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        검색결과 9,514

        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Anthocyanin has antioxidant and radical-scavenging effects which may protect cells from oxidative damage and reduce risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer. A new peanut variety “Heuksaeng”(Arachis hypogaea ssp. hypogaea L.) with dark purple peanut skin was developed at the Department of Southern Area Crop Science, NICS, in Milyang in 2014. This variety was developed from the crossing line between cultivar “Iksan 31” with short stem and erect plant type and “Iksan35” with large grain and purple skin. “Heuksaeng” which is semi erect Virginia plant type has 32cm of main stem length and 25 branch number per plant. This also show more resistant to late leaf spot, web blotch and lodging, compared with check variety “Daekwang”. Each pod has two grains with ellipse shape of purple testa and its yield components is composed of 60 mature pods of per plant, 69g of 100-seed weight, 77% of pod shelling ratio in the regional yield trials(RYT). For 3 year regional yield trials the average kernel yield of “Heuksaeng” had 4.25 MT/ha similar to that of check variety. Its seed quality show 26.9% of crude protein and 46.0% of crude oil and 53.4% of oleate in fatty acid composition. Peanut skin of variety “Heuksang” consist of 2 kind of anthocyanin compounds such as 4.67mg/100g of delpinidine-3-glucoside (D3G) and 1.18mg/100g of cyanidine-3-glucoside(C3G). Peanut variety with high anthocyanin conent in skin will be useful to the recent preference of colorful food with healthful functional compounds.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Peanut is grown worldwide in the tropics and temperate zones primarily as an oilseed crop (38-54%) and protein source(25-30%). A new peanut variety “Daan”(Arachis hypogaea ssp. fastigiata L.) with the high yield potential was developed at the Department of Southern Area Crop Science, NICS, in Milyang in 2014. This was developed from the crossing line between cultivar “Sangpyeong” with short stem and high quality and “Dakwang” with large grain. “Daan” which is Shinpung plant type has 44cm of main stem length and 13 branch number per plant. Each pod has two grains with long ellipse shape of brown testa and yield components is composed of 34 mature pods of per plant, 127g of 100-seed weight, 75% of pod shelling ratio in the regional yield trials(RYT). Seed quality showed 47.8% of crude oil and 28.3% of protein content. This variety also showed more resistant to early leaf spot, late leaf spot, web blotch, stem rot and lodging compared with check variety “Daekwang”. In the regional yield trials “Daan” outyielded check variety by 16% with 5.00 MT/ha for kernel yield.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Banaue Rice Terraces in the Philippines has been a rich source of genetic diversity of untapped rice landraces in the mountainous region of Cordillera. Although some may have been included into modern breeding programs, significant indica-japonica differentiation among landraces cultivated in the region is not well known. Thus, Cordillera landraces differentiation across different altitude gradient (458 m to 1830 m) will provide great opportunities for improvement on rice genetics. We analyzed the genetic variation among 166 accessions collected in 17 towns in 6 provinces across different altitudes using Subspecies Specific Sequence Tagged Site (SS-STS) and Insertion-Deletion (InDel) markers. Subspecies Prototype Index (SPI) degree of each landrace was used to calculate the genomic inclination of each variety towards subspecies. The 50 molecular markers (24 SS-STS and 26 InDel) that assayed variation in 166 accessions revealed 116 alleles. Gene diversity ranged from 0.04 (R3M23) to 0.50 (S04058) with an average of 0.40. Polymorphism information content (PIC) ranged from 0.04 (R3M23) to 0.37 (S12030, S07047, R10M40, S10001, S04058 and S09040B) with an average of 0.31. Using the control varieties to assign groups, the larger group of 114 Cordillera landraces corresponds to 71% japonica type while the smaller group of 42 corresponds to 26% indica and 3% intermediates. A total of 7 (4%) indica and 9 (6%) japonica type accessions were found above 1500 m. Results of this study suggested that majority of japonica type rice landraces were grown in high altitudes of Banaue Rice Terraces and nearby provinces, and interestingly, indica type rice landraces were cultivated in areas at much higher altitudes (>1500 m) than those categorized by the traditional methods.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘Clara’ 품종은 국립원예특작과학원에서 2005년도에 육성한 포인세티아 품종으로 초장이 작고 컴팩트한 수형으로 포엽의 형태는 난형이며 엽맥 사이 주름의 정도는 약하다. 포엽의 길이와 폭, 잎몸의 길이와 폭, 엽병의 길이는 짧으며 단일처리 후 약 9주일이 경과하면 충분히 착색되어 출하가 가능한 품종이다. 2008년 5월과 10월 ‘Clara’ 품종의 캘러스가 형성된 삽수에 100Gy의 감마선을 24시간 동안 처리하여 유기한 돌연변이를 이용하여 2010년과 2013년에 국립원예특작과학원에서 ‘Clara Pink’와 ‘Clara White’품종을 육성하였다. 이 두 품종들은 포엽의 색이 완전히 변한 변이주를 선발하여 계통화 하였으며 2008년 5월에 감마선을 처리한 삽수들 중 포엽의 색이 분홍색인 변이지를 선발하여 2009년에 2차에 거쳐 특성검정을 실시하였다. 2010년에 ‘원예 D5-2’를 육성한 후 3차 특성검정과 품종평가회를 실시하여 최종선발하였으며, 농작물 직무육성 신품종선정위원회를 거쳐 ‘Clara Pink’로 명명하였다. 2005년 10월에 감마선을 처리한 삽수들중에서는 포엽의 색이 연황색인 변이주를 선발하여 계통화 하였으며, 2012년과 2013년에 1,2차 특성검정을 실시하였다. 2013년에 ‘원예 D5-34’를 육성하여 특성검정과 품종평가회를 실시하고 농작물 직무육성신품종선정위원회를 거쳐 ‘Clara White’로 명명하였다. ‘클라라 핑크’와 ‘클라라 화이트’ 두 품종 모두 ‘클라라’ 품종과 같은 소형으로 적심하지 않은 상태에서도 분지가 많이 발생하는 컴팩트한 수형이다. 포엽의 형태는 결각이 없는 난형이며, 엽맥 사이에 약한 주름이 있고 단일처리 후 약 9주일 경과하면 완전히 착색된다. 잎몸의 모양은 난형이며, 엽병의 길이는 짧다. 그러나 ‘클라라 핑크’와 ‘클라라 화이트’ 품종의 포엽과 엽맥의 안토시아닌 발현에 차이를 나타내었다. ‘클라라 핑크’ 의 포엽은 분홍색이며, ‘클라라 화이트’의 포엽은 연황색이다. 또한 ‘클라라 핑크’ 와 ‘클라라 화이트’ 품종은 ‘클라라’ 품종과 비교해서 잎자루 윗면의 안토시아닌 발현 정도가 약하였으며, 잎몸 윗면의 가운데 맥의 색이 ‘클라라’ 품종은 녹색과 빨강색이 함께 발현되었으나, ‘클라라 핑크’ 와 ‘클라라 화이트’ 품종은 녹색만 발현되었다.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Cysteine protease (CP) is one of the well-studied proteolytic enzymes in plants. This class of protease has been implicated in various physiological aspects of developmental stages in plants including seed germination, senescence, and disease immunity. A handful of studies assigned plants cysteine protease in different molecular battlefield under a few selected pathosystems, and initially extricated complex molecular mechanism of resistance. However, its potential use as an agent of resistance to diseases in rice has never been explored. This study demonstrates the function of CP specifically in rice - Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) pathosystem. The CP -encoding full-length cDNA was cloned from Brassica rapa and transformed into japonica rice cv. ‘Gopumbyeo’. The gene was overexpressed under the control of CaMV35S promoter in pFLC vector. Blast analysis of the conserved domain of the gene confirmed its affinity to Peptidase_CIA family. RT-PCR analysis showed that the gene was constitutively expressed in all tissues tested. Regulation of rice resistance through cysteine protease activity is evident in overexpression lines which exhibited an enhanced resistance to four Korean Xoo isolates. Further analyses will be carried out to uncover the specific role of CP in rice-Xoo interaction.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Since global climate changes drastically, pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) is expected to pose serious problems in rice production. CBL-interacting serine/threonine protein kinases (CIPKs) have been implicated to play important role in regulating various abiotic stresses such as cold, salinity and drought. In this study, to understand the function of this gene under pre-harvest sprouting in rice, a cDNA clone encoding CBL-interacting protein kinase 15 was isolated from rice flowers. We constructed a recombinant vector carrying the CIPK15 under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter and Tnos terminator and transformed into rice using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Insertion of the gene was verified in transformants using HPT resistance test and genomic PCR. Transcriptional profiling using tissues of wild type, Gopum, revealed expression of the gene in whole plant tissues with level of expression highest in the seeds suggesting possible role in dormancy. Comparative expression analysis of the gene in transgenic and wild type through semi-quantitative RT-PCR and real-time PCR showed higher expression in transgenic rice lines. Moreover, screening in the mist chamber showed overexpression lines that were resistant to the PHS. This result suggests the involvement of CIPK15 in the regulation of pre-harvest sprouting.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Low temperature is a major abiotic stress that adversely affects rice production in rice cultivation regions of the world. Low temperature during the rice growing season, can inhibit growth and development at any development stage, from germination to grain filling. Among the rice growth stage, reproductive stage was known as the most sensitive to low temperature, causing sterile grain and lead yield loss. However, low temperature during the grain filling stage also, may cause delay and incomplete grain maturation. In this study QTL analysis were performed to identify the QTLs associated with percent of grain filling under low temperature condition during the grain filling stage. A 139 RIL derived from a cross between ‘Milyang23’ (Tong-il, cold susceptible) and ‘Gihobyeo’(Japonica, cold tolerance) were exposed to air and water of 17℃ at the same time for 14 days during the grain filling stage. One significant QTL associated to percent of grain filling was detected on chromosome 7. This QTL could explain 14.7% of the phenotypic variance for percent of grain filling. We have the plan to confirm the detected QTL through further study.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of development new variety ‘Miho’ (Hordeum vulgare L.) is a favorite with livestock feed and develop varieties resistant to disease and lodging. ‘Miho’ was carrying the growth habit of group Ⅲ, green and mid-wide leaf. Awn that are related to preference of livestock is a semi-smooth awn. This cultivar had 96cm of culm length, 650 of spikes per m2. Heading date of ‘Miho’ is April 27, and maturing dates on May 30, which were later than cultivar ‘Youngyang’. It also showed strong winter hardiness, and similar resistance to shattering and BaYMV compared with those of check one. The best thing among the traits of one is a new good quality with the plant green at the latter growing period. The average forage dry matter yield in the regional yield trial was about 13.1, 12.1 MT per ha in upland and paddy field, respectively, which were 9%, 2% higher than that of the check cultivar. It’s also showed 6.8% crude protein, 27.1% ADF (acid detergent fiber), and 67.5% TDN (Total Digestible Nutrients), including higher silage quality for whole crop barley. This cultivar would be suitable for the area whose daily minimum temperature was above -8℃ in January in Korean peninsula.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The world population has been continuously increasing and has led to the growing demand for rice. It is therefore important to pay as much attention to the enhancement of grain yield as well as grain quality. Grain size is one of the major factors determining grain yield and quality. A large number of genes are known to be involved in regulation of grain size. However, the influence of their haplotype combination is still largely unknown. Of the previously characterized genes, we especially focused on the six genes (GS3, GS5, GS6, GW2, qSW5/GW5, and GW8/OsSPL16) to expand our understanding of regulation of grain size and to develop a regression equation model that can be used for molecular rice breeding. A total of 215 rice germplasms, which originated or developed from 28 rice-consuming countries, were used in this study. The genotyping analysis revealed that different alleles of the six genes were widely distributed in our germplasm collection and also showed significant associations with the differences in grain size. Interestingly, we found that the relatively small number of haplotype combinations preserved in diverse rice germplasms and showed significant associations with the differences in grain size. In addition, we also found that a single gene-specific allelic variation plays an important role in regulation of grain size in the presence of a certain type of haplotype combination. Based on these results, we developed a regression equation model for prediction of rice grain size. We expect that our model can be used for rice molecular breeding to develop new rice varieties having a grain size in a particular range.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Tissue-specific promoters are a very useful tool for manipulating gene expression in a target tissue or organ; however, their range of applications in other plant species has not been determined, to date. In this study, we identified two late pollen-specific rice promoters (ProOsLPS10 and ProOsLPS11) via meta-anatomical expression analysis. We then investigated the expression of both promoters in transgenic rice (a homologous system) and Arabidopsis (a heterologous system) using ProOsLPS10 or ProOsLPS11::GFP-GUS constructs. As predicted by microarray data, both promoters triggered strong GUS expression during the late stages of pollen development in rice, with no GUS signals detected in the examined microspores and sporophytic tissues. Interestingly, these promoters exhibited different GUS expression patterns in Arabidopsis. While in Arabidopsis, the OsLPS10 promoter conferred GUS expression at the uni- and bi-cellular macrospore stages, as well as at the shoot apical region during the seedling stage, the OsLPS11 promoter was not active in the pollen at any stage, or in the examined sporophytic tissues. Furthermore, by performing a complementation analysis using a sidecar pollen (scp) mutant that displays developmental defects at the microspore stage, we found evidence that OsLPS10, which can be an applied promoter expressed in Arabidopsis, is useful for directing gene expression in the early stages of pollen development. Our results indicate that the OsLPS10 and OsLPS11 promoters can drive the expression of target genes during the late stages of pollen development in rice, but not in Arabidopsis. Our results also emphasize the necessity of confirming the applicability of an established promoter to heterologous systems.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Leaves are the organ for photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration, and have a major effect on crop yield. Therefore, leaf shape and structure are important agronomic traits in breeding for ideal type plant. We obtained a new abaxially rolled leaf mutant from Ilpum(Oryza sativa ssp. japonica) by the treatment of ethyl methane sulfonate(EMS). The abaxially rolled leaf mutant showed reduced plant height and panicle length, increased tiller number and panicle number than Ilpum. LRI(Leaf rolling index) analysis showed that the mutant have high value compared to the wild-type. In cross section analysis, the mutant was observed to have increased of bulliform cell number and size, and led to the outcurved leaf rolling. The phenotypes of the F1 plants derived from the cross between the mutant and Ilpum were normal. In F2 population, segregation ratio between the wild type and the mutant was 3:1. This genetic analysis indicated that leaf rolling is controlled by single recessive gene. Bulked segregant analysis(BSA) and genetic mapping were conducted using F2 population derived from the cross between mutant and Milyang23(Oryza sativa ssp. indica). According to the results, the gene was located on the long arm of chromosome2. Fine mapping is in progress.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Clubroot is a devastating disease caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae and results in severe losses of yield and quality in Brassica crops including Brassica oleracea. Therefore, it is important to identify resistance gene for CR disease and apply it to breeding of Brassica crops. In this study, we applied genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) technique to construct high resolution genetic map and mapping of clubroot resistance (CR) genes. A total of 18,187 GBS markers were identified between two parent lines resistant and susceptible to the disease, of which 4,103 markers were genotyped in all 78 F2 plants generated from crossing of both parent lines. The markers were clustered into nine linkage groups spanning 879.9 cM, generating high resolution genetic map enough to refine reported reference genome of cabbage. In addition, through QTL analysis using 78 F2:3 progenies and mapping based on the genetic map, two and single major QTLs were identified for resistance of race 2 and race 9 of P. brassicae, respectively. These QTLs did not show collinearity with CR loci found in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa) but roughly overlapped with CR loci identified in cabbage for resistance to race 4. Taken together, genetic map and QTLs obtained in this study will provide valuable information to improve reference genome and clubroot resistance in cabbage.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Exposure to ionizing radiation is regarded as a kind of abiotic stresses that can change the expression of genes in living organisms. This study aimed on investigating the variations in gene expressions induced by two different types of irradiations with different doses, which were low linear energy transfer (LET) gamma rays (100, 200, and 400 Gy) and high LET ion-beams (20, 40, and 80 Gy) on rice. RNA sequencing was carried out using the Illumina HiSeq-2500 platform. The average amount of reads were 4.8 Gb per individual, and 5 to 8% of the reads were removed after quality control. More than 90% of the RNA-seq reads were mapped to the rice reference genome sequence (IRGSP-1.0). A total of 247 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified by comparison of the gene expression levels between the wildtype and the irradiated individuals. The 247 DEGs were divided into five modules and 27 intra-modular hub genes were found using the weighted correlation network analysis (WGCNA) method. The MEturquiose module had the most number of genes with 75 related to carbohydrate and small molecule metabolic processes. The co-expression network reconstructed using ARACNE (algorithm for reconstruction of accurate cellular networks) showed specific up- or down-regulation of the genes in each module according to the types and doses of radiation. This study will contribute to understanding the gene expression responses to ionizing irradiation.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The number of spikelets per panicle in rice is determined by characters of the panicle such as the number of primary branches (PB) and secondary branches (SB) and panicle length (PL). It is a quantitative traits controlled by several genes. In this study, the nucleotide polymorphism and haplotype diversity of coding region of genes related to number of spikelets per panicle (SPP), including APO1, APO2, FON1, DEP1, GN1a, GHD8, HD1, and SP1, were analyzed using 45 varieties which showed significant phenotypic variations for PL, PB, SB and SPP. Significant correlations were observed among all the panicle traits. A total of 151 polymorphisms, including 114 SNPs and 26 indels were detected in coding region of 8 genes which constructed 52 haplotypes. Neutrality tests revealed that population subdivision event or balancing selection occurred in locus of APO2, FON1, and HD1 whereas no significant deviation from neutrality was detected in the other genes, suggesting a neutral evolution. Based on the results of GLM association analysis, 34 polymorphic sites in 6 genes were significantly related with the 4 panicle related-traits.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Onion and other Allium vegetables have been valued since antiquity for their pungent flavor and aroma. Modern science has confirmed traditional benefits that the organosulfur compounds that impart flavor also confer significant human health benefits such as reduced blood clotting and antimicrobial properties. Glucose, fructose and sucrose comprises majority of onion bulb dry matter content. The sugars, pyruvic acid accumulation and transcript level of some transcription factors involved in the biosynthesis of high sugars and pyruvic acid. These profiles were compared with two different lines 36101 (early) and 36122(Late) of bulb onion (Allium cepa L.) growing under drought and photoperiod condition using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and Quantitative real time PCR using FT genes. We identified the gene AcFT4 was responsible for early and late bulb intiation in the onion lines. The cultivar lines 36101and 36122 were used to identify potential genes controlling pungency and sugar. The comparative analysis of two lines showed significant positive phenotypic and genetic correlations. Sugar and pungency profile showed significant difference between two lines. FT gene expression and pungency level was high in onion lines during drought stress. In this study, we proposed the biochemical characterization of two line and genes involved in the bulb formation were also studied. There is a correlation between sugars and pungency level during the drought stress. These results could be presumably used as useful information to obtain onion varieties rich in sugars and pungency.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Magnoliae Flos (Sini in Korean) is one of the most important oriental medicinal plants. In the Korean Herbal Pharmacopeia, the bud of the all species in Manolia denudate and Manolia genus were regarded as the botanical sources for ‘Sini’. Most the dried bud of Manolia denudata, Manolia biondii and Manolia sprengeri were used as ‘Xin-yi’ in China. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine and compare the ‘Magnolia’ species, four species including Manolia denudata, M. biondii, M. liliiflora and M. Kobus were analysis of sequencing data revealed DNA polymorphisms. The based on tRNA coding leucine/phenylalanine (trnL-F) and NADH-plastoquinone oxidoreductase subunit 5 (ndhF) sequences in chloroplast DNA. For the identification of ‘Magnolia’ species, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of chloroplast DNA regions such as ndhF have proven an appropriate method. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) has been identified between genuine “Sini” and their fraudulent and misuse. Specific PCR primers were designed from this polymorphic site within the sequence data, and were used to detect true plants via multiplex PCR.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In sustainable viticulture, green manure represents a safe and non-polluting way to bring large quantities of organic matter into the soil. The cultivation of green manure crops plays an important role in soil quality and sustainability of agricultural system. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of green manure fertilization on yield and quality of the Campbell Early grape variety in the organic vineyard. Hairy vetch was the more productive green manure crop, yielding higher dry materials. Average yields of grape were significantly greater in hairy vetch + rye (13.02 ton ha-1) than nature weed (11.65 ton ha-1), respectively. The concentrations of total as well as individual anthocyanins were consistently higher with hairy vetch treatment compared with rye and nature weed, thus making the green manure cultivation is an environmentally friendly cultivation to increase the yield and anthocyanin contents in organic grape.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We assessed the effects of various dietary conditions on the growth, phenotypic traits, and morphometric dimensions of rock bream, Oplegnathus fasciatus and on the morphometric dimensions of sectioned olive flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Rock bream in the fed group increased in body weight, standard length, and condition factor, but these parameters decreased significantly for fish in the starved group (P < 0.05). The head connection dimensions of fish in the fed group decreased, while for starved fish there was increase in external morphometric dimensions (P < 0.05). In both species, sectioned morphometric analysis revealed that fish in the fed group had a larger body circumference and cross-cut sectional area, and greater cross-cut section height, relative to the starved group (P < 0.05).
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Measurements of closely related sets of classical and truss dimensions were analyzed to discriminate species of scorpaenidae including the dark banded rockfish, Sebastes inermis, the black rockfish, S. schlegeli, and gobioninae including the striped shiner, Pungtungia herzi, and the slender shiner, Pseudopungtungia tenuicorpa. The measurements of the dimensions were arc sin square root transformed, and compared as a function of the standard length of each species for statistical analysis. For values of the classical dimensions of the rockfish, 6 were greater for the dark banded rockfish than for the black rockfish, 1 value was smaller for the former, and for 2 values there was no statistically significant difference (P > 0.05). For values of the classical dimensions of the shiners, 9 values were greater for the striped shiner than for the slender shiner, 2 values were smaller for the former, and for 1 value there was no statistically significant difference (P > 0.01). For values of the truss dimensions of the rockfish, 6 were greater for the dark banded rockfish than for the black rockfish, 1 was smaller for the former, and for 4 values there was no statistically significant difference (P > 0.05). For values of the truss dimensions of the shiners, 13 values were greater for the striped shiner than for the slender shiner, 3 values were smaller for the former, and for 6 values there was no statistically significant difference (P > 0.01). The dimension sets used in this study may be useful as taxonomic indicators for discriminating among fish species in Korea.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The Korean native pig (KNP) have been considered as animal models for animal biotechnology research because of their relatively small body size and their presumably highly inbred status due to the closed breeding program. However, little is reported about the use of KNP for animal biotechnology researches. This study was performed to establish the somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) protocol for the production of swine leukocyte antigens (SLA) homotype-defined SCNT KNP. The ear fibroblast cells originated from KNP were cultured and used as donor cell. After thawing, the donor cells were cultured for 1 hour with 15 μM roscovitine prior to the nuclear transfer. The numbers of reconstructed and parthenogenetic embryos transferred were 98 ± 35.2 and 145 ± 11.2, respectively. The pregnancy and delivery rate were 3/5 (60%) and 2/5 (40%). One healthy SLA homotype-defined SCNT KNP was successfully generated. The recipient-based individual cloning efficiency ranged from 0.65 to 1.08%. Taken together, it can be postulated that the methodological establishment of the production of SLA homotype-defined cloned KNP can be applied to the generation of transgenic cloned KNP as model animals for human disease and xenotransplantation researches.