A number of coated grains (spherical to elongated ones in shape) were collected from a small stream, Dijon, France. They were characterized by typical concentric lamination surrounding broken twigs, and were thus identified as concentric precipitation on plant twigs. Within carbonate coatings of the plant twigs, two morphological groups including, eukaryotic green algae (Vaucheria sp.) and cyanobacteria (Scytonema sp. and Rivularia sp.) were detected, which form carbonate crystals that are surrounding their filaments. The filaments could have triggered carbonate precipitation by photosynthetic removal of CO2 causing the increase of alkalinity of the water, and by supporting their sheaths as nucleation sites. Such encrusted twigs were found from 70 meters downstream, in which temperature and pH were measured as 11.1˚C and 8.18, respectively. These water chemistries (11.1˚C and pH 8.18), with the aid of microbial photosynthesis, were likely to provide a suitable condition for carbonate precipitation on the twigs.
This study was conducted to assess the feasibility of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) as a rapid and reliable method for the estimation of crude protein (CP) fractions in forage legume mixtures (sudangrass and pea mixture, and kidney bean and potato mixture). A total of 178 samples were collected and their spectral reflectance obtained in the range of 400~2,500 nm. Of these, 50 samples were selected for calibration and validation, and 35 samples were used for calibration of the data set, and the modified partial least square regression (MPLSR) analysis was performed. The correlation coefficient (r2) and the standard error of cross-validation (SECV) of the calibration models in the CP fractions, A, B1, B2, B3, and C, were 0.94 (1.05), 0.92 (0.74), 0.96 (0.95), 0.91 (0.42), and 0.83 (0.38), respectively. Fifteen samples were used for equation validation, and the r2 and the standard error of prediction (SEP) were 0.87 (1.45), 0.91 (0.49), 0.94 (1.13), 0.36 (0.96), and 0.74 (0.67), respectively. This study showed that NIRS could be an effective tool for the rapid and precise estimation of CP fractions in forage legume mixtures.
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is one of the most important forage legumes in the world. It has been demanded to establish the efficient transformation system in commercial varieties of alfalfa for forage molecular breeding and production of varieties possessing new characteristics. To approach this, genetic transformation techniques have been developed and modified. This work was performed to establish conditions for effective transformation of commercial alfalfa cultivars, Xinjiang Daye, ABT405, Vernal, Wintergreen and Alfagraze. GUS gene was used as a transgene and cotyledon and hypocotyl as a source of explants. Transformation efficiencies differed from 0 to 7.9% among alfalfa cultivars. Highest transformation efficiencies were observed in the cultivar Xinjiang Daye. The integration and expression of the transgenes in the transformed alfalfa plants was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and histochemical GUS assay. These data demonstrate highly efficient Agrobacterium transformation of diverse alfalfa cultivars Xinjiang Daye, which enables routine production of transgenic alfalfa plants.
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of bacterial inoculation (Lactobacillus plantarum) and cutting height on the chemical composition, fermentation characteristics and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) in whole crop barley silage. Barley forage (Youngyang hybrid) was harvested at about 27% of dry matter (DM) level at two different cutting height (5 vs. 15 cm). And it was chopped to 5 cm length and treated with or without L. plantarum. Four replicates of each treatment were ensiled into 10 L mini silo (3 kg) for 100 days. After 100 days, bacterial inoculation decreased (p=0.001) DM content, while increased cutting height increased (p=0.002) DM in uninoculated silage. Crude protein (CP) concentration was decreased by increasing height in uninoculated silage (8.84 vs. 8.16) but increased in inoculated silage (8.19 vs. 8.99). Both neutral detergent fiber (NDF) (p<0.011) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) (p<0.004) were decreased by increasing cutting height of forage at harvest. The IVDMD and ammonia-N was increased (p=0.001) by increasing cutting height and inoculation, respectively. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) was increased (p=0.002) in inoculated silage, but yeast count was decreased (p=0.026) in uninoculated silages. It is concluded that increased cutting height of forage at harvest could be useful to make a fibrous portion with increase of dry matter digestibility of silages.
HX106N은 용안육, 맥문동, 단삼 및 천마 등의 4가지 식물로 구성된 추출물로서, 선행 연구에서 amyloid β peptide에 의한 생쥐의 기억력 저하 및 산화 손상을 억제하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 이 연구에서는 HX106N이 비선택적 무스카린 수용체 길항제로 잘 알려진 스코폴라민(scopolamine)으로 유도한 콜린성 건망증(cholinergic amnesia)에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 평가하였다. ICR 생쥐에게 스코폴라민(1 mg/kg body weight, i.p.)을 주입하기 1시간 전에 HX106N(100 mg/kg body weight, p.o.)을 투여하였다. 30분 후 수행한 Y-미로 시험(Y-maze test) 및 수동 회피 시험(passive avoidance test)에서 HX106N는 스코폴라민에 의해 감소되는 자발적 변경 행동(spontaneous alternation) 및 지체시간(step-through latency)을 유의미하게 억제하여 건망증을 개선시키는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 HX106N을 투약 1시간 후 생쥐의 해마와 대뇌피질 부위의 아세틸콜린에스테라제(acetylcholinesterase; AChE)의 활성을 측정한 결과 통계적으로 유의미한 정도의 활성 감소가 관찰되었다. 이러한 결과들을 종합할 때 HX106N은 AD에서 관찰되는 콜린성신경전달 장애로 인한 기억력 저하 억제에 사용될 수 있는 가능성을 가진 것으로 판단된다.
다변량통계기법은 수리지구화학 자료의 분석 및 해석에 많이 이용되어 왔다. 본 연구에서 대응분석과 주성분분석을 동시에 사용하여 인위적인 활동에 의한 지하수의 특징을 살펴보았다. 본 연구의 목적은 NETPATH 프로그램 속의 WATEQ4F를 이용하여 지하수 화학성분의 분화를 계산하고 이를 다변량통계기법을 이용하여 지구화학적인 정보를 추출하는 것이다. 연구지역은 한반도의 남동쪽에 위치한 울산의 LPG 저장시설이다. 본 연구지역에서는 다른 저장시설에서 관찰되는 초염기성의 조성을 가지는 지하수가 관찰되었다. 이러한 인위적인 영향에 의한 높은 pH를 가지는 지하수로 인해 Al의 분화특징과 탄산염의 침전을 유발할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 연구지역에 지하수에 영향을 주는 두 인위적인 요소(세정작용와 시멘트영향)에 의해서 수리지구화학적인 특징과 상이 어떻게 변하는 가에 초점을 두었다. 이전 연구결과와 두 통계분석을 통해 제시된 결과를 비교하여 지구화학적인 정보를 이용한 주성분분석과 대응분석인 수리지구화학 연구에서 기초연구로 활용될 수 있음을 알 수 있다.
A hierarchical pore structured novolac-type phenol based-activated carbon with micropores and mesopores was fabricated. Physical activation using a sacrificialsilicon dioxide (SiO2) template and chemical activation using potassium hydroxide (KOH) were employed to pre-pare these materials. The morphology of the well-developed pore structure was character-ized using field-emissionscanning electron microscopy. The novolac-type phenol-based activated carbon retained hierarchical pores (micropores and mesopores); it exhibited high Brunauer-Emmett-Teller specificsurface areas and hierarchical pore size distributions. The hierarchical pore novolac-type phenol-based activated carbon was used as an electrode in electric double-layer capacitors, and the specificcapacitance and the retained capacitance ratio were measured. The specificcapacitances and the retained capacitance ratio were en-hanced, depending on the SiO2 concentration in the material. This result is attributed to the hierarchical pore structure of the novolac-type phenol-based activated carbon.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of Korean Native Cattle sperm frozen-thawed with L-cysteine and/or catalase. The semen from bulls was collected by the artificial vagina method, and Triladyl containing 20% egg-yolk and/or L-cysteine (L), catalase (C) and L-cysteine + catalase was added to the diluted semen for cryopreservation. The results showed that sperm viability was significantly higher in the L-cysteine + catalase (69.49 ± 3.16%) group than in the control (60.5 ± 3.94%) group (p<0.05). Acrosome damage was significantly lower in the L-cysteine (17.12 ± 1.08%) group than in the control (21.46 ± 1.14%), catalase (20.54 ± 0.76%), and L-cysteine + catalase (19.29 ± 0.65%) groups (p<0.05). In addition, the level of intact mitochondria in the spermatozoa was significantly higher in the L-cysteine (58.65 ± 1.39%) group than in the control (50.63 ± 2.37%) group (p<0.05). The hydrogen peroxide level in the frozen-thawed sperm was significantly lower in the L-cysteine (3.74 ± 1.66%), catalase (4.65 ± 1.87%), and L-cysteine + catalase (8.11 ± 2.15%) groups than in the control (13.22 ± 1.6%) group (p<0.05). The glutathione level was significantly higher in the L-cysteine (1.33 ± 0.03%) group than in the control (1.08 ± 0.06 %), catalase (1.05 ± 0.02%) and L-cysteine + catalase (1.11 ± 0.03%) groups (p<0.05). In conclusion, L-cysteine and catalase could protect the membrane of Korean Native Cattle sperm from damage during sperm cryopreservation. Especially, L-cysteine was more effective for keeping acrosomes and mitochondria intactness during sperm cryopreservation.
Although the majority of surviving pigs cloned by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) appear to be physiologically normal, there is a general lack of detailed hemato-physiologic studies for the period of early adulthood to substantiate this claim. In the present study, we investigated variation in blood chemistry and endocrinological parameters between mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from cloned and normal age-matched female and male miniature pigs. Cloned females and males showed normal ranges for complete blood count assessments. Biochemical assessments showed that γ-GGT, ALT and cholesterol levels of male and female clones were significantly (P<0.05 or P<0.01, respectively) higher than that of age-matched control miniature pigs. Variations in insulin and IGF-1 were higher in female clones than in male clones and controls. Thus, although female and male cloned miniature pigs may be physiologically similar to normal animals, or at least within normal ranges, a greater degree of physiological and endocrinological variation was found in cloned pigs. The above variation must be taken into account before considering cloned female or male miniature pigs for various biomedical applications.
Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMP)-2 and -9 are participated in embryo development, implantation, remodeling of epithelial cell and ovulation. The objective of this study is to evaluate an impact of MMP2 and MMP9 on embryonic developmental competence as well as gene expression profiles of in vitro-produced bovine embryos. After in vitro fertilization, embryos of all groups were transferred into IVC-2 medium treated with MMP2 and MMP9 to check the optimum concentration on the basis of embryo development competence and cell numbers. The optimum concentrations for MMP2 and 9 were 1,200 ng/ml and 300 ng/ml. The blastocyst development competence was not different among 1,200 ng/ml of MMP2 vs. 300 ng/ml of MMP9 vs. combined MMP2 + 9 vs. control groups (41.46 ± 10.66 vs. 37.73 ± 8.92 vs. 45.11 ± 11.41% vs. 41.59 ± 11.88, respectively). Furthermore, the developmental competences to hatching and hatched blastocysts were not also different among the same groups (79.84 ± 12.63 vs. 83.3 ± 17.46 vs. 78.55 ± 14.48% vs. 72.02 ± 14.09). In addition, total cell number was significantly (p<0.05) greater in blastocyst treated with MMP9 300 ng/ml among all treatment groups. On the other hand, there was no significant difference of ICM vs. TE ratio in all groups. The expression of five out of six genes (i.e., MMP2, MMP9, IFNt, SSLP1 and HNRNPA2B1) was different among the groups. The expression of IFNt and HNRNPA2B1 genes was significantly greater in MMP9 (p<0.05), but there was no difference of MMP9 expression between MMP2 and MMP9 group (p>0.05). The normalized expression of MMP2 and SSLP1 was greater in MMP2 than other groups (p<0.05). In conclusion, MMPs treatment during IVC-2 medium was remarkably effected on blastocyst developmental competence and gene expression profiles that are related to embryo quality and implantation.
Burdock (Arctium sp.) is known as a nutraceutical vegetable, especially in Japanese and Korean cuisine. While burdock plants are generally harvested for their tap roots, different parts of the plant are consumed as food or used as traditional medicines. This study investigated the physicochemical properties of the leaves, stems, roots, and peeled roots of the burdock plant based on their pH, soluble solid content, titratable acidity, color values, and mineral content. The pH differed significantly among the different plant parts, with the highest value in the leaves and the lowest in the stems. However, for the soluble solid content, the leaves had the lowest, while the peeled roots had the highest. The titratable acidity of the stems was significantly lower than that of the leaves, roots, and peeled roots. As regards the color values, the lightness value was highest for the stems, while the roots showed the highest redness value, followed by the peeled roots, and the leaves had the highest yellowness value. The leaves and stems contained almost three times more potassium than the roots and peeled roots. Thus, the higher content of different minerals in the leaves and stems of the burdock plant shows that these plant parts could be used as potential sources of dietary minerals.
Chios Gum Mastic (CGM) is a natural resin extracted from the leaves of Pistacia lentiscus, a plant endemic to the Greek island of Chios. It has been used by traditional healers, and it has antibacterial, antifungal properties, and therapeutic benefits for the skin. The CGM reduces the formation of dental plaque and bacterial growth in oral saliva, and recent studies have demonstrated the role of antioxidant activity of CGM. Although CGM has been widely investigated, its protective effect against oxidative-damage to keratinocytes, as well as the relationship between CGM and autophagy, has not been investigated. The aim of this study was to assess the protective effect of CGM against H2O2-induced oxidative stress and to evaluate the autophagic features induced by CGM in human keratinocytes. The pretreatment with CGM significantly reduced apoptosis in H2O2-exposed HaCaT cells. It promoted the degradation of caspase-3, caspase-8, and caspase-9; and it induced the formation of the processed PARP. The treatment with CGM caused an increase in vesicle formation compared to control group. The level of p62 was reduced and the conversion of LC3-I to LC3-II was increased in CGM treated HaCaT cells. Also, the treatment with CGM increased cleavage of ATG5-ATG12 complex. In summary, CGM helps the cells to survive under stressful conditions by preventing apoptosis and enhancing autophagy. Besides, the present investigation provides evidence to support the antioxidant potential of CGM in vitro and opens up a new horizon for future experiments.
Fabrication of reaction-bonded Al2O3 (RBAO) ceramics using Al-Zn-Mg alloy powder was studied in order to improve traditional RBAO ceramic processing using Al powder. The influence on reaction-bonding and microstructure, as well as on physical and mechanical properties, of the particulate characteristics of the Al2O3-Al alloy powder mixtures after milling, was revealed. Variation of the particulate characteristics of this Al2O3-Al alloy powder mixture with milling time was reported previously. To start, the Al2O3-Al alloy powder mixture was milled, reaction-bonded, post-sintered, and characterized. During reaction-bonding of the Al2O3-Al alloy powder mixture compacts, oxidation of the Al alloy took place in two stages, that is, there was solid- and liquid-state oxidation of the Al alloy. The solid-state oxidation exhibited strong dependence on the density of surface defects on the Al-alloy particles formed during milling. Higher milling efficiency resulted in less participation of the Al alloy in reaction-bonding. This was because of its consumption by chemical reactions during milling, and subsequent powder handling, and could be rather harmful in the case of over-milling. In contrast to very little dependence of oxidation of the Al alloy on its particle size after milling, the relative density, microstructure, and flexural strength were strongly dependent on particle size after milling (i.e., on milling efficiency). The relative density and 4-point flexural strength of the RBAO ceramics in this study were ~98% and ~365 MPa, respectively, after post-sintering at 1,600˚C.
In this paper, the effects of precipitates and Mn-solute atoms on the recrystallization behavior of an Al-Mn alloy was studied using micro-Vickers hardness, electrical conductivity measurements and optical microscopy. Various thermo-mechanical processes were designed to investigate the different morphologies, and the solute concentration, of Mn in the matrix. The results indicate that the recrystallization temperature, TR and time, tR, are influenced by the amount of M-solute atoms in the matrix, and that the recrystallization microstructure is influenced by the amount of precipitates. Recrystallization in the Slow-Cooling specimen was rapid due to its low concentration of Mn-solute atoms, and the crystal-grain size was the smallest due to finely distributed precipitates. However, in the case of the No-Holding specimen, elongated grains were observed at the low annealing temperature and the largest recrystallized grains were observed at the high annealing temperatures (compared with Slow-Cooling and Base specimens) due to the high Mn-solute atoms in the matrix.
In this work, activated carbon nanofiber(ACNF) electrodes with high double-layer capaci-tance and good rate capability were prepared from polyacrylonitrile nanofibersby optimiz-ing the carbonization temperature prior to H2O activation. The morphology of the ACNFs was observed by scanning electron microscopy. The elemental composition was determined by analysis of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. N2-adsorption-isotherm characteristics at 77 K were confirmedby Brunauer-Emmett-Teller and Dubinin-Radushkevich equations. ACNFs processed at different carbonization temperatures were applied as electrodes for electrical double-layer capacitors. The experimental results showed that the surface mor-phology of the CNFs was not significantlychanged after the carbonization process, although their diameters gradually decreased with increasing carbonization temperature. It was found that the carbon content in the CNFs could easily be tailored by controlling the carbonization temperature. The specificcapacitance of the prepared ACNFs was enhanced by increasing the carbonization temperature.
Isotropic synthetic graphite scrap and phenolic resin were mixed, and the mixed powder was formed at 300 MPa to produce a green body. New bulk graphite was produced by carbon-izing the green body at 700°C, and the bulk graphite thus produced was impregnated with resin and re-carbonized at 700°C. The bulk density of the bulk graphite was 1.29 g/cm3, and the porosity of the open pores was 29.8%. After one impregnation, the density increased to 1.44 g/cm3 while the porosity decreased to 25.2%. Differences in the pore distribution before and after impregnation were easily confirmedby observing the microstructure. In addition, by using an X-ray diffractometer, the degrees-of-alignment (Da) were obtained for one side perpendicular to the direction of compression molding of the bulk graphite (the “top-face”), and one side parallel to the direction of compression molding (the “side-face”). The anisot-ropy ratio calculated from the Da-values obtained was 1.13, which indicates comparatively good isotropy.
한국산 동백나무류에서 서식하는 3종의 국내 미기록 혹응애(전기문목: 혹응애과), Acaphylla theae (Watt), A. theavagrans Kadono 및 Calacarus carinatus (Green)에 대한 분류학적 설명과 주요형질의 삽화를 제공하고, 기주식물과 피해양상 등의 생물학적 정보 또한 제공한다.
물방개과에 속하는 두 종-Hyphydrus falkenstromi Gschwendtner (제주알물방개)와 Sandracottus mixtus (Blanchard)(호랑물방개)-을 국내에서 처음 보고한다. 이미 기록되었던 Hydaticus pacificus Aube는 S. mixtus (Blanchard)의 오동정이다. 두 종에 대한 성충의 사진, 재기재문 및 주요 형질에 대한 그림을 함께 제시한다.
Activated carbon nanofibers(ACNF) were prepared from polyacrylonitrile (PAN)-based nanofibersusing CO2 activation methods with varying activation process times. The surface and structural characteristics of the ACNF were observed by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction, respectively. N2 adsorption isotherm characteristics at 77 K were con-firmedby Brunauer-Emmett-Teller and Dubinin-Radushkevich equations. As experimental results, many holes or cavernous structures were found on the fibersurfaces after the CO2 activation as confirmedby scanning electron microscopy analysis. Specificsurface areas and pore volumes of the prepared ACNFs were enhanced within a range of 10 to 30 min of acti-vation times. Performance of the porous PAN-based nanofibersas an electrode for electrical double layer capacitors was evaluated in terms of the activation conditions.
In this work, nanocomposites of epoxy resin and chemically reduced graphene oxide (RGO) were prepared by thermal curing process. X-ray diffractions confirmed the microstructural properties of RGO. Differential scanning calorimetry was used to evaluate the curing behaviors of RGO/epoxy nanocomposites with different RGO loading amounts. We investigated the effect of RGO loading amounts on the mechanical properties of the epoxy nanocomposites. It was found that the presence of RGO improved both flexural strength and modulus of the epoxy nanocomposites till the RGO loading reached 0.4 wt%, and then decreased. The optimum loading achieved about 24.5 and 25.7% improvements, respectively, compared to the neat-epoxy composites. The observed mechanical reinforcement might be an enhancement of mechanical interlocking between the epoxy matrix and RGO due to the unique planar structures.