逐步被确立为中国可持续发展战略的重要战略目标。

I. 绪论
II. 文献综述及不足
    1. 碳中和治理政策研究现状及发展趋势
    2. 可持续发展战略研究现状及发展趋势
    3. 不足分析
III. 碳中和治理政策和中国和持续发展战略的进程
    1. 碳中和治理政策的发展历程
    2. 中国可持续发展战略的发展历程
IV. 碳中和治理政策对中国可持续发展战略的影响分析
V. 结论与建议

  • 孙铭泽(新罗大学) | Mingze Sun (Silla University)
  • 涂波(新罗大学) | Bo Tu (Silla University) Corresponding author