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        검색결과 360

        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Seed storage proteins of different solubility were extracted and denatured subunits of each protein were evaluated with malting barley quality parameters. Its been known that each subunit of seed storage protein encoded by each gene and subunit profiles were highly related to end-use quality in cereals. The purpose of this study is to provide selection criteria for high quality malting barleys with aid of bichemical-genetic information. Total 13 regional test lines and three locations (Naju, Jinju, and Jeju) were incorporated in this study. Albumin and hordein were extracted, denatured, and separated in 12% SDS-PAGE. Presence and absence of subunits of each protein were scored. Dendrogram (using XLSTAT program) was constructed to evaluated the relatedness of lines. The correlation between band profiles and quality test were assessed through Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (AHC) for statistics analysis. Hordein subunits can be classified into four groups, A, B, C, and D group. In general, hordein fractions contribute higher than albumine to determine malting quality. Specific molecular weight ranges (97.4-31.0, 66.2-31.0, and 45.0-31.0 kDa) of subunits were highly correlated with malting barley quality parameters. The subunit information would be directly incorporated in providing selection criteria for high quality malting barley in the malting barley breeding program.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Pectin, one of the main components of plant cell wall, is deesterified in muro by PME (Pectin methylesterase). PME activity is particularly regulated by inhibitor proteins known as the pectin methylesterase inhibitor (PMEI). The PMEI plays a key role in wounding, osmotic stress, senescence and seed development. However, the role of PMEI in plant species still remains to be demonstrated especially in wheat. To facilitate the studies on the expression of the TaPMEI gene, RT-PCR was performed using leaf, stem and root tissues in response to exogeneous application of phytohormones and abiotic stress treatments. Transcription of the TaPMEI gene was significantly induced in NaCl, H2O2 and SA treatments, and reduced when plants were treated with ABA. To elucidate the subcellular localization of the TaPMEI protein, TaPMEI:GFP fusion construct was transformed into onion epidermal cells by particle bombardment. The fluorescence signal was exclusively detected in cell wall of the cells. In order to obtain recombinant TaPMEI protein, the TaPMEI protein, expressed in E.coli as a MBP (~42.5 kDa) fusion protein recombinant. Purification and functinal analysis of TaPMEI as an inhibitor of PME activity are described.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Most vacuolar proteins are synthesized on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) as a proprotein precursor and then transported to vacuoles. In vacuoles, they are converted into the respective mature form. TaVPE1 and TaVPE2 were isolated from the cDNA library that was prepared from the wheat kernels at 16 and 18 days after fertilization (DAF). Additionally, putative TaVPEs (TaVPE3, TaVPE4) were isolated by inverse PCR (IPCR) using GrainGenes database. Each open reading frame (ORF) encodes 495, 497, 495, 456 amino acids, respectively. TaVPEs were closely related in respect to peptide comparisons and their sequence homologies were ranged from 84% to 93%. The TaVPE genes showed various expression patterns in response to exogenous treatment of phytohormones. The transcript of TaVPE1 was detected slightly and steadily after exposure to all phytohormones and the accumulation of TaVPE2 transcript was increased from 24 hours in NaCl treatment. The transcript of TaVPE3 was increased from 48 hours in response to H2O2 and decreased after exogenous application of ABA and salicylic acid. In case of TaVPE4, the transcript of TaVPE4 were weakly detected all time points of each phytohormone treatment.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        It was previously pointed out that mutation is the ultimate source of variation. Adequate variation is needed for plant breeding if there is a limitation in natural genetic resources. When the ionizing radiation has been known to cause chromosomal and genomic alternations, it is widely used for inducing mutagenesis. The electron beam as an ionizing radiation is the principal physical mutagens that induces mutation and effectively used in plant breeding. Since dose-response relationships of electron beam in plant species are rarely known, we investigated the seed germination rate and early seedling growth of irradiated seeds of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis palustris Huds., cv Penn-A1) with various electron beam irradiating conditions (1, 1.3, 2 MeV at both 0.03 mA and 0.06 mA with dose of 100 Gy (Gray) and 0.03, 1, 1.3, 2 MeV at 0.03 mA with dose of 200 Gy, respectively) using electron accelerator at Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute. The growth parameters in terms of shoot length, primary root length, and secondary root length showed similar response between 0.06 / 1 (mA / MeV) at 100 Gy and 0.03 / 0.3 (mA / MeV) at 200 Gy. Bentgrass seed germination was mainly affected by the intensity of irradiated dose (Gray). Germination rate was lowered as the irradiated dose increased. On the other hand, early seedling growth was mainly governed not by the dose of radiation but by voltage.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        "Samkwangbyeo" is a new japonica rice variety developed and registered by the rice breeding team of National Institute of Crop Science, RDA in 2003, which was derived from a cross between good quality, high yielding line Suweon361 and a disease resistant line Milyangl01. This variety has about 129 days duration from seeding to heading in central lowland and mid-mountainous areas. It is about 87 cm in culm length and moderately tolerant to lodging. It has also erect pubescent leaf blade and slightly tough culm with good canopy architecture. Samkwangbyeo has the same number of tillers per hill and spikelets per panicle as those of Ilpumbyeo. It shows less sensitivity to premature heading by lately transplanting of 50-day old seedlings. It is slightly less tolerant to cold stress in terms of both heading delay and spikelet fertility than those of Ilpumbyeo. It shows delayed leaf senescence and considerable tolerance to viviparous germination at ripening stage. It shows moderate resistance to leaf blast, bacterial blight, and stripe virus, but susceptibility to insect pests. The milled rice of Samkwangbyeo exhibits translucent, relatively clear non-glutinous endosperm and medium short grain. It has similar amylose content of 18.3% and similar gelatinization temperature, and good palatability of cooked rice compared to Ilpumbyeo. The milled rice yield of Samkwangbyeo is about 5.69 MT/ha at ordinary culture in local adaptability test for three years. Samkwangbyeo would be highly adaptable to central lowland and mid-southern mountainous areas of Korea.
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