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의료기관에서의 자외선(UV-C) 소독기 사용 경험 탐색: 국산 모델 개발을 위한 질적연구 KCI 등재

Exploring UV-C Disinfection Device Use in Healthcare Settings: Qualitative Research for Developing A Domestic Model

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/437984
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,800원
대한질적연구학회지 (Korean Association for Qualitative Research)
대한질적연구학회 (Korean Association for Qualitative Research)

Purpose: This study aimed to explore user experience with UV-C disinfection devices in clinical settings to obtain critical information for the development of domestic devices to meet the increasing demand for efficient environmental disinfection in healthcare settings, particularly in terms of effective multidrug-resistant organism control. Methods: A qualitative approach was employed involving 21 participants (infection control nurses, staff nurses, and device managers). Data were collected through five sessions of focus group interviews, and conventional content analysis was undertaken. Results: Four categories and 13 subcategories were identified: (i) Introduction and usage status of UV-C disinfection devices, with ‘Surge in demand for rapid response to infectious diseases’ and ‘Diversified application and management of UV-C disinfection devices based on needs’ subcategories; (ii) Advantages of using UV-C disinfection devices, with ‘Significantly reduced disinfection time,’ ‘Easy and simple operation,’ and ‘Providing a sense of reassurance from a visible confirmation of disinfection’ subcategories; (iii) Limitations of current UV-C disinfection devices, including ‘Ambiguous disinfection range and presence of disinfection blind spots,’ ‘Lack of standards for disinfection efficacy verification and management,’ ‘Safety concerns regarding ultraviolet radiation exposure,’ and ‘Issues related to maintenance of UV-C disinfection devices’ subcategories; and (iv) Expectations for domestic UV-C disinfection devices, including ‘Minimization of disinfection blind spots,’ ‘Variety in device sizes,’ ‘Auxiliary devices for enhancing usage efficiency,’ and ‘Clear protocols for device usage and maintenance. Subcategories.’ Conclusion: UV-C disinfection devices offer valuable benefits for infection control; however, improvements are needed to enhance their efficacy and usability. Practical recommendations include developing standardized safety protocols, enhancing UV-C coverage, and improving device mobility and maintenance to meet diverse healthcare needs. Such advancements in UV-C technology can significantly support effective infection control and operational efficiency in healthcare settings.

서 론
    1. 연구의 필요성
연 구 방 법
    1. 연구설계
    2. 연구참여자
    3. 자료수집
    4. 윤리적 고려
    5. 자료분석
    6. 연구의 엄격성
연 구 결 과
    1. 자외선 소독기 도입과 사용현황
    2. UV-C 소독기 사용의 장점
    3. 참여자들이 생각하는 현재 UV-C 소독기의 사용상제한점
    4. 추후 개발될 UV-C 소독기에 바라는 점
논 의
결 론 및 제 언
  • 류재금(동아대학교 간호학부 조교수) | Ryu Jae Geum (Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, DongA University, Busan, Korea)
  • 정인숙(부산대학교 간호대학 교수) | Jeong Ihn Sook (Professor, College of Nursing, Pusan National University, Yangsan, Korea)
  • 박은숙(중소병원감염관리네트워크 자문) | Park Eun Suk (Consultant, Infection Control Consulting Network, Seoul, Korea)
  • 김아름(질병관리청 의료안전예방국 의료감염관리과 선임연구원) | Kim Areum (Senior Research Scientist, Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, Bureau of Healthcare Safety and Immunization, Division of Healthcare Associated Infection Control, Osong, Korea)
  • 최정화(건국대학교병원 감염관리실 팀장) | Choi Jeong Hwa (Team Leader, Infection Control Team, Konkuk University Medical Center, Seoul, Korea)
  • 오세은(단국대학교 간호대학 부교수) | Oh Seieun (Associate Professor, College of Nursing, Dankook University, Cheonan, Korea) Corresponding author