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        검색결과 9,514

        2010.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Since fuzzy controllers are nonlinear, it is more difficult to set the controller gains and to analyse the stability compared to conventional PID controllers. This paper proposes a fuzzy PD+I controller for tracking control which uses a linear fuzzy inference(product-sum-gravity) method based on a conventional linear PID controller. In this scheme the fuzzy PD+I controller works similar to the control performance as the linear PD plus I(PD+I) controller. Thus it is possible to analyse and design an fuzzy PD+I controller for given systems based on a linear fuzzy PD controller. The scaling factors tuning scheme, another topic of fuzzy controller design procedure, is also introduced in order to fine performance of the fuzzy PD+I controller. The scaling factors are adjusted by a real-coded genetic algorithm(RCGA) in off-line. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed fuzzy PD+I controller for tracking control problems by comparing with the conventional PID controllers.
        2010.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We developed a novel dicistronic system for the expression of target cDNA sequences in the milk of transgenic animals using goat beta-casein/hGH fusion construct, pGbc5.5hGH (Lee, 2006) and internal ribosome entry site (IRES) sequences of encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV). Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (hG-CSF) cDNA was linked to 3' untranslated region of hGH gene in the pGbc5.5hGH via EMCV IRES sequences. Transgenic mice were generated by microinjection and transgene expression was examined in the milk and mammary gland of transgenic mice at 10 days of lactation. Northern blot analysis showed that hGH gene and hG-CSF cDNA were transcribed as a single dicistronic mRNA. The hG-CSF and hGH proteins were independently translated from the dicistronic mRNA and secreted into the milk of transgenic mice. The highest concentration of hG-CSF and hGH in the milk of transgenic mice were and , respectively. In contrast, another hG-CSF expression cassette, in which hG-CSF genomic sequences were inserted into a commercial milk-specific expression vector (pBC1), generated a lower level () of hG-CSF expression in the milk of transgenic mice. These results demonstrated that the novel pGbc5.5hGH-based dicistronic construct could be useful for an efficient cDNA expression in the milk of transgenic animals.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to explore micrometeorological influences on particle growth by the experimental and statistical approaches. Characteristic meteorological conditions of the nucleation event were observed, and turbulence in the PBL seemed to play a role in particle growth. The major micrometeorological factors governing particle size growth in the PBL were instability (-z/L), friction velocity (u*), Bowen ration (B), and downward shortwave radiation (RsDN) as determined by a regression model. This result indicates that the geographical properties including land surface cover and geomorphology have strong influence on the aerosol size growth in PBL.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        일본 학교교육에 있어서 국제이해교육이 처음으로 거론된 것은 1998년 개정 학습지도 요령 중의「종합적 학습시간」에서였다. 물론 국제사회에 대해서는「사회과」등을 통해 학습이 다루어져 왔으나, 이는 외국의 지리 사회 등을 이해하는 데 그쳤었다. 1986년 임시교육심의회의 제 2차 답신이 계기가 되어 국제 이해교육을 실시하였다. 답신의 내용은 학교교육에 대해 다음과 같이 3가지의 실현을 요청하는 것이었다. ① 폭넓은 시야에서 일본 사회 문화의 특성을 주장할 수 있으며, 다양한 이문화의 뛰어난 특성도 깊이 이해할 수 있는 능력을 지닌다. ② 일본인으로서 나라를 사랑하는 마음을 가짐과 동시에, 자국에 대한 이해만으로 상황을 판단하는 것이 아니라, 폭넓은 국제적, 지구적, 인류적 시야 속에서 인격의 형성을 지향한다. ③ 다양한 이문화를 깊이 이해하고, 충분히 의사소통이 가능한 국제적 커뮤니케이션 능력의 육성을 도모한다. 위 답신의 발표 배경을 토대로 본 논문에서는 일본 학교교육의 역사를 고찰하였다. 그리고 사회 변화에 호응하며 다음의 두 가지 사고가 경합하면서 일본의 학교교육이 이루어져 왔다는 사실을 분명히 하고자 하였다. ① 일본 사회 문화를 어떻게 전달할 것인가. ② 미래 사회를 짊어질 아이들에게 어떠한 능력이 필요한가. 또한 그를 어떻게 획득시킬 것인가. 일본사회가 다양화 국제화 되어가는 상황 속에서, 국제이해능력 육성은 차세대를 짊어질 아이들에게 있어 필수 불가결하다. 그러나 현 국제이해교육은 영어 능력 육성에 초점이 맞춰져 있는 경우가 많아 본래의 목적이 달성되고 있다고는 말하기 어렵다. 그러므로 금후 위의 답신을 실현하는 교육실천이 필요하며 이를 위해 국제적 시야를 지닌 교원 양성이 필요하다. 그 하나의 시도로서 나가사키대학과 한양대학교가 실시하고 있는 교육실습을 포함한 단기유학제도는 중요한 의미를 지닌다고 생각한다.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Three-year-old seedlings of susceptible Pinus densiflora and resistant Pinus x rigitaeda were each inoculated with the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, to compare disease development. Needle dehydration was evident on seedlings of P. densiflora by 20 days after inoculation, 10 days earlier than this symptom was observed on P. × rigitaeda. Xylem drying was more frequent in seedlings of P. densiflora than in that of P. × rigitaeda between 20 and 60 days after inoculation. No significant differences were found between P. densiflora and P. × rigitaeda for stem water content or for stem and leaf relative water content in current-year branches after nematode inoculation, but the average number of B. xylophilus recovered from stems differed significantly between the two groups. The number of B. xylophilus recovered from stems was negatively correlated with the stem water content and with stem and leaf relative water content. By the time the experiment was terminated at 60 days after inoculation, all 3 of the last group of P. densiflora seedlings had died, but 2 of the 3 remaining P. × rigitaeda hybrid seedlings were still alive. Additional studies are needed to further explore the specific mechanisms preventing nematode multiplication in the seedlings of resistant P. × rigitaeda.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Eliot's image as a highly reputable and influential literary figure does not go along with the personality as found in Four Quartets in terms of analytical psychology. What the reader is led to find there is the return to the world of his childhood, where the poet is ruled by the mother, rather than to seek for equal and harmonious terms with the anima-figures. Eliot strongly advocates Ihe communion wilh the Logos, which is parallel 10 the psychological encounler with the Self, the God-image. However, in Four Quartets there is hardly found any feminine participation, which is a vilal preliminary step for the union of the ego with Ihe Self. The role of the feminine element, the anima, in the development of the psyche is to strengtheD ego-consciousDess against the overwhelming power of the unconscious. The ego-coDsciousness, firmly established wilh stability and autonomy, is then ready to experieDce the EDcounter without the risk of self-diss이utiOD, achieving a harmony and balance in its relalioDship to the Self. Four Quartets is dominated by the motif of self찌bnegatioD and Eliot here appears to deDy the value of autonomy of the human, urging giviDg it up ahogether for an access to the Logos. Analytical psychology would n이 see this posture as any way leading to the goal of psychological development, the individuatioD, but just a regression to the mother-ruled childhood.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        There are many difficulties to supply constant power to marine facilities which operate in the sea. Especially, there is a limit to stand alone power supply systems due to the influence of weather conditions. That's why a hybrid power supply system is required to overcome these problems. This paper will describe an Electronic Anti-Fouling System (EAFS) to maximise the power efficiency for a solar - wave hybrid power generation system. A main factor reducing the efficiency of a Wave Energy Converter (WEC) is due to the attachment of aquatic life forms. Therefore the aim of this research is to develop a simulation programme to enable the design of more efficient EAFS for hybrid power generation systems and to provide valuable data for production of more efficient EAFS.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and fertility restoration have been utilized as valuable tools for F_1-hybrid seed production in many crops despite laborious breeding processes. Molecular markers for the selection of CMS-related genes help reduce the expenses and breeding times. A previously reported genomic region containing the Ppr-B gene, which is responsible for restoration of fertility and corresponds to the Rfo locus, was used to develop gene-based or so-called "functional" markers for allelic selection of the restorer-of-fertility gene (Rfo) in F_1-hybrid breeding of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) Polymorphic sequences among Rfo alleles of diverse breeding lines of radish were examined by sequencing the Ppr-B alleles. However, presence of Ppr-B homolog, designated as Ppr-D, interferes on specific PCR amplification of Ppr-B in certain breeding lines. The organization of Ppr-D, resolved by genome walking, revealed extended homology with Ppr-B even in the promoter region. Interestingly, PCR amplification of Ppr-D was repeatedly unsuccessful in certain breeding lines implying the lack of Ppr-D in these radishes. Ppr-B could only be successfully amplified for analysis through designing primers based on the sequences unique to Ppr-B that exclude interference from Ppr-D gene. Four variants of Rfo alleles were identified from 20 breeding lines. A combination of three molecular markers was developed in order to genotype the Rfo locus based on polymorphisms among four different variants. These markers will be useful in facilitating F_1-hybrid cultivar development in radish.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In an attempt to simultaneously produce two human proteins, hGH and hG-CSF, in the milk of transgenic mice, we constructed goat -casein-directed hGH and hG-CSF expression cassettes individually and generated transgenic mice by co-injecting them into mouse zygotes. Out of 33 transgenic mice, 29 were identified as double transgenic harboring both transgenes on their genome. All analyzed double transgenic females secreted both hGH and hG-CSF in their milks. Concentrations ranged from 2.1 to for hGH and from 0.04 to for hG-CSF. hG-CSF level was much lower than hGH level but very similar to that of single hG-CSF mice, which were introduced with hG-CSF cassette alone. In order to address the causes of concentration difference between hGH and hG-CSF in milk, we examined mRNA level of hGH and hG-CSF in the mammary glands of double transgenic mice and tissue specificity of hG-CSF mRNA expression in both double and single transgenic mice. Likewise protein levels in milk, hGH mRNA level was much higher than hG-CSF mRNA, and hG-CSF mRNA expression was definitely specific to the mammary glands of both double and single transgenic mice. These results demonstrated that two transgenes have distinct transcriptional potentials without interaction each other in double transgenic mice although two transgenes co-integrated into same genomic sites and their expressions were directed by the same goat -casein promoter. Therefore goat -casein promoter is very useful for the multiple production of human proteins in the milk of transgenic animals.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In mammals, puberty is a dynamic transition process from infertile immature state to fertile adult state. The neuroendocrine aspect of puberty is started with functional activation of hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal hormone axis. The timing of puberty can be altered by many factors including hormones and/or hormone-like materials, social cues and metabolic signals. For a long time, attainment of a particular body weight or percentage of body fat has been thought as crucial determinant of puberty onset. However, the precise effect of high-fat (HF) diet on the regulation of hypothalamic GnRH neuron during prepubertal period has not been fully elucidated yet. The present study was undertaken to test the effect of a HF diet on the puberty onset and hypothalamic gene expressions in immature female rats. The HF diet (45% energy from fat, HF group) was applied to female rats from weaning to around puberty onset (postnatal days, PND 22-40). Body weight and vaginal opening (VO) were checked daily during the entire feeding period. In the second experiment, all animals were sacrificed on PND 36 to measure the weights of reproductive tissues. Histological studies were performed to assess the effect of HF diet feeding on the structural alterations in the reproductive tissues. To determine the transcriptional changes of reproductive hormone-related genes in hypothalamus, total RNAs were extracted and applied to the semi-quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Body weights of HF group animals tend to be higher than those of control animals between PND 22 and PND 31, and significant differences were observed PND 32, PND 34, PND 35 and PND 36 (p<0.05). Advanced VO was shown in the HF group (PND p<0.001) compared to the control (PND ). The weight of ovaries (p<0.01) and uteri (p<0.05) from HF group animals significantly increased when compared to those from control animals. Corpora lutea were observed in the ovaries from the HF group animals but not in control ovaries. Similarly, hypertrophy of luminal and glandular uterine epithelia was found only in the HF group animals. In the semi-quantitative RT-PCR studies, the transcriptional activities of KiSS-1 in HF group animals were significantly higher than those from the control animals (p<0.001). Likewise, the mRNA levels of GnRH (p<0.05) were significantly elevated in HF group animals. The present study indicated that the feeding HF diet during the post-weaning period activates the upstream modulators of gonadotropin such as GnRH and KiSS-1 in hypothalamus, resulting early onset of puberty in immature female rats.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        2009.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        2009.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this paper, offshore wind resources within the Japan’s EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) are assessed using wind speed data from the microwave scatterometer SeaWinds onboard QuikSCAT. At first, from the 10m-height wind speed from QuikSCAT, 60 m-height wind speed is estimated by using an empirical equation for height correction. Based on the 60m-height wind speeds, annual energy production is calculated under an assumption of installing 2 MW wind turbines every 0.64 km2. The annual energy production is then accumulated for the entire Japan’s territorial waters and EEZ (4.47×106 km2). As a result, it is shown that the total energy production is estimated to be 4.86×104 TWh/yr. This offshore wind energy potential within the EEZ is approximately 50 times higher than the actual annual electricity production in Japan.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The effects of the cation-to-anion resin ratio and bed depth on ion exchange performance of mixed-bed were studied at ultralow solution concentration. Breakthrough curves were experimentally obtained for NaCl solution as functions of resin ratio and bed depth. The bed depth affects the pattern of the sodium breakthrough curve but not the chloride breakthrough curve in beds because of the selectivity difference. Resin selectivity determines the shape of breakthrough curves. Some sodium and chloride breakthrough curves crossed at a point as a function of resin ratio. The lower cation-to-anion resin ratio showed the higher effluent concentration or treated volume of the crossover point regardless of the total resin weight.