한반도의 풍수 유래는 신라 말과 고려 초 시기에 걸쳐 도선이 중국의 풍수 를 한반도에 전했다는 설이 지배적이다. 그러나 여러 기록들에 따르면 중국에 서 풍수가 전해지기 전에도 한반도에는 고대로부터 전해 내려온 고유의 자생 풍수가 있었다고 한다. 경주분지 일대는 한반도 고대국가 진한(辰韓, BC 1~AD 3) 소국(小國)의 하나로 신라(新羅)의 기원이 되는 사로국(斯盧國)이 자리하였던 곳으로, 이어 신라가 천년왕국을 유지하는 데에 경주의 자연 지리적 환경이 큰 영향을 미 쳤다고 할 수 있다. 때문에 경주분지와 주변에는 풍수의 원형으로 볼 수 있는 고대인들이 자연을 영위한 유적을 많이 찾아 볼 수 있다. 따라서 이 논문은 신라의 수도 경주에 남겨진 한반도 고유의 풍수적 유산 을 살펴보면서, 중국 풍수 이전에도 풍수적 요소가 한반도 고대인의 삶에 반 영되었으며, 신라왕국의 변천, 발전에도 많은 영향을 주었다는 점을 논증하기 위한 것이다.
Silla is an ancient country that emerged from the Saro Kingdom(BC 57~), one of 12 small countries in the Yeongnam region of the ancient Korean Peninsula. Starting as the smallest kingdom in the Gyeongju Basin, which is geopolitically biased toward the southeastern end of the Korean Peninsula, Silla ultimately unified Goguryeo and Baekje, and to lead a millennium kingdom. The ancient city of Gyeongju was also the center of Jinhan, an ancient country, before the birth of Saroguk, and it can be said that the natural geographical environment of the Gyeongju Basin greatly influenced the maintenance of the Silla Kingdom for over a thousand years. For this reason, in the ancient city of Gyeongju, there are many legacies that can be seen as the archetype of ancient feng shui, where the ancient people lived in the natural environment necessary for life. It is widely believed that the Buddhist monk Doseon introduced Chinese fengshui to the Korean Peninsula, during the end of Shilla Dynasty & the beginning of the Goryeo Dynasty. However, various records show that even before the introduction of Chinese feng shui, there were the indigenous feng shui origined from ancient in Korean Peninsula. This paper examines the legacy of archetypal Korean fengshui before the Chinese fengshui that appeared in Gyeongju, the capital city of Silla Dynasty, and argues that the original feng shui or feng shui factors influenced the decision of the city planning of the Kingdom's Capital in ancient times. The results of this study are as follows. First, it seems that people lived in this area before the Neolithic and Bronze Age, judging from the rock art and stone age artifacts found around the Gyeongju Basin. The remains of dolmens from the Bronze Age remain around the Nangsan Mountain, which is called the ‘Jinsan(Governor Mountain) of the Gyeongju Basin as a feng shui concept. Stone axes are still found at the foot of Nangsan Mountain, and pieces of early earthenware are still found. Second, the origin of the Six Tribal Nation of Jinhan with historical records, the Hwabaek-meeting, the perception of the Baekdudaegan, the mountain worship tradition seen in the "3 near & 5 far Mountains system", the creation and protection of riverside forests, including the Cheongyeong Forest, for the purpose of river flood prevention which was recognized as a place of indigenous faith worship, and the origin of Cheonryongsa Temple under the high peak of Namsan were examples of primitive feng shui that led natural geography in their own way. In a time when there were limitations in the delivery of text and information, stories were created in the form of myths and stories to protect major natural forms or specific areas that should be protected from the perspective of feng shui. Third, it was confirmed that there was already indigenous feng shui on the Korean Peninsula in the ancient period before the Three Kingdoms period, through the fact that the "Toronsamhanjip" which is believed to have originated from the era before the establishment of Saroguk(BC 57), contained information about the feng shui relation between the location of Gyeongju Basin and Cheonryongsa Temple Site. In this way, it was examined that even before the influx of Chinese feng shui into the Korean Peninsula, there was indigenous feng shui or feng shui thinking from the ancient time.