
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 563

        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since there are intimate relationships between customers and customer equity, this study aims to explore the effects of covert and overt narcissistic consumers on luxury brands’ customer equity. The authors confirm the significance of the previous qualitative study on the two types of narcissists in regard to luxury consumption and customer equity by using quantitative methods. Narcissism basically means a self-loving tendency in one’s mind. People with narcissism overly respect themselves and act in an egotistical way(Lasch, 1980). Some scholars state that there are distinctions in narcissists in that they can be either overt or covert. Covert narcissists are hypersensitive, feel inferiority, pursue social power and honor, crave compliments, have strong jealousy, feel dissatisfaction with work and society, have fragile egos, and a likelihood of conscience contamination. People with covert narcissism also try to avoid damage both physically and emotionally. Overt narcissists pursue social success, lack depth, ignore and devalue others, have strong aspirations, and passion for ethics, social politics, and aesthetic issues. They believe in their own grandiosity, which causes direct expression of exhibitionism, self-importance, and a preoccupation with getting the attention and admiration from others(Hendin & Cheek, 1997; Park & Kang, 2013; SALMAN AKHTAR & Thomson Jr, 1982).
        2016.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to examine whether overall English proficiency influences the relative predictive power of reading fluency and listening comprehension abilities in explaining the reading comprehension of Korean EFL learners within the simple view of reading framework, when the age factor is controlled for. One hundred sixteen eleventh-grade Korean high school students consisting of two highly distinct groups in general English proficiency―55 Most Highly Capable Students (MHCS) and 61 Capable Students (CS)―were tested on measures of reading fluency, vocabulary knowledge, listening comprehension, and reading comprehension. The findings indicated that reading fluency and listening comprehension abilities were significantly related to the reading comprehension of both MHCS and CS groups. However, the results from a series of hierarchical regression analyses revealed that while listening comprehension was a stronger predictor of reading comprehension of the MHCS group, it was reading fluency that explained more variance in comprehension of the CS group. Implications for reading instructions are discussed.
        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The antioxidant capacities, total phenolic contents (TPC), and total quercetin contents (TQC) of a red (Chenjujuck), a yellow (Sunpower), and a white (Grasier) onion cultivar were determined in this study. Onion was separated into edible portion and dry skin. In the case of edible portion, the yellow onion had the highest antioxidant activity, followed by the red onion. The white onion showed neither antioxidant activity nor quercetin compounds. On the other hand, the dry skin of the red onion showed higher antioxidant activity than yellow onion skin. The white onion skin had slight antioxidant activity, low TPC, and no quercetin compounds. In addition, the flavonoid compounds of the edible portion and dry skins of these colored onions were analyzed by UFLC(ultra-fast liquid chromatography). The major compounds were quercetin 3,4-diglucoside and quercetin 4- glucoside in yellow and red onion edible portion, whereas the major compounds in yellow and red onion skins were quercetin 4- glucoside, quercetin, and quercetin 3,4-diglucoside.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study explored the factors that lead college-level EFL adult learners to participate productively in speaking in a Content Based Instruction (CBI) course. Having investigated how the classroom tasks and environments scaffolded the learners to participate, the study considered factors for motivating students to engage in classroom discussion in spontaneous, voluntary speaking. The findings of this study are discussed through a sociocultural approach. Based on an analysis of the classroom observation and interview data, the study suggests that scaffolding devices and classroom environment play a significant role in encouraging and promoting output performance. The study suggests that four types of scaffolding should be available for a CBI course to facilitate participation in a spontaneous speaking mode: clear guidelines for comprehension and participation; tasks appropriate for the learners’ cognitive and linguistic level; an emotionally supportive environment formed by rapport among classmates; and instructional aids to increase motivation and willingness to participate.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 에치고츠마리 마을을 대상으로 농촌마을에 당대예술을 도입함으로서 활성화 되어지는 과정과 그 결과를 다룬 것이다. 대상지의 고찰과 당대예술의 도입 계기, 마을의 경관요소, 예술제의 계획, 자원의 활용, 예술 도입 후 성과에 대한 데이터를 분석하여 예술이 농촌마을의 발전에 미친 영향과 지속적인 발전 가능성을 규명하였다. 연구를 통해 당대예술을 이용한 농촌경관의 변화가 농촌마을 활성화에 도움이 되는 것으로 나타났으며 자연 및 예술의 조화에도 영 향을 주는 것으로 파악되었다. 논문은 연구의 목적과 배경, 연구의 대상과 방법, 일본 마을의 경관요소 및 에치고츠마리의 분석, 예술제의 계획 및 자원 이용의 상황에 대한 고찰 그리고 연구 결과로 구성되었다. 연구결과 당대예술의 도입이 에치고츠마리 마을에 미친 좋은 영향은 첫째, 경제적인 수익을 높였으며 둘째, 인구 구조가 변화되면서 전통적인 단일 농경구조가 바뀌었고 셋째, 농민들의 생활방식이 변화되어 새로운 문화가치를 형성했으며 예술제가 에치고츠마리의 새로운 문화의 상징이 되었다. 넷째, 마을의 거주환경, 교통, 공공시설 등 생활환경 등이 개선되었으며 다섯째, 마을의 경관요소 및 공간속성에 변화를 가져왔다. 또한 예술 도입을 통해 에치고츠마리 마을이 다시 활성화 된 사례는 최근 사회적으로 문제되는 농촌마을의 발전에 도움을 줄 수 있을 것이다.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        농진청에서 수행하고 있는 아프리카 국제협력프로그램인KAFACI 사업의 일환으로 우간다 등 8개국에 ‘통일형 다수성벼 품종개발’ 사업을 추진하고 있다. 이를 위해 아프리카에서정상적인 생육과 수량을 나타내는 다수성 통일형 품종인 밀양23호와 아프리카의 재래종인 O. glaberrima를 이용하여 밀양23호의 유전적배경을 보유한 근동질 계통인 BC4F1을 육성하고, 약배양을 통해 유전적 고정계통을 육성하였다. 이 중 50개계통을 우간다에서 생물검정을 실시한 결과, 아프리카에서 문제시되는 Yellow Mottle Virus (RYMV), Bacterial LeafStreak(BLS), 흰잎마름병 및 도열병에 복합저항성인 계통으로판명되었다. 특히 RYMV에 대한 저항성은 저항성원이 결여되어 있는 병으로 본 연구를 통해 육성한 계통들은 향후 아프리카에 적응하는 내병성 다수성 품종개발에 유용한 재료를 활용 될 것으로 생각된다.
        2015.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Medical mushroom, Phellinus linteus and Phellinus baumii called as “Sanghwang” have cultivated in Korea. PL has been studied extensively for its extraordinary capacity of suppressing cancer or enhancing body immunity. The mycelial materials of PL have mainly been used as research samples worldwide because fruiting bodies was difficult to be artificially cultivated. Alternatively, P. baumii (variety, ‘Jangsu’) have been cultivated in Korea. However, fruiting body morphology of P. baumii is clearly different to that of PL. Generally, Phellinus spp. including P. linteus slowly grow on artificial medium such as Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). In contrast, P. baumii strains were rapidly grown on the artificial media when compared to other Phellinus spp. and thus it was considerable that its mycelial growing ability can be acted as a factor for producing fruiting bodies. This study aimed to find Phellinus isolates having high mycelial growth rate. Five Phellinus isolates that show rapid growth rate on YGM medium were selected from 36 Phellinus isolates collected in Korea. They were identified on nucleotide sequences of rDNA-ITS region. Phellinus linteus strain and Phellinus spp. showing mycelial growth rate comparing to P. baumii were characterized on cultural and bioactive characteristics (antioxidant activity and immune activation).
        2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The intradermal test (IDT) has been developed for confirming diagnosis of canine atopic dermatitis (CAD). Prior to performing IDT, rapid immunoassay (Allercept E-screen 2nd generation; ES2G) can detect allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies in canine serum. The objective of this study was to evaluate agreement between IDT and immunoassay in diagnosis of CAD in domestic atopic dogs. Forty dogs were diagnosed with CAD in accordance with Favrot’s criteria. Intradermal testing was performed using 39 selected allergens. ES2G detected IgE antibodies specific for three allergen groups, including indoor allergens, grasses and weeds, and trees. Among 19 dogs diagnosed by IDT, the highest positivity was observed in house dust mites, followed by molds, epidermis and inhalants, house dust, and weeds. A total of 28 atopic dogs were evaluated by rapid ES2G immunoassay. Indoor allergens showed the strongest positive reaction, followed by grasses/weeds and trees. IDT and ES2G were performed concurrently in 17 dogs. The results of ES2G showed slight agreement with those of IDT. Level of agreement was highest for indoor allergens, which showed a predictive positive value of 100% in ES2G. These results indicate that a rapid immunoassay may be valuable for predicting the results of IDT in atopic dogs sensitized to indoor allergens.
        2015.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In establishing and overseeing ASIAPARC Federation in March of 2016 in Jeju Island Korea, it will be essential for us to learn aspiration, network, purpose, values, goals and strategies from 42 years experiences of EUROPARC Federation as our partnership organization such as practicing exchange programs and joint conferences. We also believe we can add one more principle, ‘Initiating Island Resilience’, into the three principles of the Jeju Declaration of 1) Scaling up Conservation, 2) Nature-based Solutions, and 3) Sustainability in Action through the opening of a "Green Growth Organization" of the Jeju Declaration of WCC 2012.