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飞鸿堂印人传版本流传与成书方式研究 KCI 등재

A Detailed Study on the Transmission and Compilation of Feihong Tang Yinren Zhuan Versions

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438879
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,300원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

Wang Qishu, a prominent Huizhou merchant and seal collector during the Qianlong to Jiaqing Period of the Qing Dynasty, and was obsessed with the publishing of seal prints. He published dozens of seal prints in his life, among which the most influential seal prints was “Feihongtang Yinpu”, which included the most seals in the history of Chinese printing. authored “Feihongtang Yinpu” (Catalog of Feihongtang Seals) and “Feihongtang Yinren Zhuan” (Biographies of Seal Artists of Feihongtang). “Feihongtang Yinren Zhuan” is derived from “Feihongtang Yinpu”, and there is academic debate regarding its compilation time, method, and relationship with “Feihongtang Yinpu”. As the first printing book in the history of Chinese printing, the biography of the seal has attracted great attention to the academic circle at present.This study confirms its compilation in the fifty-fourth year of the Qianlong era (1789) containing 126 biographies of seal artists and encompassing 129 individuals, by comparing different versions of “Feihongtang Yinren Zhuan” housed in the National Library of China. Compilation methods identified include commissioned contributions, third-party inquiries, and personal collection efforts. The discrepancy in the number of seal artists recorded compared to “Feihongtang Yinpu” primarily stems from Wang Qishu’s casual approach to compiling, resulting in omissions in the third volume of the seal catalog.

汪启淑是清乾嘉时期著名徽商、印章收藏家,自幼痴迷于收藏印章、出版印谱,一生 收藏印章数万方、出版印谱数十部,其中最具影响力者当属飞鸿堂印谱,该谱是中国印 学史上收录印章最多的印谱。飞鸿堂印人传是飞鸿堂印谱的衍生物,与飞鸿堂印谱 相辅相成。飞鸿堂印人传作为中国印学史上第一部主动记录印人史料的印学著作,目前 学界对其关注度很高,但其成书时间、成书方式以及和飞鸿堂印谱之间的关系学界尚有 争论。本研究通过对比中国国家图书馆藏不同版本飞鸿堂印人传,确定其成书时间为清 乾隆五十四年,即公元1789年;确定其共收录传记126篇,印人129位;确定其成书方式有 约稿、找第三者打探、亲自收集等三种方式;确定其虽为飞鸿堂印谱的姊妹篇,但仅收 录飞鸿堂印谱中的少数印人,其所录印人数量少于飞鸿堂印谱印章作者数量的主要原 因是汪启淑“随手率书”,致使印谱第三集漏刻印章作者姓名。

1. 绪论
2. 飞鸿堂印人传成书前印事活动与印学著作情况
3. 飞鸿堂印人传成书时间与版本流传
4. 飞鸿堂印人传成书方式
5. 飞鸿堂印人传与飞鸿堂印谱之关系辩证
6. 结语
  • 吴林(国立江原大学全球文化融合系博士研究生) | 오림
  • 张庆丰(国立江原大学全球文化融合系教授) | 장경풍 Corresponding author
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