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        검색결과 1,213

        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A series of high resolution spectra of CH Cygni obtained at the Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory (BOAO) in April 2004 has been analyzed. The emission components of the [O I] 6300 A lines are de-convoluted and fitted with Gaussian functions in order to investigate the characteristics and the structure of CH Cygni system along with the analysis for Hα and [O III] lines. A present geometrical structure of the components of CH Cygni system is suggested.
        2005.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The box culvert is one of the simple and common structures employed repetitively in construction field. Although parametric computer applications have demonstrated a significant amount of time savings in designing simple and repetitive structures, circulating resultant electronic documents among project participants has not been fully integrated with these applications. This paper presents a development of Web applications to improve the process of a box culvert design and document management using XML and SVG. We developed a parametric Web application in order to facilitate not only engineering design of the box culvert but also management of resultant documents over the Web. This paper presents how XML Data Island and SVG were utilized to generate engineering drawings and display them in the Web page.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Shock waves form in the intergalactic space as an ubiquitous consequence of cosmic structure formation. Using N-body/hydrodynamic simulation data of a ACDM universe, we examined the properties of cosmological shock waves including their morphological distribution. Adopting a diffusive shock acceleration model, we then calculated the amount of cosmic ray energy as well as that of gas thermal energy dissipated at the shocks. Finally, the dynamical consequence of those cosmic rays on cluster properties is discussed.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is commonly observed that Korean students tend to use the English conjunction so more often than any other English conjunction when expressing cause or reason in English. On the other hand, because is the conjunction of choice among native English speakers. This paper attempts to explain why Korean English learners have the tendency to use so over other conjunctions, and to analyze some of the similarities and differences in the use of Korean and English causal connectors. The findings of the study provide an empirical basis for the development of course design and teaching materials, especially for the development of courses in English writing for academic purposes.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Construction of tunnels in a deep crystalline host rock for a potential High-Level Radioactive Waste(HLW) repository inevitably generates an excavation disturbed zone (EDZ). There have been a series of debates on whether a permeability in an EDZ increases or not and what would be the maximum depth of an EDZ. Recent studies show mixed opinions on permeability. However, there has been an international consensus on the thickness of an EDZ; 30 cm for TBM and 1 meter for controlled blast. One of the impacts of an EDZ is on determining the distance between adjacent deposition holes. The void gap by the excavation hinders relaxation of temperature profiles so that the current Korean reference designing distance between holes should be stretched out more to keep the maximum temperature in a buffer region below 100 degrees Celsius. The other impact of an EDZ is on the long-term post closure radiological safety. To estimate the impact, the reference scenario, the well scenario, is chosen. Released nuclides diffuse through a bentonite buffer region experiencing strong sorption and reach a fracture surrounded by a porous medium. Inside a fractured porous region, radionuclides migrate by advection and dispersion with matrix diffusion into a porous medium. Finally, they reach a well assumed to be a source of potable water for local residents. The annual individual dose is assessed on this well scenario to find out the significance of an EDZ. A profound sensitivity study was performed, but all results show that the impact is negligible. Even though the role of an EDZ turns out to be limited on overall safety assessment, still it is worthwhile to study the chemical role of an EDZ, such as a potential source for natural colloids, potential sealing of an open fracture by fine clay particles generated by the process of an EDZ, and alteration of a sorption mechanism by an EDZ in the future.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Shocks are ubiquitous in astrophysical environments and cosmic-rays (CRs) are known to be accelerated at collisionless shocks via diffusive shock acceleration. It is believed that the CR pressure is important in the evolution of the interstellar medium of our galaxy and most of galactic CRs with energies up to ~ 1015 eV are accelerated by supernova remnant shocks. In this contribution we have studied the CR acceleration at shocks through numerical simulation of 1D, quasi-parallel shocks for a wide range of shock Mach numbers and shock speeds. We show that CR modified shocks evolve to time-asymptotic states by the time injected particles are accelerated to moderately relativistic energies, and that two shocks with the same Mach number, but with different shock speeds, evolve qualitatively similarly when the results are presented in terms of a characteristic diffusion length and diffusion time. We find that 10-4 - 10-3 of the particles passed through the shock are accelerated to form the CR population, and the injection rate is higher for shocks with higher Mach number. The time asymptotic value for the CR acceleration efficiency is controlled mainly by shock Mach number, and high Mach number shocks all evolve towards efficiencies ~ 50%, regardless of the injection rate and upstream CR pressure. We conclude that the injection rates in strong quasi-parallel shocks are sufficient to lead to significant nonlinear modifications to the shock structures, implying the importance of the CR acceleration at astrophysical shocks.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate how Korean primary school L2 readers construct intertextual meaning and how they relate their conceptions or beliefs about reading to their intertextualtity. School instructions or home literacy environments in English reading might influence L2 readers' reading conceptions and their reading processes which are in turn associated with their intertextual connections among the multiple texts. Though current literature in L2 reading has focused on great interest in the reading processes of a single story or text, little interest was given to L2 readers' intertextuality among the multiple stories. The researcher first diagnoses four Korean primary school readers' reading conceptions, followed by retrospective miscue reading analyses to investigate their reading processes. Finally, their intertextual connections among the five stories of adventure are examined by conducting think-aloud procedure. The results showed that L2 readers have their own reading conceptions and behaviors, which are influenced by their home literacy environment and school instructions. In addition, Korean EFL readers' conceptions of reading and behaviors are strongly connected with their intertextuality among the multiple stories.