
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,531

        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper attempts to stress the importance of teaching Chinese proverbs by comparing proverbs of Korea and China. The study divides the proverbs into two broad categories: equivalent switch and non-equivalent switch. The equivalent switch refers to the proverbs with various forms but the same meaning. Accordingly, they are divided into four types: 1) the same form and the same meaning, 2) similar form and the same meaning, 3) different form but the same meaning, and 4) those with local names but the same meaning. Likewise, non-equivalent switch, the proverbs with different meanings, are divided into three types: 5) the same form but different meaning, 6) those with strong influence of local names, and finally 7) those with strong influence of food cultures. The paper suggests that Korean leaners should improve their understandings about Chinese proverbs and their abilities to use those proverbs appropriately in real situations of communication.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Les apprenants coréens de français langue étrangère ont, en Corée, rarement l'occasion d'utiliser le français en dehors de la salle de classe. Cependant, le développement des outils de Communications Médiatisées par Ordinateurs (CMO) leur fournissent un environnement d'apprentissage plus favorable pour surmonter les contraintes d’isolement et les aident à améliorer leurs capacités à communiquer en français. Notre travail de recherche porte sur l’utilisation de ressources en ligne. Ce parcours est divisé en trois segments selon les stades atteints dans l'apprentissage de la prononciation : la présentation, la pratique, la production (3P). En outre, des questionnaires et des entretiens ont été menés pour mesurer l'utilité perçue de ce site. Sur dix semaines, les principaux résultats de cette étude sont les suivants: la prononciation a d'abord été analysée à travers un pré-test et un post-test par des enregistrements. Les résultats du post-test ont montré une nette amélioration de leur prononciation, en particulier en lecture à haute voix plus qu’en expression libre. Cela souligne la difficulté de parvenir à un usage automatique d’une prononciation apprise consciemment. Ces ressources en ligne ont montré leur utilité dans l'apprentissage des caractéristiques prosodiques. A la lecture des enquêtes, les étudiants reconnaissaient un effet positif en prononciation, pour l'écoute et la prise de parole. Cette amélioration serait due à la possibilité de télé-charger, d’écouter et de répéter des fichiers authentiques, mais aussi aux taches communicatives proposées, qui intégraient des conversations en ligne.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Le nouveau programme d'enseignement du français de 2015 encourage le développement de la créativité et du caractère des apprenants. Le but de cette étude est d'explorer les moyens de développer la créativité et le caractère des lycéens qui apprennent la langue française comme deuxième langue étrangère en Corée. Nous avons d'abord examiné la situation actuelle et quelques problèmes de l'enseignement du français qui entravent le développement de la créativité et du caractère. Cette analyse nous amène donc à exploiter le travail en petit groupe et l'apprentissage par les tâches. Ensuite, nous avons examiné la notion de tâche actionnelle qui remplace celle de tâche communicative. La tâche actionnelle fournit un contexte, une raison « sociale » pour acquérir une langue. Elle est une série d'activités complexes et authentiques qui aboutit à un produit final, destiné à être présenté oralement et/ou par écrit, et donc adressée à un public réel. Enfin, nous avons proposé une tâche actionnelle sur le thème du logement. L'enseignement du français par les tâches actionnelles permet aux apprenants de développer une pensée créative et la diversité avec plus d'occasion de s'exprimer. Et ils peuvent aussi avoir des responsabilités et de la considération pour les autres en interagissant les uns des autres afin d'atteindre l'objectif commun du groupe.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study has sought to analyse students’ perceptions and needs of intercultural learning in the level of college. Specifically, it examined how culture is conceived and what has been experienced and needed with regard to cultural or intercultural learning by college students. To this end, 120 students from three colleges located in Gwangju and Jeonnam area were asked to respond to a closed (4 Likert-scale) questionnaire which consists of 19 items. The major findings from the analysis are summarized as follows: (1) The students conceived culture as products rather than practices or perspectives; (2) the respondents experienced learning culture mostly in terms of products and practices as well and they are assessed by traditional test methods; and (3) the students were in favor of the multimodal and intercultural approaches to learning culture, although they have seldom learned the concepts such as intercultural communication, intercultural communicative competence etc. They wanted to learn the multiliteracy such as cultural and critical literacy too. Pedagogical implications and desirable directions of the design for teaching culture are discussed.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the effects of different gloss locations in extensive reading readers on English reading abilities of elementary students. It examined four groups of sixth graders in an elementary school and an extensive reading class was conducted over sixteen weeks. The four groups were given graded readers with four different types of glosses, such as non-gloss, marginal gloss, footnote gloss, and endnote gloss. To verify the effects of this experiment, pre- and post-reading ability test for the cognitive domain and pre- and post-questionnaire for the affective domain were administered to see if there were any achievement in reading ability and affective domain. The findings were as follows: (1) The four groups showed improvement in the reading ability tests. This result indicates that extensive reading was effective in improving students' reading ability; (2) The footnote gloss group showed the greatest change. This result indicates that footnote glosses influenced the most in improving students' reading ability; (3) All the groups showed positive results in the affective domain including attitude, self-confidence, interest, expectation, and value. In conclusion, extensive reading made a positive effect on all four groups and footnote glosses proved to be the most effective in both cognitive and affective domain.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates the effects of working memory capacity (WMC) and the types of vocabulary learning, i.e., explicit vs. implicit, on the acquisition of English multi-word verbs. For this purpose, a total of 60 middle school students, divided into two groups (control and experimental), participated in the study. The participants in the control group were taught multi-word verbs in a traditional and explicit manner, whereas the participants in the experimental group were exposed to multi-word verbs with short passages. The results manifested that both of the instructional styles had positive effects on the learners’ acquisition of multi-word verbs in the short-term. Although there was not a significant interaction between WMC and the overall scores on the immediate post-test, according to the scores on the gap-fill tasks which tested learners’ productive knowledge, there were significant differences between the low-WMC and high-WMC groups. High-WMC students learned more target multi-word verbs than low-WMC students on average. The results also showed that WMC and the two different learning types did not affect the students’ acquisition of multi-word verbs in the long-term. Further, the interaction effect between WMC and learning type in the long-term was not significant.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study aims to compare teacher talk and the course book used as a source of vocabulary input. For the research purpose, part of Yenny Corpus (Kwon, 2013) was used to analyze the vocabulary content of the two input sources. Yenny Corpus consists of a total of 247,398 words collected from EFL classes of four native and five non-native university lecturers. In this study, however, the data of 1,416 words by the native teachers and 1,651 words by the non-native teachers with their course book scripts were used. To analyze the quantity and quality of the vocabulary use (e.g., level, diversity) of the two input sources, some representative word lists such as BNC-COCA 25,000 word family list topped on Range Program (Heatley & Nation, 2002) were applied. The results show that the teachers (including both native and non-native teachers) orally provide 8,090 word types while their course books introduce 4,713. The non-native teachers provide a little more vocabulary input compared with the native teachers’ talk. In addition, the level of the vocabulary provided by the non-native teachers seems more appropriate for their students’ vocabulary ability. Nevertheless, in order to generalize the findings further research is needed in different settings.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The goal of the present study is to examine EFL English teachers' intercultural communicative competence (ICC) and its relation to their English language proficiency (LP). Data was collected from 81 in-service and pre-service Korean English teachers (N=81) who participated in an one-month overseas training program in the U.S.A. The participants were asked to diagnose their own levels of ICC and LP through the questionnaires whose reliability and validity were confirmed by the factor analysis. The major findings from analyses were as follows: 1) in general, participants appeared to consider themselves possessing a high level of ICC, showing an average score of 3.99 out of 5.0 on the ICC questions, 2) participants' willingness and readiness to engage in different cultures/speakers were found to be in a higher level than the other four factors of ICC, such as an ability to interact in intercultural situations, an ability to identify an importance of ICC, a degree of acceptance by other cultures/speakers, and a degree of contribution to mediating intercultural situations, and 3) chi-square, correlational, and regression analyses showed significant associations between ICC and LP of the participants. Pedagogical implications and suggestions are discussed.
        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to examine phenomena of teaching writing in Korean as a foreign or a second language, and to propose contents and methods for improving teachers’ ability of teaching writing. I presented 3 reasons that mainly cause the difficulty in teaching writing for nonnative speakers of Korean. Among the reasons, teachers’ lack of confidence and insufficiency of expertise in teaching writing is the most important one which we have to compensate in terms of improving teachers’ ability. First, in chapter Ⅱ, I analyzed the trend of teaching writing in Korean as an L2, and examined the characteristics of teacher training for teachers-to-be in Korean language education. Next, in chapter Ⅲ, I defined the concept of ‘ability of teaching writing’, and summarized the categories of the ability. Finally, in chapter Ⅳ, I suggested the contents and methods for improving teachers’ ability of teaching writing with regard to teachers’ expertise. Specially, I focused not only on the pedagogic content knowledge (PCK), but also on the content knowledge (CK). In this paper, I explored teacher education which is considered as one of the most important area for better teaching Korean as an L2. However, this paper remains only as a pioneer attempt at teacher education research for the area is not fully discussed yet.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of the present study was to examine factors affecting Korean university EFL learners' English reading comprehension across two reading tasks (i.e., literal vs. inferential reading). To this end, five latent factors (linguistic, cognitive, affective, social, and English reading) were targeted, and the structural relationships among these five factors were analyzed through structural equation modeling (SEM) technique. Results of the present study demonstrate that for literal reading comprehension task, linguistic, cognitive, and social factors made a significant and direct impact on Korean university students' English reading performances, whereas the effect of affective factor was not significant. Regarding the inferential reading task, only linguistic and cognitive factors were significantly and positively associated with Korean university students' English reading comprehension. Implications for pedagogy as well as for future research directions were also provided.
        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research focuses on the analysis of the high school German textbook "Deutsch 1" which is developed and published in South Korea in 2013. Many public high schools have adopted this book as the official textbook for introduction to German language and culture. This book reflects the communicative and intercultural competences, which are formulated as an explicit teaching goal in the national teaching plan of 2009. In the theoretical part of this research we critically look into the diverse checklists of German textbook criteria which are developed in the history of German language edcuation. In the practical part of this research we aim to devise new criteria which correspond to our schemes of analyses by means of which we analyze the school textbook licensed in Korea.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Willingness To Communicate (WTC) is one's volition to enter into communication at a particular time with a specific person or persons using an L2. Despite the growing interests about WTC in ESL and EFL context, there is little research done in the Korean EFL classroom context with young learners. This study investigated variables affecting WTC of young Korean EFL learners in regular English classes. A total of 149 fifth graders participated in the study. Data were analyzed using factor and correlation analysis, cross-tabulation, and the ANOVA. The results confirmed the consensus about the positive correlation of competence and the negative correlation of apprehension to WTC. The most powerful predictor of WTC was communication with the native teacher and the second was prohibition of L1. There were partial statistical differences of WTC, Frequency of Communicative Behavior, and Self-Perceived Communicative Competence according to the age of onset, the amount of studying, and the length of stay in English speaking countries.
        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Foreign language education has so far put emphasis on the so-called communicative and cultural objective where learners communicate with native speakers in the foreign languages they have learned and then understand and execute the native speakers’ cultures. However, the modern society, which has rapidly become a global village with the development of the means of communication, expects foreign language education to play a new role. This new role is taking into account not only the practical aspect of the communication, but also the educational goal of cultivating the ability to properly understand others’ culture and hold a critical attitude toward one’s own culture. The intercultural approach is emerging as a new approach that enables foreign language education to achieve this goal. 2007 Amended Curriculum and 2009 Amended Curriculum used the term, “intercultural”, but did not specifically state it, and thus it was little reflected in the textbooks. As a method of practically resolving this problem, we made an intercultural teaching plan by utilizing the cultural contents in the current textbooks.
        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird versucht, die Anwendungsmöglichkeit der Begriffe ‘emotionale Intelligenz’ von Daniel Goleman im deutschen Kulturunterricht zu erläutern. Der Begriff ‘emotionale Intelligenz’ wird fünf Ebenen untergeordnet: i) die eigenen Emotionen kennen, ii) Emotionen beeinflussen, iii) Empathie, iv) Emotionen in die Tat umsetzen, v) Umgang mit Beziehung. Heutzutage ist die Kultur im Deutsch als Fremdsprache einen wichtigen Lernstoff. Die Kultur kann nicht nur kognitive Ebene sondern auch affektive Ebene beeinflussen. In dieser Arbeit wird aber sie sich auf das affektive Lernen konzentriert. Um die Affektivität der Lernenden im Kulturunterricht zu entwickeln, kann der Begriff ‘emitionale Intelligenz’mit vier Lernverfahren kombiniert werden: die Zusammenarbeit für Wahrnehmung von Emotionen, der Rollspiel für Nutzung von Emotionen, das Lesen für Verstehen von Emotionen und das Sehen für Beeinflussung von Emotionen. Je nach Lernverfahren können die verschiedenen affektiven Ebenen der Lernenden sich darin progressiv entfalten und daher können die Lernenden innerlich stark motivert werden.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the test scores and student responses about placement in the General Education English Program by level and major. Using composite scores of College Scholastic Ability Test for English (CSAT) and the in-house speaking test (SEPT), the study placed students into four levels (2–5). It also categorized 1,847 students into three groups: Humanities and Social Science (HS), Business Administration and Law (BL), and Science and Engineering (SE). Higher levels showed significant differences in oral proficiency while having similar results on the CSAT. Lower levels attained similar scores on the SEPT but represented a vast range of CSAT scores. Participants across all levels understood the purpose of the placement test, perceived the content of the SEPT as appropriate, and positively responded toward the accuracy of placement. HS and BL scored higher on the test than SE, confirming the contrast between engineering and non-engineering majors. HS, however, showed more positive evaluation on the accuracy of placement than BL and SE. Across groups and levels, all participants opposed exclusively using CSAT in course placement. This study discusses utilizing data by various variables to enhance differentiated instruction and to meet unique needs of students at all levels with different majors; it also addresses using CSAT scores as the exclusive criterion.
        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Face aux realia coréennes, les traducteurs littéraires recourent à deux grands types de stratégies : celles qui visent à préserver l’identité culturelle du terme d’origine (en en explicitant le sens) et celles qui favorisent le sens : stratégies de substitution. Si la substitution par une périphrase explicative alourdit souvent le texte, le recours à un terme hyperonymique ou à une définition concise se révèle idoine lorsque la realia ne fait office que de toile de fond. La stratégie acclimatisante consistant à suppléer à une realia de la langue-culture source une entité de la langue-culture cible (ou d’une langue-culture tierce plus familière au lectorat francophone, notamment japonaise) de fonction analogue gomme non seulement l’identité culturelle du terme d’origine, mais lui en confère même une autre. Lorsque la realia occupe une place centrale et qu’elle est récurrente sur le plan infratextuel et/ou intertextuel, la stratégie du maintien assorti d’une explicitation du sens se justifie et permet de conserver la couleur locale du texte source et la realia coréenne maintenue pourra ainsi un jour enrichir la langue française.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the effect of implementing the literature circle activities which integrated journal writing practices on college L2 learners’ writing development and their perceptions on integrating literature circle activity in an academic writing classroom. Students’ writing development was measured focusing on complexity, accuracy, and fluency (CAF) through the paired t-test and writing proficiency test In both computer-based analysis and manual analysis, the results showed that there were statistically significant improvements in the participants’ lexical diversity and variation, in such measures as the number of diverse words, type/token ratio, and lexical variation. In the syntactic complexity, in the use of complex nominal phrases per T-unit, complex nominal clauses per clause, coordinate phrases per T-unit and clause per T-unit, statistically significant results were found. All three measures of accuracy showed statistically significant improvement. The participants’ fluency were also found to be improved with statistically significant results. Regarding participants’ perceptions on the journal writing practices and discussion for literature circle activity, over 75% of students positively responded in a questionnaire survey. The results suggest that integration of literature reading and writing can positively influence on L2 learners’ writing development.
        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Foreign language education in Korea commenced from the period of the Three Kingdoms. During this period, which lasted until 7th - 8th century AD, the Kingdom’s close relationship with China prompted Chinese language education. Similarly, interaction with Japan started the education of Japanese language. Education during this period was reserved for the children of the upper class. From the end of the Three Kingdoms era until the early 19th century, education of four languages including Mongolian and Manchurian, as well as Chinese and Japanese took place. A government agency, Sa Yeok Won, trained translators during this time. Education of English, German, French and Russian languages started from the end of the 19th century, because the newly formed diplomatic relationships with these countries required the knowledge of their languages for communication. That was the beginning of the modern-style public education, which the foreign language education in the 20th century was based on. Currently, foreign language education takes place in high schools and universities. In high schools, the first foreign language is English, while the second foreign languages offered are Japanese, Chinese, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Vietnamese and Classical Chinese characters. Universities offer both compulsory and elective courses on foreign languages. In addition to the languages taught in high schools, African and Southeast Asian languages are available for students to study in university.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study uses a sentence recall task to investigate syntactic priming effects in English prepositional object dative (PO) or double-object dative (DO) structures by Korean speakers of L2 English. The purposes were (1) to determine whether syntactic priming occurs during L2 production, and if it does, then to determine how it affects the subsequent utterance of target structures; and (2) to determine whether syntactic priming during production is lexically specific or independent. Thirty-two sets of target-prime sentences were developed using 12 dative alternating verbs, creating DO-DO, DO-PO, PO-DO, PO-PO target-prime pairs. Syntactic priming effects occurred with the PO priming irrespective of targets (whether DO or PO) but only when the verb used in the prime was the same as the verb used in the target. The results suggest that lexical dependency of syntactic knowledge during L2 production does not accord with the lemma stratum model. A pedagogical implication of successful learning of lexical entries is discussed.
        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to investigate the availability of the head direction parameter to Korean learners of English to find out how learners learn the head direction of English phrases in the EFL classroom. 95 intermediate and beginner students in their first year of middle school in Korea completed production and comprehension tasks. The results showed that the head final strategy is used more often than other interlanguage strategies when the head initial strategy is not available, which tends to show that the head parameter is reset through L1 values. In addition, the production task also proved that the acquisition of the VP head direction is accompanied by the acquisition of the NP, PP and AP head directions. In contrast, the participants showed a strong tendency of applying the head final strategy in translating English sentences in comprehension tasks. One possible explanation for this discrepancy between the production and comprehension tasks is that the interference of the Korean head final structure lets students decide the noun before the head is the compliment of the head. The pedagogical implication drawn from this study is that the head direction should be taught to beginners particularly in communicative classrooms