This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of nattokinase (NK) additives on milk production and composition, and blood metabolites in dairy cows. The two kinds of nattokinase with high fibrinolytic activity were produced by two strains of bacteria, Bacillus amyloliquefacines (NK1) and Bacillus subtilis (NK2). Total fifteen Holstein cows (average 1.83±0.37 parity; average milk yield 23.2±3.2 ㎏/d) were randomly assigned to three treatments (5 animals per treatment). Cows were fed TMR supplemented with 0g, 100g and 100g for control, NK1 and NK2 treatment, respectively for 4 weeks. Milk yield was significantly higher (p<0.05) for NK1 (22.89 ㎏/d) than for control (21.07 ㎏/d) and NK2 (21.36 ㎏/d). Somatic cell counts in NK treatments were significantly lower than that in control group (58,000 vs. 21,000 and 35,000 cells/㎖, control vs. NK1 and NK2). Serum ALT levels in all treatment were similar to the range of 32.00~35.83 IU/L, but AST levels in NK1 (85.67 IU/L) was significantly decreased compared with those in control and NK2 (121.67 and 117.67 IU/L respectively). Serum T-CHO levels in NK1 (145.33 ㎎/㎗) was significantly decreased (p<0.05) compared with that in control (179.00 ㎎/㎗) and NK2 (176.17 ㎎/㎗). This finding showed that NK1 additives could possibly have a positive effect in lactation performance of mid-lactation dairy cows by increasing milk yield, reducing somatic cell count, improving liver function and decreasing cholesterol in blood.