
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 644

        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A member of mice interferon inducible transmembrane protein like family, IFITM1, is reported to play an important role in primordial germ cell (PGC) formation and this protein reported for anti‐proliferation. This study conducted to investigate the mIFITM1 expression in reproductive organs of male mice. mIFITM1 expression in testis and epididymis were revealed by immunostaining and immuno blot. Moreover, we showed that mIFITM1 is related to development of mouse testis. mIFITM1 protein expression as markedly upregulated around 5‐ 15day after birth in testis, but postnatal 21 56 day detected pattern was decreasing by immunoblot. In the other reproductive organ, epididymis, we observed that mIFITM1 protein was strongly expressed in caput, corpus and cauda. We analyzed IFITM1 gene expression under conditions of androgen manipulation. Total RNAs were obtained from the epididymis of adult mice that castrated and injected. Testosterone replacement for animals 7day after surgery. In castrated animals, A clear decrease was found in the IFITM1 protein level on Interestingly, castrated mice was revealed that mIFITM1 expression is strong. At that time, the injected catration mice decrease in IFITM1 gene expression. We also found same result from the immunoblot analysis. Our data suggest that the function of the IFITM1 expression in sperm is remain unclear but mIFITM1 expression will be important to postnatal development of mice testis and spermatogenesis. Also, mIFITM1 regulated not only sexual maturation by gene expression in the reproductive organs but also by hormone.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The occurrence and rapid range expansion of a fulgorid, Lycorma delicatula(White), has recently been reported in korea. It was previously known to occur in China, Japan, Vietnam and India. The first occurrence fo L. delicatula was reported in 2004 in the Cheonan. It has one generation per year and overwinters as egg masses on the bark of host trees. The number of egg per egg mass was 32.69±6.49. The cumulative ratio of hatchability at different temperature was the highest at 25℃ and the lowest at 10, 30℃. The egg hatchability was investigated in different regions in Chung-buk. Since L. delicatula eggs has been stored in -20±1, 0±1, 5±1℃ conditions for 1 ∼60 days, the cumulative ratio of hatchability was 2% stored in -20±1℃ for 3days, But hatchability was 52, 48% stored in 0±1℃ for 3, 14days and 82, 68% stored in 5±1℃ for 3, 14days. And hatchability was 0% for 60days. By straight regression equation(the growth ratio/treatment degree) the growth zero degree of L. delicatula was 10.4℃. The hatchability of L. delicatula in Cheongwon-gun, Okcheon-gun, Cheongju-city where’s winter lowest temperature was over -19℃ was over 79%. But The hatchability of L. delicatula in Jincheon-gun where’s winter lowest temperature was less than -19℃(continuos two days) was 35%.
        2011.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The notion that dental amalgam is a potential source of mercury exposure remains a controversial issue. However, there are few epidemiological analyses that have addressed whether this occurs in children. We aimed in our current study to identify the relationship between dental amalgam filling surfaces and the blood mercury levels in a cohort of 711 South Korean children aged between 8-9 years. Oral examinations were conducted to detect the number of amalgam filling surfaces on the teeth of these individuals. Blood samples were also taken from these children to assess the levels of mercury accumulation in the body. The amalgam filling surfaces were classified into four groups based on their number: 0 (n = 368), 1-5 (n = 219), 6-10 (n = 89), and 11+ (n = 35). The blood mercury levels in the children with more than 10 amalgam surfaces was 0.47 μg/L higher on average than those with no amalgam surfaces after adjusting for the frequency of fish or seafood consumption, age, and gender (P < 0.05). We found from our data that a higher number of dental amalgam fillings correlated with a higher blood mercury level in Korean children. Further studies are needed to investigate whether these elevated mercury levels exert neurotoxic or nephrotoxic effects.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A new cultivar "KNR10-1" of Pleurotus eryngii was developed by the method of mono-mono crossing between monokaryotic strains derived from KNR2594 and KNR2610, respectively. The optimum temperature of mycelial growth was 25℃ and that of fruiting body development was 15 - 16℃. The period of harvesting including primordia formation of "KNR10-1" was one day faster than that of control strain KNR2312. The color of pileus and stipe surface was neutral-brown and pure white, respectively. The shape of pileus was dome and has the teeth of a comb. The yield was 90±12.9g/850cc plastic bottle. The fruit body has a longer shelf life than control strain KNR2312 at 4℃. Analysis of the genetic characteristics of the new commercial strain "KNR10-1" showed a different profile as that of the control strain KNR2312 when RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) primers were used. This new variety of King Oyster mushroom is characterized by the improved storability after harvesting.
        2011.01 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In East-Asia, before modern times, writings in several countries were written in Han Character. At that time, because the world of East-Asia belonged to Han Character and Classics cultural sphere, for the political, diplomatic and cultural communication naturally they needed Han Character writing. This Han Character writing were used around nobility. The middle ages was a society for nobility, thus language of ruling activity was mainly Han Character. As a result, the lower class was neglected from Han Character writing, the language of ruling class. Until 20th century the countries in East-Asia that wrote sentences in Han Character were China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam and so on. Of course, although these countries used Han Character to write, each level, contents and historic process of Han Classics are different. But there was no difference in that they had used sentences in Han Character. From the beginning of 20 century, all of east-Asia countries writing pattern and education system going different own way. However, now in the each East-Asia country, Han character and subject (old classics with Han character) education is very important. Therefore, we need to do mutual recognition about language education in Asian sphere have Han Character in common being developed newly .Also, we need to recognize that not only Han Character vocabulary but also Han Classics have a connection and exchange studies about it. I hope in this symposium, we need to the chance to understand new relation sharing 'Han Character vocabulary' in Asian sphere. We can expect scientific development through trades of various learning and education methods or theory about Han Classics and Han Character in each country. So, I suggest as follows for this exchange. 1. Holding international conference on learning and teaching of Han Characters in Asian languages regularly. Annually or biennially, holding a symposium which have principles of own expense, attending 10 or so representing each countries. 2. Carrying out common study to develop. It is hard for the moment , building a database of basic data for each countries' formal change and sentence study and developing a database of Han Classics and Han Character 3. Concluding simple treaty about international exchange among the scholars who attended to conferences. That is, it is not only symposium but exchange between department and department or department and faculty. 4. Publishing international academic journal in AHCI level which represent Han Classics and Han Character education in Asian Han Character culture sphere. In this case, it is not around certain society in certain country but is around scholars and society in Asian sphere. Fifth, holding a conference in circulation system to open and manage the homepage concerned about this. In homepage, it will offer the contents about symposium, notice and results, collecting project, VOD service about key note lecture during symposium, links of each country's society and thesis services published at international academic journal and so on. These are can be hard for the moment, if we push ahead actively, we can do them. Just, it is important we share what recognition for ourselves. Without forming a bond of sympathy, international can be stopped at one-off event. Therefore I suggest exchange with the suggestions . Of course we can't accomplish all of them at once. It can be desirable that we expects gradual development by starting from the part of them. Finally, study and exchange through this symposium doesn't stop at self-contentment but is for the development of Asia for future and peaceful bonds.
        2010.06 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        서론 : 현재 우리나라는 국립재활원, 송파구청, 몇몇 개인 운전학원과 연계된 장애인 단체 그리고 최근 개원한 대구대학교의 운전재활센터만이 장애인들이 운전재활 교육을 받을 수 있는 곳이다. 또한 장애인에게 운전재활을 교육할 수 있는 전문 인력이 우선 필요한데, 이들을 양성할 수 있는 조직적이고 전문적인 프로그램이 아직 준비되지 못한 것이 부인할 수 없는 현실이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 미국의 예를 들어 차후 한국에서 장애인운전재활 전문가 양성을 위한 제도를 만들고자 할 때 이에 대한 기초지식을 제공하려고 하였다. 본론 : 미국 운전재활전문가와 운전재활 전문가 자격증에 관하여 중추적인 역할을 하는 ADED에 대한 간단한 역사, 시험응시자격, 시험규정, 응시절차, 출제내용 설명, 시험응시에 관한 유의사항, 그리고 자격증 취득 후에 그 자격증을 지속적으로 유지하 는 방법들에 대하여 기술하였다. 미국은 운전재활전문가가 되기 위해 이처럼 복잡하고 까다로운 자격요건을 요구하여 전문가 로서의 전문성과 자질을 지속적으로 유지하도록 하고 있으며, 또한 장애를 가진 사람이라 할지라도 자가운전의 중요성을 인식하고 장애인들에게 진정한 사회복귀와 삶의 질을 향상 시켜주는 제도의 발전에 노력을 기울이고 있다. 결론 : 앞으로 운전재활 전문가 양성방안을 마련해야 할 우리나라로서는 미국 운전재활전문가협회와 운전재활전문가 자격증 제도에 대한 전반적인 내용을 알아봄으로써 우리나라의 장애인 운전재활과 운전재활전문가에 관심이 있는 사람들에게 유용 한 정보가 될 것이다.
        2010.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to investigate the effects of Needle Electrode Electrical Stimulation(NEES) on ischemia-induced cere˗ brovascular accidents. After obstruction and reperfusion of arteries in white mice, the amounts of necrosis and inflammation related sub˗ stances Bax, IL-6, Caspase-3, and COX-2 were measured in neurons of the fore-brain. The following results were obtained. This study used 21 male specific pathogen free(SPF) SD rats, 8 weeks of age and approximately 300g in weight. Each exposed artery was completely occluded with non-absorbent suture thread and kept in that state for 5 minutes. The sutures were then removed to allow reperfusion of blood. Test group is control group(common carotid artery occlusion models), a GI(underwent common carotid artery occlusion), and NEES(underwent NEES after artery occlusion). The GI and NEES groups were given 12, 24, or 48 hours of reperfusion before NEES. NEES device(PG6, ITO, Japan, 9V, current, 2Hz) was used to stimulate the bilateral acupoint ST36 of the SD rats for 30 minutes while they were sedated with 3% isoflurane. An immuno-his˗ tochemistry test was done on the forebrains of the GI induced rats. Both Bax and Caspase-3 immuno-reactive cells, related to apoptosis, were greater in the GI than the NEES group. Cox-2 and IL-6 immuno-reactive cells, related to inflammation, were greater in the GI and NEES groups than the control group. We can expect that applying NEES after ischemic CVA is effective for preventing brain cells from being destroyed. And we can conclude NEES should be applyed on early stage of ischemic CVA.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        세 종류의 산화물(TiO2(아나타제), SiO2(비결정성) 및 Al2O3(비결정성)) 표면에 U(VI)이 흡착될 때 유기산 이 미치는 영향을 연구하였다. 유기산으로는 살리실산과 피콜린산을 사용하였다. 유기산의 존재 여부에 따 라 달라지는 U(VI)의 흡착률 변화를 pH 함수로 측정하였다. 또한 U(VI)의 존재 여부에 따라 달라지는 유기 산의 흡착량을 pH 함수로 측정하였다. TiO2의 경우, 살리실산과 피콜린산이 U(VI)과 수용성 착물을 형성함 으로써 U(VI)의 흡착률을 저하시킨다. SiO2의 경우, 살리실산은 U(VI) 흡착에 영향을 주지 않지만, 피콜린산 은 오히려 U(VI) 흡착을 증가시킨다. 이 현상을 삼성분 표면착물(ternary surface complex) 생성으로 해석하였으며 U(VI) 흡착에 의존하는 피콜린산의 흡착량 변화, 그리고 흡착된 U(VI)의 형광 특성 변화로 이를 확인 하였다. Al2O3의 경우, 살리실산과 피콜린산 모두 U(VI) 흡착과 무관하게 높은 흡착량을 보였으나 U(VI) 흡 착을 감소시키지는 않았다. 따라서 삼성분 표면착물 생성을 배제할 수 없으나 이를 확인하기 위해서는 분광 분석과 같은 추가 연구가 필요하다.
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of alcohol or cigarette smoking on seminal parameters in a large group of mice model. Nine groups (n=20/group) of mice were treated intensive noxious materials that abdominal injection of 21% (v/v) of ethanol, cigarette smoke (10, 20, 30 minutes/day), and combination of ethanol and 30 minutes of smoking. In addition, vitamin C and selenium were also treated to mice exposed to combination of alcohol and smoking to identify the recovering effect. Sperm viability and motility were significantly decreased in either alcohol consumption or smoking exposed group, and combination of both materials have additive detrimental effects on seminal parameters. Mice groups that exposed to alcohol and smoking showed statistically significant decrease in motility and increase of static spermatozoa. Moreover, combination of both treatments showed cumulative effect in increase of static spermatozoa. Treatments of either vitamin C or selenium dramatically recovered detrimental effects of alcohol and smoking on seminal quality, although combination of both antioxidant molecules did not show any additive effect. In conclusion, detrimental effects of alcohol and cigarette consumption on sperm quality and motility were identified in mice model, and these detrimental effects can be compensated to uptake of anti‐oxidant molecules.