이 글은 오영수의 「이사」 발표 지면을 확인하기 위한 것이다. 「이사」는 1951년 발표로 알려져 있다. 그런데 1951년 「이사」를 발표했다는 잡지 문예는 1951년에 발간되지 않은 것으로 확인된다. 따라서 이 글은 「이사」가 들어있는 1953년 부산지역 잡지를 발굴하여 오영수 작품 연대를 보완하고자 한다. 「이사」가 발표된 지역 잡지는 남선전기주식회사에서 발행한 전우이다. 1953년 창간된 전우는 부산에서 나온 사외보로써 전기 문명에 대한 홍보와 더불어 구성원들의 소통과 교양을 위하여 창간되었다. 거의 절반 분량의 문예란을 두고 있는 것이 특징이다. 「이사」는 창간호 문예란에서 발견되었다. 이 글은 단편소설의 대가로 알려진 오영수의 「이사」에 대한 서지학적 연구로써 지금까지 알려지지 않은 발표 지면을 발굴하였 다. 이를 통하여 지역 문학 연구를 위한 지역 잡지 발굴의 중요성을 확인하였다
The Tay people are the ethnic minorities with the largest population in Viet Nam, mainly distributed in the Northern Uplands and Midlands, mostly concentrated in the provinces of Cao Bang, Lang Son, Tuyen Quang and Ha Giang. Over the long history of development, along with the development and improvement of their language, the Tay people have gradually created a type of writing system using the graphic, phonetic, and meaning elements of Chinese characters in combination with indigenous phonetic and linguistic elements, to create the system that is called the Nom-Tay scripts or the Nom script of the Tay ethnic group. Traditional Tay literature is mainly recorded in this Nom - Tay script. The article reliesupon the texts that belong to the genre of narrative poetry (in this genre, a story is written as a long poem) written in Nom - Tay- the most significant part of the written classical folk literature of the Tay ethnic group. Materials from the texts, currently stored at the Institute of Sino - Nom Studies (Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences), will be used to conduct an analysis of the usage and the method of writing of the Chinese characters in these texts. Thereby, the article strives to confirm the important role and the ample appearance of the Chinese characters in VietnameseNom- Tay texts.
This study was to analyze the philologicalcharacterofHuangdizhaijing(黃帝宅經). Huangdizhaijing isafirststagescripturesofYangzhaiFengshui(陽宅風水)whichisthe firstlymentionedbookinSikuquanshu(四庫全書).Huangdizhaijingisanobligatory book to read to understand the palace ofancientdynasty as wellas generalhousing of people. Huangdizhaijing measured housing conditions divided into Yangzhai(陽宅) and Yinzhai(陰宅).The contents succeeded traditionalYangzhaiguan(陽宅觀)which values direction(方向)andJiri(吉日).Thatis,classifying Yangzhaiinto24directionsbasedon QiofYinYang(陰陽之氣)theory,generalcontentsofHuangdizhaijingexplainsregulatory rulesand propitiousday in accordancewith theYangzhaimathematicalprinciplesand archaeology through Jixiongshenshalun(吉凶神煞論).Huangdizhaijing includesthekernel ofunderstanding thechinesearchitectsystem andhousing culturebecauseitdescribes closereciprocalinfluencesbetweenmanandhouse. It seems that the author of Huangdizhaijing is not the emperor but he was represented by descendants who systemized the idea ofHuangdizhaijing in Yangzhai shu(陽宅書).Being theremany ofdocumentspresentedby emperorlikeHuangdineijing (黃帝內徑),Itiscountedthatthereasonoftherepresentingemperoristoshow offits originhaslongandauthoritativehistory. Itseemsthatthepreserved period ofwriting Huangdizhaijing isTang(唐)dynasty, butcounting thatvariousYangzhaishuprevailed,Huangdizhaijing'scontentshasmuch in common with Dunhuangben(敦煌本), and it valued Menfazhidu(門閥制度) of Weijinnanbeichao(魏晉南北朝) dynasty,the many ofthe contents of Huangdizhaijing shouldbe formedbeforeTangdynasty. The exiting editions ofHuangdizhaijing could be divided into generally 8 kinds:① Zhengtongdaocangben(正統道藏本) ②Yimenguangduben(夷門廣牘本) ③Jindaimishuben(津 逮秘書本) ④Shuofuben(說郛本) ⑤Gujintushujichengben(古今圖書集成本) ⑥ Sikuquanshuben(四庫全書本)⑦Xuejintaoyuanben(學津討原本)⑧Dunhuangben(敦煌本)