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        검색결과 9,685

        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Compacted bentonite buffer materials are a key component of the engineered barrier system for high-level radioactive waste disposal. The bentonite buffer is saturated via groundwater flow through the excavation damaged zone in the adjacent rock mass. Bentonite saturation results in bentonite swelling, gelation and intrusion into the nearby rock discontinuities. Groundwater flow can cause bentonite erosion and transportation of bentonite colloids. This bentonite mass loss can negatively impact the long-term integrity of the engineered barrier system. Hence, it is necessary to understand the effects of erosion on the properties of the bentonite buffer. In this study, a series of artificial fracture erosion experiments are conducted to investigate the erosion characteristics of compacted Ca-bentonite buffer materials for different initial dry density conditions. Compacted bentonite blocks and bentonite pellets were manufactured using the cold isostatic pressing technique and granulation compactor respectively. The specimens were placed in a custommade transparent artificial fracture cell and the bentonite intrusion characteristics were monitored for two months under free swelling conditions with no groundwater flow. The radial expansion of the bentonite specimens within the artificial fracture was measured using a digital camera. In addition, the swelling pressure, displacement, and saturation were determined using a load cell-piston system, LVDT, and electrical resistivity electrodes respectively. A hydro-mechanical-chemical coupled dynamic bentonite diffusion model was applied to model the bentonite erosion characteristics using COMSOL Multiphysics.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The analysis of uranium migration is crucial for the accurate safety assessment of high-level radioactive waste (HLW) repository. Previous studies showed that the migration of the uranium can be affected by various physical and chemical processes, such as groundwater flow, heat transfer, sorption/ desorption and, precipitation/dissolution. Therefore, a coupled Thermal-Hydrological-Chemical (THC) model is required to accurately simulate the uranium migration near the HLW repository. In this study, COMSOL-PHREEQC coupled model was used to simulate the uranium migration. In the model, groundwater flow, heat transfer, and non-reactive solute transport were calculated by COMSOL, and geo-chemical reaction was calculated by PHREEQC. Sorption was primarily considered as geo-chemical reaction in the model, using the concept of two-site protolysis nonelctrostatic surface complexation and cation exchange (2 SP NE SC/CE). A modified operator splitting method was used to couple the results of COMSOL and PHREEQC. Three benchmarks were done to assess the accuracy of the model: 1) 1D transport and cation exchange model, 2) cesium transport in the column experiment done by Steefel et al. (2002), and 3) the batch sorption experiment done by Fernandes et al. (2012), and Bradbury and Baeyens (2009). Three benchmark results showed reliable matching with results from the previous studies. After the validation, uranium 1D transport simulation on arbitrary porewater condition was conducted. From the results, the evolution of the uranium front with sequentially saturating sites was observed. Due to the limitation of operator splitting method, time step effect was observed, which caused the uranium to sorbed at further sites then it should. For further study, 3 main tasks were proposed. First, precipitation/ dissolution will be added to the reaction part. Second, multiphase flow will be considered instead of single phase Darcy flow. Last, the effect of redox potential will be considered.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A rock joint exerts significant influences on the rock mass behavior in terms of thermal, hydraulic, and mechanical (THM) aspects. Therefore, its features should be thoroughly investigated in various rock mechanical projects, such as high-level radioactive waste (HLW) disposal repository, tunnel, and rock slope. Meanwhile, it is essential to guarantee the safety of the disposal repository for a very long period of time and it should prepare measures for various risks, which may possibly encounter during that period. In general, direct shear tests for a rock joint are conducted to investigate the possibility of frictional sliding of the joint under specific loading conditions or to predict the shear strength of the joint. However, it is necessary to consider whether regional sliding of a rock joint or reactivation of a fault might occur due to an earthquake or redistribution of the in-situ stresses because the expected operation period of the repository is quite long, and various situations can happen. A slide-hold-slide test for a rock joint is a practical test that can investigate the time-dependent behavior or frictionalhealing of a joint. The test enables an estimation of the stress build-up phenomenon after strain energy release in a quantitative manner. In this study, a series of slide-hold-slide tests were carried out in order to investigate the characteristics. Joint specimens were made from mortar, which is a rock-like and brittle material, so as to consider the effect of joint roughness and to secure the reproducibility of the tests. At the same time, mechanical conditions as well as thermal and hydraulic were applied in order to take the environment of the repository into account. As a result, the behavior of shear stress recovery was observed, and the effects of THM coupled condition on the recovery were investigated. This study presents fundamental results of the experiments, and further research outcomes, including time dependent behavior of a joint, will be presented sequentially.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        When a rapid groundwater inflow is introduced from the adjacent rock mass in the early stage of disposal, hydraulic pressure build-up occurs, which may cause piping erosion at the buffer material itself and the interface of the gap-filling material. Such piping erosion in compacted bentonite buffer via interaction between the buffer and the adjacent rock mass may deteriorate the performance of the buffer material. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the conditions and scenarios in which the piping phenomenon around the buffer material occurs for the long-term health of the repository. In this study, laboratory-scale experimental tests of piping erosion in buffer and interfacial rock was introduced. ø 100 mm × 200 mm height compacted bentonite specimens were placed in a cylindrical acetal cell, and the distilled water was continuously injected at a flow rate of 0.068 L/min using a dual syringe pump. The inflow of water was generated from the bottom and side cell of buffer material. During water injection, injected water pressure and amount were measured with visual observation. The results showed that the external saturation of buffer firstly occurs followed by piping crack generation along the wetting front. The additional piping channels were generated and merged with others. As the injection stopped, the swelling and self-sealing behavior of buffer material were observed. Moreover, X-ray CT scanning of the cell was conducted after the piping simulation to analyze the piping channels and saturation depth. The results highlight the piping erosion phenomenon mainly occurs due to the presence of a gap outside the buffer material. Further experimental cases is need to comprehensively understand piping phenomena in buffer material for assessing the long-term stability of underground radioactive waste disposal systems.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The backfill refills the deep geological disposal system after the installation of buffer in the disposal hole. SKB and Posiva have established the safety function for the backfill such as hydraulic conductivity of 10-10 m/s and swelling pressure of 0.2 MPa. The study on the thermal properties is required for the evaluation of performance design and long-term stability of backfill, since the thermal condition affects the hydraulic and mechanical behavior of backfill. Thermal conductivity is a key characteristic of thermal properties due to heat dissipation from spent fuel. In this study, thermal conductivities of bentonite-sand mixed blocks were measured. The silica sands were used instead of the crushed rock with bentonil-WRK, one of the candidate bentonite of the Korean repository system. The effects of size distribution and mass ratio of sand were evaluated. Four different size of silica sand (i.e., 0.18-0.25, 0.7-1.12, 1.6-2.5, 2.5-5.0 mm) and five mixing ratio (i.e., 1:9, 2:8, 3:7, 4:6, 5:5 of bentonite and sand) were used for characterization of thermal conductivity. As a result, the thermal conductivities were measured ranging from 1.6 to 3.1 W/m∙K depending on the size and mass ratio of the sand. The smaller the size or higher the mixing ratio of sand or the higher the water contents, the higher the thermal conductivity on the surface of backfill block. The higher compressing pressure induce higher thermal conductivity. Meanwhile, the feasibility study of backfill block productivity was reviewed according to the variables of this study. The excessive sand ratio and water contents lead to poor quality that results in the failure of the block. In Korea, the research of backfill is only now in fundamental steps, thus the results of this study are expected to use for setup the experimental conditions of hydraulic and mechanical performance, and can be used for the design of safety function and evaluation of long-term stability for deep geological disposal system.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Kori-1, the nuclear power plants in South Korea, first started operation in April 1978 and was suspended permanently in 2017. The saturation rate time of spent nuclear fuel generated by major nuclear power plants operating in Korea are getting closer. If we fail to dispose spent nuclear fuel, which is equivalent to high-level radioactive waste, the nuclear power plants will have to be shutdown. High-level radioactive waste is permanently disposed through a deep geological disposal system because it contains long-term half-life nuclides and emits high energy. To select the deep geological disposal site and construct the disposal facilities, it is necessary to establish appropriate regulatory policies accordingly. The status of database construction in OECD-NEA, NRC, SITEX, and IAEA, which provides safety regulations for deep geological disposal system, stipulates each requirement for dismantling nuclear power plants. However, details such as specific figures are not specified, and guidelines for the disposal of high-level radioactive wastes are not clearly distinguished. In Korea, the CYPRUS program, an integrated database system, has been developed to support comprehensive performance evaluation for high-level waste disposal. However, due to several difficult situations, maintenance and upgrades have not been performed, so the research results exist only in the form of raw data and the new research results have not been reflected. Other than that, there is no preemptive basis for regulating the deep geological disposal system. With real-time database, we can develop a regulatory system for the domestic deep disposal system by systematically analyzing the regulatory condition and regulatory case data of international organizations and foreign leading countries. The database system processed and stored primary data collected from nuclear safety reports and other related data. In addition, we used relational database and designed table to maximize time and space efficiency. It is provided in the form of a web service so that multiple users can easily find the data they want at the same time. Based on these technologies, this study established a database system by analyzing the legal systems, regulatory standards, and cases of major foreign leading countries such as Sweden, Finland, the United States, and Japan. This database aims to organize data for each safety case component and further prepare a safety regulatory framework for each stage of development of disposal facilities suitable for the domestic environment.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In high-level radioactive waste disposal, a high temperature is generated from the canister containing the waste in the engineered barrier, while groundwater flows into the buffer system from the host rock. The temperature increase and groundwater inflow result in the water phase change and saturation variation. Saturation change is related to the thermal conductivity of buffer material; hence the phase change and saturation strongly interact with the temperature evolution. The complex coupled behavior affects the stability of the whole disposal system, and the security of the repository is critical to human-being life. However, it is difficult to predict the long-term coupled behavior in the disposal system due to the considerable field-test scale, and therefore a numerical simulation is a suitable method having repeatability and cost-effectiveness. DECOVALEX is an international cooperating project for developing numerical methods and models for thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) interaction. DECOVALEX has a four-year cycle with various topics. At the current phase, Task C aims to simulate the full-scale emplacement (FE) experiment performed at Mont Terri underground rock laboratory. Nine research groups are participating in the task, and among them, KAERI simulates the experiment using OGS-FLAC. The simulator combines OpenGeoSys for TH simulation and FLAC3D for M simulation. Through the benchmark simulation, we verified OGS-FLAC for the two-phase flow analysis in the disposal system and finally modeled the FE experiment with a three-dimensional grid. We performed a simple sensitivity analysis to investigate the effect of input parameters on the two-phase flow system and confirmed that the compressibility and permeability affected the flow behavior. We also compared the simulation results to the field data and obtained well-matched results from a series of simulation.